13 Little Mutt

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"Where is she!" A very familiar voice broke through my ears.

"Crap," I heard Emerald mumbled, before looking around at an exit, she snarled when she saw the exit, on the other side of the club, we would have to pass the very scary alpha before going there. Looking around, she pulled me even closer to her, grabbing me tight. She mumbled a few words under her breath before a similar light green smoke surrounded us, creating a bubble. Closing my eyes, I reopened them to see that I was behind the bar outside. I could hear Graysons shouting from inside.

"You're a witch," I spoke, my head still burning from the alcohol.

She sighed before pressing a palm to my head. The effects of the alcohol draining away from me as she mumbled a few words under her breath. "We need to get out of here. I'll explain later," She begged me with her eyes. "Do you trust me?" I nodded. "Thank you." The gratification was clear in her eyes. "Let's go,"

She grabbed my hand, running away from the bar quicker than ever. "Teleport us again!" I called out.


Emerald froze in her place. I looked back to the door, leading to the outside of the club.

The back door clung desperately to its hinges when a familiar man slammed it open, I automatically felt his dreamy eyes dart to me and swarm every part of my body, not missing an inch. "Emerald..." I whispered.

"He's going to rip me apart, " she whispered, looking straight to the leaves below her. With the murderous look in his eyes, she was probably right.

"Dawn" his luscious voice filled my mind.

"Emerald run," I mumbled as I kept eye contact with my mate. I felt her shaking, though I kept a firm grip of her hand, my head held high.

His pitch-black eyes enchanted my whole body "You let that disgrace of a man touch you, everywhere " he growled.

"I know," I smiled. "Wasn't it just delightful?" I spoke, a sick smile on my face. I felt my arm pulse. More specifically, I felt my witches mark pulse. The witch wanted me. She wanted to cash in her favour.

"You're desperate attempt to gain my attention is unattractive, love." His famous scowl formed onto his face.

"Who said I was looking to attract you?" I walked towards him, letting go of Emeralds cold hand in hope to distract Grayson long enough to let Emerald run. "I would've let that man fuck me if Emerald hadn't intervened."

I hadn't seen his eyes darker. He wanted to kill me. He probably would, my witches mark began to pulse more. "You pathetic human,"

"You insecure little rich dog-"

"Your parents didn't want you did they? That's why a useless human like you is here with our kind. You will never be Luna, you are a child. And you most certainly would never be my mate." His eyes pierced into mine. Fury blazed through my system, inside the deepest pit in my stomach. There was a spark

"You little-!" Emerald shouted.

"Say another word Emerald and you will live the same fate as your mother" Grayson announced, she instantly closed her mouth. My heart smashed into a million, tiny pieces.

"You don't get to say that," I whimpered "I'm glad my parents gave me away." He rolled his eyes and muttered something and grabbed my wrist, I tugged it away. I clicked my tongue, looking I'm up and down. "You're such a jealous little dog-" I spat. My sadness quickly forming into anger, my fists clenching. "Just because I wanted to fuck someone else-"

Hands formed around my neck, tightly squeezing. "Don't you dare speak about another male that way. You are mine. Do you understand?" His jaw clenched.

"You're a dramatic little mutt," I spat. "Go be a good dog and fetch Ryan for me, the one who I was dancing with," I had no clue what his name was. His hand tightened around my neck. I placed my hands on his chest, leaning in closer, our noses inches apart. "Good doggy," I whispered, my airways finally closing off. Blinking once, twice, he finally released me

"I'm going to punish you so hard." His eyes lowering to the hickeys on my neck.

"It's hilarious how you think I'm yours to punish,"

"Emerald, you can make your own way home," he said in a monotone voice, leading me to a limo.

"I will also make my own way home" I crossed my arms over my chest, pushing my breasts up.

His jaw clenched, his eyes focused on keeping eye contact with me. "What?" he asked a bored expression forced the way onto his face.

"I will make my own way home, are you deaf?" I rolled my eyes

"You're not in the right state.' He stated coldly.

"Oh don't act like you care about me now" I spat "Or do you actually care about what happens to this pathetic human?" I quickly added.

"You're right, I don't care" and with that, he slammed the door and left me in my tiny dress in the middle of the cold night, all alone.

Stunned that he actually left, I considered walking back into the club, though I decided against it and stared at my contacts, I first called Emerald, no answer. Then Franky

"Hey, " he mumbled sleepily,

"I'm sorry that I woke you,"I bit my lip.

"It's fine what up Shards?" It always makes me smile when he calls me Shards, my last name is so unusual.

"Why do you always call me by my last name?" I asked.

"Because it's boring to call you what everyone else calls you," He groaned sleepily into the phone.

"Oh, okay. Please, can you pick me up"

"What? Where are you?" He asked I heard shuffling on the other side of the phone.

"I don't know, this club in the village town"

"You're in the club? Why? Do you know how many creeps are in that area? Vampires are always lurking over there! And it's so late! I'm on my way, I'll be 5 minutes."

"Thank you, Franky, I need to tell you what happened, can you please bring me some clothes," I added sweetly

"You're naked?" He screamed down the phone. I could hear a door slamming

"Well, I might as well be"I laughed and sat down on the pavement.


I saw his car driving a million miles an hour down the empty road and stopped directly in front of the freezing body. I instantly crawled into the car and jumped into Franky's lap hugging him.
"I was so scared, you're so warm," I think he was the first man that didn't look at my legs or boobs when he first saw me, he just laughed and rubbed his arms on me, trying to warm me up. I stayed curled up in his lap until I was at a suitable temperature and eventually climbed over to my own seat, hitting my head in the process.

"I brought you my jumper," he said, putting it over my head, it reached mid-thigh and I had to roll the arms up multiple times to get it to reach my hand, it was the warmest thing I've ever had, and with the soft purr of the engine and with the quiet music humming in my ears, I fell asleep after a very tiring night, trying to forget about my throbbing witches mark and the magic that twinkled within my veins.

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