35 Horny Pups

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Walking into the meeting room, I straightened my back, held my head high and forced the lustful memories of last night from my brain.
As I opened the doors, I saw the 4 boys sat down, drinking their water. Instantly, I recognized Alpha Enzo and Alex, they were leaders of the Salutem pack, I had saved their Luna.

"Hello!" I smiled and shook both of their hands.

"It's nice to see you again Luna Dawn," Alex politely smiled back. I would tell them to call me by my first name, though I liked the title.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Luna," Enzo spoke, his tone was extremely professional, not an inch of emotion hidden within it.

"Thank you for meeting with us Luna, I am Ryan and this is the fourth in command Callum." The blonde one gave me a tight smile.

"Hey Dawn," Callum smiled, his eyes fixed onto my long legs.

"I'm sorry about him Luna," Ryan looked at him, probably mind linking him.

"Call me Luna," I muttered lowly at Callum. I walked past him and we all sat down. "So, what have you come to my pack to talk about?" I bit my cheek, agitated by the gazes from Callum. When is Grayson getting here again?

"Well, we have come to ask if we could increase the amount of protection at your West wall. As you know it's connected to the human town and my mate lives within that town and, well you would know because you saved her. But there is an increasing amount of rogue vampires within that area." Enzo stated, sitting up straighter."I also wanted to thank you for helping my mate,"

" Well, I'm sure that can be arranged," I felt a leg tapping mine under the table and I knew it was Callum. "And it was no problem,". I pulled towards the mating bond, feeling a small tug back, I knew Grayson would be here within moments.

"May I ask why Alpha Grayson isn't here? He must put a lot of trust within his human girl if he let you attend a meeting with 4 men by yourself," Callum spoke he had propped his head onto the table, using his elbow. I looked at him, tilting my head to the side. As I opened my mouth, Callum spoke before me "Did you cut your hair like that on purpose?" He asked, looking at my hair, it was in an awkward growing stage where it was a little longer than my ears. I had grown to like it, it made fighting easier.

"No," I said sharply. Deciding to humour him.

He gave a low whistle, "That's rough, wanna give the name of your hairdresser and I'll go teach her a lesson?" He asked, playfulness hidden in his voice.

"Alpha Enzo, are all of your pups this disrespectful?" I asked, turning to the Alpha, his claws were digging through his skin, etching into my table, his gaze burning into Callum

"I just have one question that has been burning on my mind since I've been here," He smirked. I heard an Alpha Enzo growl on the chair beside me, I was sitting at the head of the table. I put a handout, signalling Enzo to stop growling, hesitantly, he obeyed. Although I saw that he didn't like me giving him orders."Go ahead," I replied. I needed to stay in good favour with this pack.

"Did Grayson actually sleep with 1000 wolves when you were in a coma?" He asked, genuinely curious.

"Callum!" I heard Alex raise his voice. He's the only one I really like out of these 4.

Closing my eyes, my hands curled into fists. "You will call my mate by his title. Alpha Grayson, Show some fucking respect."

"Sorry, must've hit a nerve," He laughed it off. "I would never do that to such a beautiful-" I interrupted him by standing up, so quickly, it almost knocked my chair over, with a flick of my hands, he was on the other side of the room. His back hit the wall with a pleasant smack.

A small smile etched onto my face, I was struggling to keep my composure. "I will walk him out." Enzo's third in command spoke, walking to Callums collapsed body. Grayson walked into the room, his eyebrow raised at the man limping out.

"You will not set foot in my pack again," I spoke, my voice leaking power as I gaze burnt through Callum's head. He gave a weak nod before being pulled away. Grayson walked behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, suddenly, I couldn't keep the thoughts of last night out of my head, I was calm again.

I placed my hands over Graysons and looked towards the alpha and his second in command. "Will Salutem Pack fight aside Timor pack in battle?" I spoke,

Enzo gave a firm nod. Obviously unimpressed by how I had threatened his pack member. "I would've liked to be the one who had punished my wolves, witch."

"Be careful how you address my Luna." Grayson's chest vibrating my back.

The tension within the room nearly chocked me. "We will send more guards to the west wall, if that is all you require, I will leave you with my mate to talk numbers," Enzo, once again, gave me a sharp nod.

"Thank you, Luna Dawn," Alex spoke.

I gave him a pleasant smile, shaking his hand. "Please, leave your horny pups in your pack next time," I smiled, Alex gave a small laugh, then I turned around, kissing my mates cheek and leaving the meeting room.


"Wait, stop, she's waking up," A voice whispered as I opened my eyes. I woke up to see a chair above me, staring back at me, once I sat up and moved the chair off of me, many objects like books or pens and even a vacuum cleaner fell off of me.

"What the hell?" I asked, looking at Grayson, Emerald and Franky.

"Franky lost! He put the TV on you and you woke up!" Emerald laughed. I rolled my eyes as I saw Grayson chuckling in the corner of my eye.

"You guys are horrible! Just let me sleep," I groaned as I heard the ending music of The Breakfast Club film. Both Emerald and I used our magic to force the heavy objects off of me.

"You love us," Emerald smirked. My stomach dropped when I saw Emerald magic, the same green mist that had occurred within my dream when I saw Grayson with those women.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes playfully. The magic was uncanny. It was definitely hers. She's Coralinas, daughter.

Getting up, I wandered over to Grayson, before settling next to him, Franky put a random film on, wrapping an arm around Emerald, it was nice, it was nice to pretend that there wasn't a war around the corner. 

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