23 Magicians

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Opening my eyes, I first saw Emerald talking to a man, were my eyes deceiving me, or did he have pointy ears? Looking more around the room, I realized it was Graysons, Grayson and Franky were quietly talking in the corner of the room, it seemed to be a tense conversation.

Closing my eyes again, I fell into a well-deserved rest.

Awaking, I refused to sit up, I knew it would hurt too much. "Em?" I tried to speak, but I couldn't, my hands went to my throat, I felt a bandage around it. Emerald, Franky were at my side at once, Grayson stayed behind them, observing me from a distance.

"Don't speak. You will hurt your throat. It will get better, in a few hours. The healer will be back by then." She spoke softly, sharing a worried gaze with Franky.

"You're okay, everything's healing just as expected and with the amount of healing magic you have in you, you won't feel anything," Franky smiled, grabbing a cold glass of water as I sat up. He was right, I didn't feel anything. Gazing at my body, I saw that I was covered in bandages.

As soon as the cold water hit my lips, I let the water soothe my throat, though it hurt a little when I gulped it down. Franky looked at me, disappointed, "Why did you tell me you were a wit-"

"Later," Grayson grumbled, concern etched into his eyes, still leaning against the wall, giving Franky a stern look.

Emerald smiled, "You killed a vampire, Dawn. That's so badass!" She shrieked, laughing a little.

"He nearly sucked me dry," I spoke, my throat drying again. I gulped more water down. Another growl emitted from Grayson.

"Still badass," Emerald commented.

"You think anything's badass, your opinion doesn't count," Franky rolled his eyes playfully at Emerald.

Emerald hit Franky, "I do not!" She cried.

Grayson growled once more"I let you stay so you could stitch up Dawn's cuts, and teleport her here. Don't overstep your mark, omega," I furrowed my eyes, so Grayson knew Emerald was a witch, and he did nothing about it?

Taking a sip of my water, I spoke, "Emerald has a name. Use it." Picking up the closest thing to me, which was a roll of bandages, I threw them across the room, pain flying up my arm. "Go fetch, dog, and leave us the hell alone," The pain in my arm was worth it as I saw Grayson's jaw clench. Emerald's jaw fell open, whereas Franky was barely able to keep in a snigger.

With no other words. Grayson left the room. I tried not to let my surprise that he actually left the room show on my face. Franky quickly left after him.

Emerald and I made small talk before I decided to ask. "Did you know I was a witch from the start?" I asked. From her guilty expression, I found my answer.

"I'm -"

"I don't want your apology." I interrupted her. "Tell me about my powers," I spoke, leaning my head against the bed. It took all of my body strength to not dig my head into the sheets and smell them, Grayson was lying here only last night.

"Well," Her voice was shaky, "Your mist was blue, a-and your eyes have turned a bright blue, that means your power is water," She licked her lips, fiddling with her fingers, "You must be a relative from one of the original witches, no other witches have that much power, not enough to burn someone alive." She spoke, I slowly began moving all of my body, letting the bones crack slowly, still listening to her. "It's powerful because it includes boiling water, steam and ice. Whereas normal witches have a singular, specific power, l-like talking to animals," She sighed and sank to the floor, "I won't get into the history of all witches. To keep it simple, there were 4 witches, birthed from the devil-" She shivered, drawing a picture in the satin sheets, stained with my blood, "- fire, water, earth, wind," She spoke as if it was rehearsed.

"This was thousands and thousands of years ago. They went on to have children, creating witches with smaller, more specific powers, like, 'all nature will die with one touch of my hand' power, or a 'forever healing' power, 'breathing underwater'... The lists infinite," There was a moment of silence. "My mother's power was poison, she had green mist. Like mine"

"What's your power?" I asked,

She looked into my eyes, hesitation dancing within them. "I can crawl into peoples minds. And of course teleport, it's all up here" She knocked her head with her knuckle. "Anyway, your mist is pure blue- you must be a great-great-great-granddaughter of the water witch." She quickly changed the subject. "When the water witch died. His power was contained in his body. Their bodies cannot decay. And the magic picks the next person in their bloodline to have it- I guess the magic chose you."

I nodded my head, remembering the day I touched the flower on the man's grave. River, their daughter's name had been. A shiver ran over my body as I tried not to dig too much into the information. "Are there any other witches with the fire, earth and wind powers?"

Emerald nodded her head. "They live far from here, in the Witches Cullen."

I sighed, far too tired to ask any questions about the Witches Cullen. "And the man with the pointy ears?"

"He was an elf, they all have magic, focussed on healing,"

"Elfs are real?" I whispered, looking into her eyes. Emerald smiled, nodding. Groaning, I rubbed my eyes, I could feel the magic settling in my veins, silently asking for sleep, I agreed, I was tired. As I slipped into a sleeping position, my mind wandered to the war that was coming closer every day. "Emerald," I called out to her, as she was walking towards the door. "I want to master my powers. So I can fight with them. Protect everyone with them. "

She nodded, "I'll speak to the alpha about it,"

Nodding, I could feel the magic pulling me into the dark slumber. I could hear the door opening, a chair scraping, my mate's scent was close to me, I could smell the mint.

Mint is my favourite scent.

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