32 Power

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"I'm sorry I'm late alpha, I had other matters to attend to" My brother strode into the room, bowing his head low. I did not expect him at the meeting, we both agreed that my father would debate with us, however, I felt a weight lifted from my chest when I laid my eyes on him. My old alpha dismissed him and he sat at the long table. Along with my old Alpha, Grayson and I.

I felt uneasy in my long, dark dress, it hugged my curves, before falling loose from my thighs to the floor. It had a plunging neckline, with short sleeves, though I knew I looked badass. My magic was bubbling with anticipation, this was the first meeting I had taken apart in, Grayson said he would let me do most of the talking, seeing as I knew both Simon and my brother well.

Hunter didn't look directly at me, keeping his gaze on Grayson, I felt like a ghost. "Where your other matters more important than your sister and I?" Grayson spoke, I hit him lightly with my knee, warning him to be quiet.

Hunters didn't acknowledge me. "I only have one sister. She is not in this room."

I felt a chord deep within myself crack. I felt that same coldness fill my stomach again, though I pushed it back down. Not here. "We have little time until the vampires declare war," I spoke clearly, loudly, assertively. "The Timor pack need allies."

The alpha of my old pack snorted, "you need allies-" He spoke, belittling me.

"Have you ever fought a vampire, Simon?" My eyes narrowed onto him, deliberately not calling him alpha, he no longer was my alpha, I made sure he knew that. "They are faster and stronger than us- it nearly tore me apart-"

"We know exactly how strong they are-"

"-Then you know that your pack cannot beat them alone. The vampires may attack here first, then you will need allies- you will need Timor's help-"

"I think you underestimate our pack, Grayson," This was the first time Hunter had spoke.

"Address me when you speak to me, brother," I raised my voice, bringing myself to look at him, hesitantly, his gaze fell to mine, "I think you forget that I lived in the Viribus pack. Your armies filled with wolves older than 1000, you think you can train all the pups in time for this war Hunter? You're not that good," Hunter narrowed his eyes onto me, a snarl evident on his face.

His knuckles were clenched as he looked at me with so much hatred, I felt like a piece of dirt on the floor. "I will not fight alongside a witch-"

"Your pride will result in your packs death," I spoke louder, overpowering him, I stood up, snarling. "I don't care if you like me." Lie. "I don't care if you want to tear me into pieces." Lie. "We can fight after this war is over. But now? We work together to fight for our wolves safety."

Hunters lip snapped shut, after a few seconds, Grayson placed his hand on my thigh, I sat back down in my set, forcing my magic down into my stomach. Simon and Hunter gazed towards each other. "We will consider it. I wish for you to leave my pack now. Your presence makes my wolves uncomfortable."

"As it should," My mate rose, I echoed his actions. He turned to Hunter, leaning over the table. "If you snarl at my Luna again I will rip out your tongue." He growled, low. "Do you understand?" Hunter nodded, leaning a little away from my mate. He stood up tall, though, Simon now blocked his path.

"How dare you speak to a Beta in training like that-" Simon tipped his head upwards, to meet Grayson's gaze, "You should keep your sluts at home-"

The next thing I knew, Grayson's hands were around Simons's neck, lifting him up, his growl vibrated the floor. "Grayson," I uttered, walking closer to him. Simons face white, his neck turning a light purple. "Grayson," I spoke, louder. Hunter stood from his chair, about to pounce onto my mate, I flicked my wrist, trapping Hunter in an icebox. He will never attempt to hurt my mate again.

"That's enough," I placed a hand onto Grayson's shoulder, hesitantly, he slowly put the man onto the floor, his entire face now a violet, he collapsed to the floor, gasping. Running my eyes over him, my magic told me he would be okay, Grayson hadn't permanently damaged him.

Don't make a scene,

I joked through the mate bond, grasping my mate's hand,

I'll make a goddamn scene if I want to,

 He replied as we walked from the room, my heels clicking on the floor, with another wave of my hand, Hunter's cage was shattered, and the doors closed behind us.


Grayson had walked back to the cottage, packing up, I had 20 minutes to speak to both Coralina and my mother. I found her wicked cottage instantly, her green smog practically lead me there. She was sitting on a bench outside, the first time I have seen her outside of her mansion. "I see you haven't completed your mission." She rolled her eyes. "You have one week. I'm getting bored," She sighed, taking a large bite of her apple.

"I've come here to debate with you."

"You cannot change the contact. You're indebted to me darling," She rolled her eyes as if she had spoken this a million times.

"I will kill you Coralina, in one week" My magic was itching to be used.

Coralina looked up at me, amusement written in her features. "we've been through this before Dawn,"

A smirk fluttered onto my face. "I-"

"Oh, sorry darling, I have to go, family emergency, I'm having dinner with my daughter you see." She took up, pulling her coat closer to her.

"You have a daughter?"

Her mouth fell open "Has my dear angel not told you? I thought you were close," She shook her head in silent laughter. "I thought you were smart enough to figure it out yourself darling," Her green smog shot from her hand. "Not look familiar?"

I looked further into it. Yes. Yes, it did. It looked like the smog that was in my dream- well nightmare. The one with Grayson and those women. Though that mist seemed clear. Though the similarities were uncanny. "Who's your daughter?" I spoke through gritted teeth. Desperate to know who had infiltrated my mind- displaying those images to me.

Coralina smiled. "Another time, maybe- and will you kill that stupid Alpha soon? Lifes getting boring here," She yawned, before disappearing into a mist of smog.

The smog had a glint of bright green to it, in the sun.

It was almost the colour of emerald.


Unwanted Human X AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now