07 Twenty-Three

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I could feel myself asleep, hear the things going on around me, hear the doctors talking, their scalpels tearing my skin, I could feel the blood pouring from my body. For what felt like an eternity. All I saw was darkness.

I was in a black void. What is happening? A surge of happiness flung through my body as I saw an emerald coloured dusk float through the air. It reminded me of Carolina's dark smog, but it was lighter, almost cleaner. The emerald dusk surrounded my feet, a witch is doing something to me, but it is not Carolina, it can not be, her smog is denser and dirtier, more corrupt.

"Open your eyes,"

A voice whispered into my ear, the words bounced around my head, making me dizzy. Although I did as the witch asked. Opening my eyes, I was in a room, a very fancy room. "Witch. I demand you to release me of this spell!" I shouted. "Witch!" I screamed once more, yet, nothing happened. The green dusk stayed at my feet.

Laughter came from the corridor. "Hello?" I shouted, the door opened, revealing Grayson interlocking lips with a girl, her top was already off when I tried to move, though the green dust stopped my moving. The pain took over me, just like the excruciating pain I felt at my pack when he kissed Belle in front of me. Though with every thrust of his body inside another, it felt as if I was being hit with 100 bricks all at once. "Witch release me! I have done nothing to you! Release me of this curse!" I screamed, falling to the ground, pain entering my entire body as I watched my mate sleep with another. "HELP!" I screamed once more. "Grayson! If this is some sick joke, please stop this," I cried. "Help me!" I tried to move, my feet stayed planted by the blanket of magic, trying to look anywhere but at my mate.

"Please," I whispered as I tried to close my eyes, it didn't work. I don't know what sick nightmare this is but I want to get out. What the hell is happening?

I couldn't control the pain, the heartbreak, the disgust, the tears, or the jealously. I wondered if this all was real. It felt real, the pain was defiently real.


I lay down on the ground, curled into a ball, the now thicker green dust was surrounding me, hugging me like a cocoon, trying to comfort my shaking body. I had counted 23 different women walking into my mate's room, finally, when the last, slim, tanned, perfect girl left the room, the dust broke away from me, I felt like a prisoner, finally released from my shackles.

I kept my eyes shut, terrified if I opened them again I wouldn't be able to escape.

After a few minutes, I opened my eyes, I wasn't in the bedroom anymore, my prays have been answered, I looked around me, I was in a hospital room, to my left is my sister and my family welcoming me with a hug. I didn't hug them back, I just sat there, I wasn't too sure if I wanted to be back in reality, after what I had seen. I took a step back from my family and looked my mate in the eye, he looked shocked.

"You've been in a coma for a month. You were dead," He stated, the same voice had grunted in my dreams, that body had been pressed against others.

"Am I here?" I mumbled as tears filled my eyes. Am I here? I am back? Am I saved?

"What?" He asked.

"I'm really here," I mumbled, touching the bed under me, darting my eyes around, looking for that retched dusk. Looking at the door, there was a glass window, I saw a woman, I saw her pull her hood over her face, stopping me from seeing her face, although, I saw the green dust fall from her fingertips as she walked from my room. That was the woman, the one who made me endure all of that torture. I wanted to run after her, scream at her, demand who she was, but I couldn't, my feet stayed planted to the ground.

Looking back at my mate, he looked back at me, searching my face for something, anything. "23 different girls," I whispered

"What are you talking about?"He questioned and took a step towards me. I licked my dry lips, my head jumbled, I had multiple puzzle pieces but they didn't fit together. I didn't trust him, I don't know why but he scared me if he could sleep with so many girls while his mate was in a coma, then what else was he capable of? After a couple of seconds I looked up at him, I didn't notice that my body was shaking until Bailey grabbed my shaky arm.

"Did you sleep with 23 girls whilst I was in a coma?" I whispered. Afraid to know the answer. His mouth was open a slight bit. Surely it was just some wicked spell I had been under, I was dead and that was hell, right? None of that was real.

" How... How do you know that? " His answer shocked me, I wasn't in control, it was like something inside of me brought my hand to his face and slapped him.

"You're disgusting," I muttered, only loud enough for him to hear, I tried to force the tears from my eyes to try to look strong although I felt the tears fall anyway.

His jaw clenched, every single muscle in his body hardened"If you attempt to lay one of your bony little hands on me again, I will kill you right here, I will tear each of your limbs off of you "he leaned into my ear "and I will enjoy every last minute of it, just like when I fucked those women." And he walked away from me.

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