29 Dirty Witch

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"Why are we here again?" Grayson asked, parking up in a large car park, next to my old packhouse.

"I don't need a reason to visit my family for a few days," I murmured, looking at the packhouse, that looked significantly smaller now I had grown familiar to Graysons much larger one.

"You gonna tell them you're a witch?" He asked, getting out the car, slamming the door behind him. He had been in the foulest mood ever since the balcony, like he was angry with me somehow.

I climbed out the car after him, I basically had to jog to keep up with his large, fast footsteps. "No- Yes, I dont know, they're my family," I crossed my arms, keeping out the bitter cold. "But we've been taught to despise witches, that they're beneath us, like dirt in the ground-"

"That's because they are," he shot me a glare, "they trick and lure people into doing things they wouldn't have done otherwise,"

My stomach fell. "Wait, Grayson, you don't think I tricked you on the balcony, do you?" He avoided answering my question by walking into my old packhouse as if he owned the place. Huffing, I quickly walked in after him. "Hey!" I called out to the packhouse, walking further inside.

"DAWN!" Bailey screamed, running down the stairs, she threw her arms around me, barreling into me. I wrapped my hands around her, falling back a few steps, my back bumped into Grayson's chest.

"Hey! I missed you," I pushed my head into the crook of her neck, smelling her skin, pushing the tears back down.

"You smell different," Bailey muttered, pulling away from me, "Do you have contacts in?" She asked me, my eyes had turned a crystal blue with my witch power, damn, I forgot about that. She finally took in Grayson, my back still against his stomach.

"Mama!" I smiled, running towards her, I took in her smaller figure. "How've you been?" I asked, hugging her the same as Bailey.

"I'm great darling," Her eyes lit up, "Your hair is gorgeous!" She cried, running her hands through it. From the corner of my eye, I saw my brother, his eyes moved from Grayson over to the bandages, my cuts, my bruises. I could already tell that he had made stupid assumptions as fury lit up in his eyes as he made his way towards Grayson.

"How dare you hurt my fucking baby sister-" He growled, his eyes lighting bright orange as he grabbed Grayson's collar. Grayson didn't blink as he glared at my brother, his hands not moved from his pockets.

"Hunter," I spoke commandingly gripping his shoulder, "He hasn't hurt me," I tried to pull him away.

A sick smirk flew onto Grayson's face. "I only touch her when she begs for it." He turned his attention back onto Hunter, "She has a little freckle under her ass, if you'd like to know," A fist flew into his face. Okay, he deserved that.

I tried to grab him, though he pushed Grayson through the door, kicking him in the stomach. "How dare you speak about her like that!" Hunters claws ripped through his skin, ripping into his neck. Grayson didn't fight back, he kept that stupid smirk on his face.

"Hunter that's enough!" I bellowed, pushing my palm out, I let the blue mist fly out of my palm, a gust of wind sent Hunter flying into the opposing wall.

The room was silent.

Nobody breathed.

"Hunter," I whispered, my fingertips going to my mouth. "Hunter I'm so so sorry," I gasped, running over to him.

Hunter rose up, crawling away from me. "W-witch! Get away from me!" He pulled out a knife, holding it in my direction.

My body grew numb as I saw the fear in his eyes. "Hunter, i- I'm sorry, let me heal you-" I held my hands out.

"Get away from my son. Witch," My dad stood at the door, his eyes burning into me. Grayson was at my side. Standing in front of me a little.

"I am still your daughter. Please. I-I came to-"

"Get out." My father spoke, anger blazing in his smile, he walked towards me, Grayson grabbed my arm. "I will not have a dirty witch touch my children." He growled, his claws growing out of his skin, so did Graysons.

"Dad," Bailey spoke, "It's Dawn. It doesn't matter if she's a witch or-"

"No daughter of mine is a dirty witch!"

"You're a witch!" My brother spoke, pointing a finger at me. " A selfish, revolting witch!"

My stomach hallowed out. "Hunter, I'm still me!"

Hunter looked me up and down, a disgusted look written on his face. "I don't know who the hell you are,"

"I didn't choose this! You were attacking my mate- I defended him!" I walked in front of Grayson.

"He was saying disgusting things!"

"He was joking!" I rolled my eyes. "I don't have a freckle on my ass-"

Grayson sniggered "I'm pretty sure I saw one-"

"Shut the hell up Grayson!" I turned around, glaring at him. "Or do you want to be slammed against a wall too?"

He smirked, "Well-" I cast a spell of silence onto him.

My father walked up to us. Looking me in the eye, leaning down. "You have never been, and will never be my daughter." Each word was like a dagger to the stomach, "Get the hell out of my house. Witch." I stared at him for a few seconds before Bailey walked up behind me, enlacing her hand in mine.

"Come on," Bailey whispered in my ear. "We have a place you and Grayson can stay,"

Bailey tried to pull me from my spot, I turned to my mother, "Mom, please-" I begged her.

She looked to the ground, hugging herself, she squeezed her eyes shut before turning around and walking out of the room. "MOM!" I screamed, trying to make my way to her, Bailey was barely holding me back, as soon as I slipped from her grip, another pair of hands held me, larger ones, Graysons. "MOM!" I shouted again

"Please Dawn, she needs time," Bailey spoke softly to me. Biting my lip, I stared at the place where she had once been, before letting Bailey lead both Grayson and I from the packhouse. How could they say that to me? I expected such a reaction from dad, but Hunter and mom? Really? Was I that unloveable? That unwanted?

Bailey and I still held hands as she led us to the house. "Do you really not care that I'm a witch?" I asked, looking at our hands.

Sniggering, Bailey stopped, she turned to look at me. "Dawn, you're my sister. You could be a vampire, a mermaid, a dinosaur and I wouldn't care," She smiled, "I will always be here for you." She continued to walk, "Anyway, that thing you did with Hunter, that was so cool!" She laughed. Walking with me for a moment, before letting go of my hands, "Don't talk about my sister's ass," Bailey snarled at Grayson, who was still under my silence spell. "That's nasty... Hey, we are here," she nodded towards a small cottage, a few paces from us. "I'll come to visit later, I need to talk to dad and Hunter," she kissed my cheek before jogging away.

Sighing, I made my way to the cottage. Grayson poked my back, turning around, I saw him glaring at me, his arms crossed. "Sorry, did you say something?" I cupped my ear. He continued to glare. Rolling my eyes, I flicked my wrist, letting him speak, "you're boring without your voice,"

"Witch," He mumbled under his breath. As we walked inside, he grew more and more annoyed. "I know how cast a spell on me on the balcony, I would never touch you sob-" He growled under his breath.

I interrupted him"Whatever Grayson, I'm not fighting with you right now," I sighed, running my hands through my hair. "I'm going to bed," I mumbled, waving my hand, blue mist enclosed around the house, quickly soaking it into the walls, protecting both Grayson and me from any witch from walking into the walls. Coralina was close, she would probably kill Grayson herself, then what would be left of our bet? Would my family be safe?

I sighed, grabbing a pillow and blanket, falling asleep on the floor. I didn't want to sleep in the same bed tonight.

Closing my eyes, my breaths became deeper as worry glazed over me. Did my dad just disown me?

You have never been, and will never be my daughter.

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