10 Inevitable Rejection

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Looking upon the scene before me, the midnight blanket fell upon the world, small stars lighting up the sky. My sister, Charlie, was laid upon those stars, watching over me. She was only 3 years when she died. Died from a retched vampire attack. My hands formed firsts, I'm going to kill that vampire if it's the last thing I do. I vowed I would revenge her the very day she died, and I don't plan on breaking that promise.

Breathing in the chilling, cold air entering my lungs, forcing me to relax. Letting the thoughts of Charlie, in her large sunglasses, her beautiful, blonde hair, kissed by the gods wander from my mind.

Smiling, I let my legs dangle from the packhouse roof, letting the memory of my sister float in the air. I had been so focused on my thoughts, that I hadn't realised that my mate was standing behind me.

"Evening," His husky voice made me jump, making me slip from the roof. My mate's eyes widened in surprise, quickly, his hands grabbed mine, easily pulling me up. 

I ripped my hand from his. "You didn't have to scare me!" I snapped, crossing my arms. I looked up at him, he was wearing some grey joggers with no shirt. His 6 pack was open to the world, something inside me wanted to hide it before any other female saw- too late for that. "I...." I forgot what I was saying completely."Oh yes- right!" I remembered my thoughts. "Don't try and charm me Mr Alpha!" I pointed at him, with my first finger.

"Can I sit?" He ignored me, nodding towards the place where I had almost died.

"Not really," My voice came out a lot weaker than it was supposed to. He ignored me, sitting without my approval. A part of me wanted to leave, leave him sitting in the cold. Although, another part of me wanted to see what he had to say. Waiting for a moment, my heart won, I sat down, leaving a significant gap between us. We were silent for a few minutes, I wanted him to make the first move, but I was getting sick of the awkward silence, so I asked the only question I could think of.

"Why are you here?"I looked at the ground where I nearly died.

"My wolf was annoying me. Your scent shuts him up."He rolled his cold, dark blue eyes. He turned to me, a little look of confusion flickering between his eyes. "You have perfume on?"

It was my turn to be confused, "No," Did I smell gross? Should I have put perfume on?

Just like he did in the limo, he grabbed my neck, making it feel like glass in his large, dominating hands. My mate pulled me closer, smelling the same part of my neck, like last time. He grumbled, his hand tightening around my neck. "Your scents changing," He grumbled.

"You can't just grab me and sniff me- I'm not just here for your personal pleasure!" I complained, though, Grayson looked at me, tilting his head. Crawling towards me, he placed each arm on either side of my body, entrapping me, I leaned back, as he kept leaning closer until my back hit the stone floor.

My breathing stopped, his hot breath tickled my ear, his stubble grazing my cheek. "My mate," He mumbled, grazing my bottom lip with his thumb, causing vibrations to flow through my body. Grabbing my hips, he pulled me towards him, the stones on the roof grazing my back. He moved his head, our noses touching, looking deep into his dark eyes, we remained in deep eye contact as his touch hands lifted my top, grazing my petite waist, pulling at the sides of my bra strap. "Of course, you're here to serve me, for my own, personal desires," His lips grazed mine, still remaining eye contact.

I gasped as his cold hands grasped my throat once more, his other hand holding the small of my back, pushing my stomach up, against his body, which was hovering over mine.

I couldn't fall into his trap, using my entire body, I tried to push him off of me. " I am here to serve no one Grayson," I spat his name. "Especially not a dog, who cheated on me, when I was in a coma,"

Graysons face twisted into one of annoyance and desire, he made no further comment, he stared at me, his dead, lonely eyes staring into my eyes. "Get off of me," I uttered. "I don't want you to touch me," I spoke, he tensed his neck, but removed his hands from me quickly, I shuffled away from him, wrapping my arms around myself, colder without his body pressed against mine. "You will never my Alpha, nor my mate. Look at me! "I stomped my foot and shouted. I heard him sigh and mutter something, he looked at me with a bored expression.

"I am not one of your play toys. I am not just another girl for you to throw away "I sighed and blinked the tears away, my voice turned into a whisper. "I'm not going to let a dog hurt me. I'm worth more than that. I have more self-respect than that."

Grayson's face was mainly angry now. "Shards. How dare you disrespect your alpha? I am no dog!" He roared, standing up.

"I told you before dog. Anger issues ain't pretty. You will never be my alpha. Never!" I stood up, looking up at him with rage. I cleared my voice

"I Dawn Shards reject Alpha Grayson Demoor of the Timor pack as my ma-"within a millisecond, Grayson pulled me closer, slamming his lips against mine.

My eyes widened at his surprisingly soft lips, his hand was pressed upon my cheek, pulling my head closer to his. It was all over as quickly as it began. "You will never utter those words again. Do you understand me, human?"

That kiss, though it was only for a millisecond, though it was enough to make my knees buckle"I told you not to touch me," I forced myself to spit out, not letting my strong facade fall.

I saw guilt flicker in the shadow of his eyes. Just for a moment. Before he dropped his hand from my face, silently walking away from the roof.

That kiss didn't mean anything to him. Looking back at where I laid for a few minutes ago, where he lay on top of me, I felt as if it was an intimate moment, I was foolish to think that, he must've done that exact scene with many women before me, wrapping my arms around my waist, I suddenly felt violated.

Looking back up at the stars, I wondered if Charlie was watching me, listening to the dumb decisions that I make. Sighing, I followed my mate down the stairs, to the packhouse. 

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