15 Terror

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My blood ran cold.

"No," I spoke. "He's my mate-"

"You aren't a wolf," She spoke up, commandingly. "Mates mean nothing to humans, you will feel no pain, mates are connected via their wolves, what had happened to you is near impossible! You will kill him!"

"I will not-"

"Do not forget what I can do to you," She snarled, blood rushed out off my witch mark.

"I never wanted this!" I screamed.

"Don't make deals with the devil's children," She sat down smugly.

"I'm not killing my-" Blood ran down my arm, my scarred from ripping open, I fell to my knees the pain overtaking me, controlling my body. The witch slowly stood up, walking over to me, she looked down at me, looking past her pointy nose. "I can kill your entire family in one thought. I can poison Bailey, Hunter, Jacob, your friend Emerald,"

"How do you know of Emerald," I grunted through the pain, the green mist choking me.

"I have eyes everywhere darling," She smirked. "What will it be?" She tilted her head to the side.

I looked up at her, her green smog crawling into the gaps between my eyeball and my eyelid, into each pore of my skin, crawling into my open wound and adventuring into my veins. "Never," I spoke through gritted teeth, choking on my own saliva.

She took a deep sigh, before, with a flick of her wrist, Jacob was in front of me, covered in the smog. He seemed to be asleep. Terror flicked within me. That power flickered under my skin, travelling in my veins. I could feel it. I could feel it fighting off the greens smog. "Now, sweetie, if you haven't noticed, my power is poison. One drop of my saliva on this boy's tongue, he will be dead by sunset. No cure." She looked me in the eye, anger flickering in her face. If my magic was anything like hers, it must be running out, I could feel it weakening in my system. But could I really trust my guesses with Jacobs life?

I stayed silent, probably the worst thing I could've done as she walked over to Jacob, I watched her as she ran a nail down Jacobs arm, his skin peeling back like wrapping paper

"STOP!" I cried, she didn't even look like she had heard me, "Fine!" My mouth spat out before I could even think. "Fine! I'll kill him!" There was one long cut down his arm.

A smile finally twitched onto her face her green smog retracting from my body, also Jacobs. "I want the Alpha dead in 3 weeks time darling. Tell anyone about this, and all of your family will be as good as dead," She growled, with the little strength I had left, I picked up Jacobs sleeping body, checking his pulse as I stumbled out of the witches cottage. His pulse was light.

Looking back, I saw that her cottage had disappeared, I pulled Jacob closer to me, stumbling over to a nearby tree and leaning back against it, sitting down, I rocked the small boy in my arms. Grayson must've felt the amount of pain I was in, no doubt he will be coming for me now.

I pulled the ginger locks away from Jacobs's face, the boy's face was scrunched up, his little nose wrinkled. I tried to calm the bubble forming in my stomach, I was a witch. Pressing my hands over his arm, his pulse was growing fainter. He was losing too much blood."Jacob," I whispered, "Jacob, please work, please work," I mumbled, closing my eyes tight. I thought of the words Grayson had spoken to me that day. The way I could feel the magic bubbling under my skin, coursing through my veins.

The bubble in my stomach grew and grew and grew. My anger skyrocketing. Until it popped.
I felt the electricity flow through my hands, blue mist formed over his chest, hovering over him till I saw his chest move up and down as he breathed.

Once it was done, my magic was silently stitching up his wound. I fell back into the tree, the power drained out of me, I watched the blue mist dive into his skin, causing his skin to move around until it settled, the wound gone, only a tiny, white scar remains. I was tired. I couldn't move, though the small smile that fell onto Jacobs's face gave me evidence that he was okay. Watching the wound again, my eyelids slowly began to close as I leant against the harsh bark.

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