Chapter 1

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"Shawn..Shawn... Honey it's time to wake up for school." My mom was waking me up 30 minutes before my alarm as usual. School started an hour later in North Carolina then Canada. That mean I'll have plenty time to get ready.

"Mom what time is it, and what time do I have to be at school?" at least that's what I meant to say. It came out more, "momqhattime is , time school starts"
I'm obviously not filling there in the morning.

"It's 6:15 and school starts at 8" I nodded and mumbled an okay. She kissed my forehead and I heard my door shut. I laid there for a minute or so desperately trying to open my eyes. I didn't want to fall back asleep, so I got up walked to my window opened my blinds and grabbed my phone off my desk. I headed down stairs to grab a cup of coffee and get ready for the first day at a new school.

I sat on my desk chair scrolling through Twitter and Instagram, while sipping my coffee. My friends were all on their way to school. Just as I finished my coffee and was about to get in the shower my phone buzzed. I sluggishly walked over to it.

BRIAN: Hey man. I hope you have a good day at your new school. We have only been at school for a week so far and I already hate being here without you. Miss you tons.

awe, I had amazing friends. I so wish I didn't have to leave. I mean I'm actually kinda excited to go to a new school because I get to be who ever I want to be, But I miss all my friends so much. I had to leave my Girlfriend and everything.

to BRIAN: Thanks Brian. I miss you so much, I'll be back to visit you soon. Skype tonight?

I sent it and went to the bathroom before I got distracted again. I jumped into the shower and jumped out real fast. Long showers arn't my thing. I like to have as much free time as possible. I wrapped a towel around my body and went to my room to get changed. I pick out a green and blue flannel, kakis, and all black vans. I went back to the bath room did my hair, brushed my teeth, and sprayed on some cologne. I went back to my room and grabbed my phone and headed down stairs. I sat at the dinning room table and checked my texts.

From BRIAN: Yes. I'll text you when I'm home from soccer tryouts. Won't be to late.

From Lauren: Hey, have a good day. You'll do great at your new school. I miss you. Canada isn't the same without you.

to Lauren: have a good day yourself. Not too much fun without me😏 just kidding. wanna Skype tonight? I already have a date with Brian after his tryouts.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a muffin and a glass of orange juice and went back to the table.

from Lauren: Ooohhh man, I need someone to have fun with while your in a different country. And yes for the Skype date. I mean I guess I can move my schedule around so you won't miss yours with Brian. I always knew he was more important.

To Lauren: Whatever. Skype you later. About to go hit on soooooo many hot girls. I'll probably forget all about you.

From Lauren: Okay Whatever I'm unforgettable. Now really I have to go.

I didn't respond. I shoved my muffin in my mouth and downed it with some orange juice. I gave my mom a hug and a kiss and grabbed my car keys and headed to school.

I walked into the front doors where everyone else was going. 4 kids were holding the doors open. They greeted me with good morning and I smiled and greeted them back. I decided to ask one of them where I was spoused to go.

"Well you go to the football field and get your schedule and then your going to going to go to the other side of the Field where they are giving out lockers and then go to your first class, do you want me to go with you." said the girl on the farthest door from me.

"ummm. yeah that would be really helpful, you don't mind?"

"oh no. My pleasure, my names Mallory by the way."

"Shawn, Shawn Mendes." I extended my hand but she was already walking. The guys at the other door started laughing.

Once we made it to the food ball field I got my classes and locker. I guess I'm sharing my locker with someone named Nash. Mallory took me to a group of her friends. She was really nice but I wanted to get going to my class. I said bye and went on my way to find my locker. The school is so confusing. I'm locker 459 and I'm right by locker 256. All the freshman are standing by me, no point in asking any of them. I turned and saw locker 367, I kept going until I got to mine. It was right by the Triangle, which is like a four way inner section in the middle of the school. once I found the locker some guy was standing in front of it.

"Hey that's my locker. Can I get by you?" the guy shot me a surprised look and stepped forward. I opened the locker and there was a locker self and someone already had their stuff on the top. I grabbed my books I needed and shoved my backpack below the self. once I turned around someone was standing next to me.

"My names Nash Grier. Please tell me your not a creep for a thief."

"Shawn Mendes, and I would ask you the same. Trust me, I'm safe."

"here let me see your phone. I'll put my number in, Text me tonight. There is the first day of school bonfire. You should come." wow getting invited to parties on the first day of school. I don't think it would go this well.

"Okay thanks man. I'll see you around." and I headed off to my first class.

New Beginnings// Shawn Mendes (ON HOLD)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz