Chapter 10

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I threw all my clothes into my suit case. It's been 3 month now since me and Shawn started dating and I invited him to go up to my family's cabin up in the mountain. Emmet got to bring a friend too. Shawn was sleeping in our guest room right now. We are leaving at 7 in the morning and it's 4 right now. We were up until 2 watching movies and me being the procasinater I am, I decided to pack 3 hours before we leave. I plugged my phone into my Ihome and put on my Ed Sheeran playlist and turned it down to only volume 1 or 2. I opened my closet and started pairing together outfits. Which took a lot longer then I thought. I tried each one on, Making sure it looked cute. By the time I was done I have 2 bags of clothes and was heading to my bathroom to get ready and pack my bathroom stuff. I grabbed my phone and walked down the hall. Shawns door was cracked open and I could hear his heavy breathing. I closed his door and headed for the bathroom. I gathered all my stuff and jumped in the shower. I acted out scenarios in my head while I washed my hair. After a good 30 minutes I got out and dressed in the outfit I picked out. I applied minimal makeup and threw my hair up in a towel. I open the bathroom door and Shawn engulfed me in a hug.

"Shawn. How did you not know I was in a towel" He laughed

"Well I could here you banging around in there getting dressed and you have been in there for awhile, I had to walk down stairs to pee."

"Sorry. This beauty takes time. What time is it."

"Trust me, your beautiful without any effort and its 6:30. Your parents are downstairs making breakfast and loading up the car."

"Wow, I haven't slept at all. THATS what 7 hour road trips are for though."
he smiled and me and nodded. He walked to the guest room grabbed his bag and then walked into my room and grabbed mine.

"Here, take mine. I'll take yours since you have double the amount of clothes I do." I grabbed his bag and skipped down the stairs. I set it by the front door and Shawn followed my steps. We walked to the kitchen hand in hand and I grabbed to cups and filled them up with coffee. I grabbed them and filled mine up with a lot of creamer and just put a little bit in Shawns. I walked back to the table and he was already eating a pancake.

"Thank you." He grumbled out with food in his mouth and kissed me.

"Gross shawn. There's food in your mouth." I laughed and pushed him away

"And a mom standing I. the kitchen" My mom yelled fixing snacks for the car ride. I sat down next to Shawn and are my pancake. After we finished we headed out to the car to get situated. Me and Shawn were in the very back and Emmet and his friend Carter were in the first back row. Leaving my mom Driving. Mom ran out to the car, placed the snacks in the seat next to her and started the car. Off to the cabin we were.


WE have been in the car for an hour already and everyone is already getting antsy. Emmet and Carter are singing nursery rhymes really loud and every once and awhile Mrs. Peters would join in. Bailee had fallen asleep probably 15 minutes after we got in the car. I mean I don't blame her, she didn't sleep at all. I'm pretty tired but I can't bring myself to fall asleep with all the boys screaming. I don't know how Bailee does it, 3 brothers must be hard. At Least Carson and Nick took there own car. I looked over at Bailee and saw her sleeping so peacefully. Her forehead had a crease it in from her head pushing against the seat and she had her knees tucks into her arms. I studied her features like I had a million times before. The way her brown hair glistened in the sun. How her checks were already naturally pink causing them to turn bright red when she blushed. As I studied her features I drifted off to sleep, the last thing to cross my mind is how lucky I am to have such a beautiful girlfriend.

New Beginnings// Shawn Mendes (ON HOLD)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz