Chapter 3

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Okay so now some guy who I have said one word to is picking me up, and to top it off he's also picking up Jake. I mean I don't really have anything against Jake anymore, but I try to only stay near him while in groups. For all I know he's gonna bring his slutty girlfriend. I need to stop being jealous and move on. Wait did I just say jealous. I'm so not jealous, if anything they deserve each other. I heard a knock on the door, assuming it's Shawn.

"Hey I'll be right out, I have to grab my purse" I flashed him a quick smile and shut the screen door.

Okay what purse should I bring. Im wearing a red quarter sleeve a cream scarf and a black skirt. I'll bring a small cream purse, just for my necessities. I went back out onto the porch to see Shawn still standing there. Well I need to say something to break the tension.

The car ride was horrible. Like I though Jake brought his slutty girlfriend, Shawn was cool though. He was easy to talk to. I'm not someone who usually will open up to someone so easily but with Shawn it just felt right. There's something different about Shawn. He's quiet without actually not saying anything. He's awkward but still easy to talk to. Its cute. Someone I can really picture being friends with. Once at the party we all set off our separate ways, we had a 30 minute car ride and luckily I didn't have to say one word to Jake and whatever her name is.

"Oh My Gosh! You came here with Shawn. How did you score him in one day?" My best friend Maggie Ann explained. I have to friend groups. I have my best friend Maggie Ann and then I have Tracey and Kate. It not that they all don't like each other, They just don't really talk.

"No, it's nothing like that. He's really nice though." Since Jake, my friends have all been trying to set me up with someone. Especially Tracey.

"Okay well let's go mingle." Maggie flashed her million dollar smile, and turned on her heels. Her caramel colored curls bounced as she walked.

Every guy I have known since 4th grade has sometime had a crush on Maggie Ann, Not only is she gorgeous she smart and funny too. Whenever I go anywhere with her she always finds someone to talk to. Right now we were standing with the big group of people. Tracey and Kate were over standing by Nash and a few of his friends. Shawn was standing over there talking to some girl who I had never talked to. Once their conversation came to an end he turned his head and caught me staring, He flashed me a smile. I smiled back try not to be to awkward. I waved him over to me, to start a conversation. I'm not very good at small talk. I kinda keep to my self. I mean I'm really talkative but at the same time I just stick to my main friend group.

"Hey so what did you want to tell me earlier?" I asked shawn, I was curious but at the same time I just needed something to talk about.

"One sec. No in here." He pulled my arm, half way dragging me out of the party. He pulled me to the side of the house.

"Okay so today at lunch I saw you and I asked who you were. Not to be creepy or anything, But then I asked if you were single. Also not to be creepy. just so I could know. I mean I would like to get to know you before I can say I have feelings or anything. BUT when I asked Jake he said you hadn't dated anyone since 6th grade. He lied" Shawn said in low tones. So Shawn wants to get to know me, and Jake is lying and telling people I haven't dated anyone since 6th grade. I mean we're broken up, He needs to stop thinking he can control my life. Shawn was just standing there looking at me. Like he was waiting for me to say something. Ummmmm..... think fast.

"I don't know Shawn. I just really don't know what to do." Shawn nodded. Thats all I could think to say, I really just didn't know. I just wanted to go home. I mean we had school tomorrow, I was just done.

New Beginnings// Shawn Mendes (ON HOLD)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz