Chapter 4

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I shut the door and walked inside. I slipped my shoes off by the front door and walked into the dining room. I set my purse on the table and walked into the office where my mom was.

"So who is this boy?" My mom said looking at me with a smile.

"His name is Shawn, he's new here. Just moved from Canada." I didn't know what else to say.

"Well from what I have seen of him, he looks like a really nice guy. Very handsome too." She gave me a smirk and turned back around to her Facebook.

"Yeah mom whatever. Did you talk to Dad tonight?" He always calls at 6 on Mondays, Friday's, and Sunday's. Other days were extra.

"No, he couldn't talk today. Hopefully soon though." I could tell her mood dropped. She missed him, A lot.

"It will be okay Mom. He'll be home before we know it." I gave her a hug and a kiss on the check. A tear slipped from her eye. I just held her for a little while. She always felt she had to be so strong, mostly in front of us kids. She needs is more then ever though.

"It's okay Mom. I'm gonna go to bed. I love you very very much." I let go of her embrace and trudged back into the kitchen. I grabbed a water bottle and an orange and headed up to my room.

I turned on my Radio, The same country radio station as I always listen to. I grabbed my cat, muffins and laid on my bed. I checked all my social media and went to Nash's page. He tagged me in a Instagram photo. I looked at the others he tagged. One of which was Shawn. I followed him and then typed his same username on Twitter and followed him on there. He posted a picture of us from the ice cream shoppe. We were smiling while holding our ice cream, I screen shotted the picture and put it as my back ground. It was already 9 o'clock. I like to be asleep by 10 on school nights, but it's a hard goal to reach. I rolled out of my bed and made my way across the hall to the bathroom. As always Drew was in there.

"Drew get out I need to shower."I banged on the door with my fist hard.

"No I'm popping. use Moms bathroom." He always said this. No I need my stuff.

"Like I always say you dummy, My stuff is in there. Now get out." I heard a sigh, at least that means I won.

I opened my door and waited for him to emerge and gathered up my stuff. My radio and my pajamas. Which were leggings and a pink work out tank top. Once in the Bathroom I turned on the water to give it sometime to warm up and plugged in my radio. It was on my everyday station which was country. I loved about every type of music, except screamo and metal and that kinda stuff. Other then that my music taste is pretty versatile. Once the showers warmed up I hop in. Its weird how a shower can clear up your head so much. So relaxing, The sound of pouring water makes me calm, I don't get anxious when I think in the shower. I had already spent 5 minutes in the shower before I attempt to wash my hair.

After 30 minutes and the best shower of my life I get out and brush my teeth and wash my face. I speed down the stairs to give my mom a hug. She's not down here. I wonder if she's in her room. Nope no sign. I go ask Drew if he knows anything. His door is slightly cracked so I knock while opening the door.

"Hey do you know where mom is?"

"Yeah, she had to go meet someone. Didn't say much. Said she'll be back late." weird she must have been really in a hurry. Usually she would wait to say goodbye to me.

"Okay well I'm going to bed. Goodnight." I heard a faint goodnight as I shut his door.

I walked in my room, grabbed my phone off my desk and turned off the light. I jumped onto my bed and cuddled into it. I had a text from Shawn and From my mom.

From Madre: Your Grandma wanted me to come stay with her. I'll be back in the morning. can you give your brother a ride to school tomorrow.

I responded with a simple yes.

From Shawn: I had fun tonight. Wanna go get sushi after school tomorrow?

To Shawn: YASSSS💙 you know me so well. Goodnight I'll see you at lunch tomorrow.

I check all my social medias before dozing off to sleep.

I walk to my desk and grab my Phone as the Marimba was blasting through my dock speakers. Its 5:45, way to early to be up and getting ready. I lay in my bed scrolling through Twitter, seeing everything I missed last night. There's always Twitter drama in the middle of the night. One tweet caught my attention.

@Shawnmendes: Maybe this move won't be quite as bad as I thought it would be☺️

I favorited it and got out of my bed and headed downstairs for breakfast. My mom had left scrambled eggs on the stove, she left for her morning workout class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I hate scrambled eggs so I walked back up stairs to start getting ready.

Once I finally had my face on and I didn't look like a hobo I picked out a pair of dark wash jeans a mint green blouse and brown knee boots. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. Drew followed along behind me. Oh wait, my moms not home. I wonder who made eggs.

"Who made those eggs?" I questioned drew.

"I did, I was hungry and thought I would made extra for you guys."

"Thanks little guy that was sweet." I gave him a side hug as I turned on the car.

Once at school I made my way to my locker stopping and talking to people I knew. Someone was waiting by my locker though. Shawn was standing there holding a coffee. Awww how cute.

"Shawn what is this for?" He handed me the coffee and I have him a hug.

"Oh I don't know, Thought I would get you one." He smiled he was pretty cute. I mean I really didn't want to date, but this guy is so dreamy. The fact that he likes me on top of it all. I feel like I need to say something before he moves on to someone else. Any girl would be lucky to have him.

"Peters what are you staring at?" Shawn was waving his hands in front of my face.

"Sorry, I have a lot on my mind. So lets see your schedule." he hands me his schedule and I pull out mine and compare the to. We have advisory and lunch together. That's all.

"We don't have any classes together. Only advisory. Which is only on Wednesdays."

"That's dumb. At least we have lunch together. Do you have any classes with Nash?" we started walking towards our classes.

"Yeah I have English and PE. One of which is not a class you want to have with Nash" I started laughing really hard. Shawns locker was on the way to both of our classes so we stopped there and talked to Nash, They both really got into a conversation about music genres and didn't leave a lot of room for me to jump in. Maggie Ann came up behind me so I started talking to her.

"Hey so are you and Shawn a thing." She asked already knowing the answer.

"No but he's pretty cute. Not really sure if I want to be in a relationship right now."

"come on. You and Jake have been over for awhile. Let yourself live, if you like the guy go for it. I can tell by the way he looks at you that he likes you."

"Yeah I know. I'm just gonna go with the flow." and with that I said good bye to Nash and Shawn and we were of the Science. 4 period until I see shawn again.

New Beginnings// Shawn Mendes (ON HOLD)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz