Chapter 13

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Nash, Maggie,and I lay in his living room watching The Fault in our Stars. I love this movie. I can almost recite every line. My phone buzzed with a text from Johnson

from Banana Pancakes: Wanna come over? Me and G are bored.

To Banana Pancakes: Sure thang. I give Nash and Mags their alone time.

"I'm leaving. Don't know if I'll be back or when."

"Okay where ever you go have fun." Nash got up and hugged me Maggie was crying to hard so she just waved I grabbed my keys and headed out the door. I turned on Sam Smith avoiding any radio station that could play Ed Sheeran. I just walked into Jacks house and up to his Game room. No one was I there so I walked to his room. The boys were messing around with some recording equipment.

"Hey B." Gilinsky hugged me

"Hey guys. Sing me something"

"Okay we wrote this new song. no ones heard it yet. Not even David." Johnson was referring to Gilinskys dad. He's pretty much there music manager.

"What's it called"

"I'm in"

(if you don't know it go listen to it)

"woah guys. your songs keep getting better. What was your inspiration." Jacks looked at each other and then looked at me.

"What?" I put my hands up

"It's a personal inspiration. Trust me you'll know someday." Gilinsky smiled at me

"You guys are weird. Now let's go get fro yo. I'm bored."

"Yes. Love you. Your a genius." Johnson jumped on my back. I walked down the stairs to my car

"Isn't this spoused to be the other way around." I said to Johnson that was still on my back.

"Yeah it is." he jumped off my back and threw me over his shoulder. Gilinsky was no where to be found.

"Help. help. help." Johnson set me down and ran to the passenger side of the car. Gilinsky walked out of the house.

"Hey guys Molly and Laura are home. I have to go. See you later."

"Peace out Cub Scout." I jumped in my car and blew him a kiss. Johnson walked over to him and gave him a bro hug and they started talking about something. I honked the horn and Johnson flipped me off and walked back over to the car.

"Okay the real question is Menchis or Yet yogurt."

"MENCHIS" jack screamed.

"Text Laurel for me. we should pick her up." I turned up the radio and sand along waiting for Johnson to finish. He turned down the radio

"She said just to pick her up and Sammy texted you and asked if you wanted to hang out. Who's Sammy?"

"Okay and tell him I can't I'm busy. and he's some guy I met at starbucks. He's really cute but really bad. I feel like you'd really like him."

"are you trying to say I'm bad."

"Well yeah, when your hanging out with your other friends like mike and Nate. you guys arn't my crowd."

"Then why do you always stay and hang."

"because I want to have fun with you guys and I mean there cool and everything I'm just not into weed. You know that." we stopped in front of laurels house and I honked.

"I know but Bailee I don't want you to think I'm some hooligan"

"I don't we just have different ways of having fun sometimes."

New Beginnings// Shawn Mendes (ON HOLD)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz