Chapter 7

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"OKAY GIRLS. TODAY IS THE DAY WE PLAY THE EAST HIGH TIGERS. WE HAVE WON THIS GAME EVERY YEAR SINCE I HAVE BEEN COACH AND THIS YEAR THATS NOT GONNA CHANGE. GOT IT" usually I would be mad but she's just worried 2 girls already got hurt last week and both can't play. One was our starting forward. EVEN WORSE. Shawn and Nash are coming to this game though. I told him he didn't have to, but he insisted. It just makes me even more nervous then I already am. It was only a 10 minute bus ride so we were there pretty quickly.

As I was getting off the bus I heard a couple JV girls say Shawns name. I turned to look at them and they were looking right at me. I shrugged my shoulders and walked towards Maggie Ann.

"Those JV girls were talking about Shawn." Something was up. Or they were crushing on my man. Stop I did not just say that.

"Yeah the whole JV team is like totally obsessed with him." She gave me a weak smile and we ran to the field

Shawn was standing by the bleachers, I ran over gave him a quick hug.

"Good luck. I know you'll do great." Ugh don't say that. I can't focus with his smile. It's intoxicating.

"Thanks. I'll need all the luck I can get."

I ran back to get warmed up.

Taylor passed me the ball Eastside girls are mean. A girl elbowed me in the rib as I trapped the ball. I dribbled it towards the goal. I looked out into the crowed trying to find Shawn. He was sitting right in the front row a few minutes ago. Where did he go? I refocused my attention back to the game and took at shot at goal. I made it in putting the game at 16-3 with only 5 minutes left.

The game was almost over and I had possession of the ball. I ran as fast as I could to try and make a shot before the game ended. I kicked the ball as hard as I could and it smoothly went into the goal. I jumped up and down and went to high five Maggie. I turned around and Shawn was standing there holding a dozen roses and a soccer ball asking me to homecoming. I ran up to him and hugged him as tight as I could. I looked up to him and our faces were almost touching. He leaned in as so did I. We kissed. It wasn't any emotionless peck on the lips. It was filled with passion and trust me a lot of fireworks. He pulled away and not his lip as he looked at me.

"So is that a yes." He had a playful smirk on his face

"That is for sure a yes." I can't believe I'm going to homecoming with him. This really is a dream come true.


We were sitting in Paul's Ice Cream Shop. We were sharing a banana split.

"Shawn where do you see yourself in 10 years"

"I don't know. Married maybe a kid or 2. Most likely on a stage singing. What about you."

"Married. I want to be making a difference. I don't know how though. I want to be proud of who I am and what I am doing."

" I would always be proud of who you are. Your an amazing person. Just your smile can change the world."

" Promise me that you'll stay in my life until then, Actually forever."

"I would let it be any other way."

Shawn grabbed a spoonful of ice cream and shoved it in my face. I did the same but missed and hit his nose.

"Okay way to ruin a cute moment Bails" he was smiling his adorable smile and I turned the other way to hide the flush across my checks.

"I'm sorry it's not something I can control." I flipped my hair over my shoulder.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are." Shawn gazed at me with passion in his eyes. I gave him a questioning look.

"Why would you say that."

"I don't know. Your just beautiful. The way you smile and laugh. The way that when you tell a joke you laugh harder then everyone else. It makes you imperfect. Your imperfection are beautiful." His words were like poetry. Melting my hard, Making me fall as if I was cliff jumping. All I could do was smile.

"I don't know if it's too early, or if you even thing of me this way, bu but Bailee ever since I saw you on the first day of school I knew you the one for me. To this day I was right. Will you be my girlfriend." I stared into his eyes. I smiled at him.

"Mr. Mendes, I would love to."


I woke up remembering last night. I checked my phone. I had gotten a text from laur and Bailee.

LAUR: long time no talk. What have you been up to, I miss you tons.

To Laur: Not much. hanging out with friends.

From Bails: Meet me at my house in an hour. We are going dress shopping and your getting your suit. It's homecoming week. WOOOHOOO.

To Bails: Alrighty. Gotta shower then I'll be over.

I plugged my phone into my ihome and turned on my Ed Sheeran playlist. I quickly hopped into the shower.

I changed into my marron obey sweatshirt and a pair of dark was jeans and all black vans. I shuffled down the stairs. My mom was making pancakes in the kitchen.

"Hey mom. Bailee and I are going homecoming shopping today. I love you, I'll be home late." I gave her a kiss and grabbed my keys and headed out the door.

Bailee ran out to my car before I could even turn it off. She looked beautiful she was wearing white shorts a pink floral tank top and a black cardigan. She hoped in the passenger side and smiled at me.

"Good morning. You do not want to go in there. It's world war 3 over the last waffle. I grabbed it for you." She handed me a waffle.

"Just a waffle?"

"Yeah I would have put syrup on it but I didn't want it on my hands."

"Your so cute. With you waffles with no syrup."

"Shut up and eat your waffle. Your gonna need your energy." I laughed at her and drove out of her driveway.


we were currently in the 4th store and she has yet to find a dress she has loved. She told me I can't get my suit until she finds her dress so that we can match. It been fun to see her in all these dresses. It like getting ready for the actual night.

"What about the one." I gaped at her beauty. Her dress was Tiffany blue with diamonds on the top. I love it

"I love it, By far my favorite."

"Okay well I have 3 more in here and then we can pick from the others we liked."

After about 6 more dress we were deciding between a Tiffany blue one and Lavender one. She looked like a princess in both. Twirling and laughing.

"I say the lavender one. The color suits you more. And that way I can get lavender converse."

"Is it really the dress you like more?"

"Yes babe the shoes this was a joke." I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck.

"It doesn't matter what you wear. You prettier then all the girls. With a dress or in sweats." she turned around and kissed me quickly and turned on her heals and headed for the dressing room.

She came out 5 minutes later holding the dress

"I'll buy this and then we can order your suit and get your shoes." I clapped my hands like a seal and followed her to the cash register.

"Would that be all"

"yes please"

"your total is 59.76"

"Thank you have a nice day"
She handed me my shoes and we headed for the mall exit. We have been here for 7 hours and counting.

"Wanna go get donuts. We deserve it."

"Whatever fatty" She said rolling her eyes. Even when she pretends to be mad shes cute.

New Beginnings// Shawn Mendes (ON HOLD)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz