Chapter 4: Dungeon Crawl

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*Y/n pov*

It's been a few days since I was semi-Adopted by Iishin, I haven't really done anything since then except for visiting Urahara and hanging out with Chad and Ichigo on the school roof.

Yawning I walk down the stairs of my house, from the information I've gathered around school and Urahara shop it's about two months until the start of the anime. So I have 2 months to train!

Y/n:Let's do this!

Getting to my living room I draw the blinds and lock the doors to make sure no one sees me going into the dungeon, I also laced the house with anti-spirit matirials so soul reapers without a gigai can't enter.

Y/n:Enter dungeon!

Like before the room around me shifts and breaks apart before revealing a large plateu field with trees and mountains with the entire plateu being surrounded by a thick mist, as I look through the fields an alert pops up.


New mission!

A new day a new dungeon! Search this blight ridden plateu and save the day!


Various rewards per dungeon.

0/7 Dungeon(s).

Fist pumping I quickly equip my soul reaper outfit, Swords and hidden blades as several map makers appear all through out the plateu.

Picking my first Dungeon I sprint off towards it.

*Time skip*

Looking over a large fallen log I see a small shoddily made camp nestled into the side of a mountain with spiked walls, scanning the area I see more Goblin like creatures but these one were orange and had horns.

Those are Bokoblins not Goblins! I'm in a Zelda themed Dungeon, hell yea.
Smirking I sneak to the outer wall of the camp before tracing the condition of it, after a few seconds I find a loose board that would let me slip through.

Y/n:Dont mind if I do.

I lift up the board sliding through it before hiding in a nearby Bush to take not of how many Bokoblins there was, only around 6 Bokoblins. I could fuck them up easily!

Standing up I walk out into the middle of the camp twirling both my Swords, as I get their they finally noticed me before grabbing their weapons and surrounding me.

Y/n:Ti infilerò queste spade nel culo!

They turn their head curiously. Shaking my head I grab one of them before shoving my sword through his chest making them turn aggressive, pulling the sword out I spin slitting 2 bokoblins throats slowly killing them.

Bokoblins x3:300 xp

Quickly I pivot before stabbing 2 that was trying to sneak up to me. Letting them fall I slowly tirn to the last one who was cowering on the floor, I'm gonna feel bad about this later aren't I! Fuck it, I curb stomp the fucker killing it.

Bokoblins x3:300xp

Level up!

Nice, next level boundry is around 3000xp so about 10 Bokoblins after this. Nodding I head off to the next area.

Dungeons: 1/7

*Time skip*

Coming up on the next one it was the same type of camp as the other one but was by the river, I was on a small cliff side over looking the camp so I could see around 3 Bokoblins 2 of the weird lizard things and one ice mage.

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