Chapter 9:The Empress

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*Y/n pov*

Swimming downwards I slowly breach the surface of the water, the gravity suddenly switches dragging me out of the water making me fall.
I hit something hard on the way down hurting my back before I slide down it, as I slide I come to the conclusion that I'm falling down a long set of stairs.


Rubbing my head I start looking around, I'm in a large round room built of a dark metallic matirial with gold and silver accents, there's families looking flags on the walls but I can't place where I've seen them before. Turning onto my back I see the thing I just fell down is an elaborate spiked throne with stairs leading up to it with the same color scheme and pattern as the room.

Y/n:Cool place, like one an Empress would have.

Looking around I see a large red carpet that leads to an exit ahead of me, getting up I brush myself off before walking to the exit my shoes making little noise on the nice carpet.
Resting my hand on my swords I can't help but feel off edge, as if the very air I breathe could be killing me.

Making it to the large double doors I try to open them only getting them to budge slightly, I don't think their locked but just really heavy.

????:Fufufu your a lot different from my last master.

Whipping back around I start to unsheath my Zanpacto, looking back up to the weird throne seeing someone sitting their hidden behind a large ploom of purple smoke the only thing visible being their gold cat slit eyes.

????:Now what makes you think I'd listen to...

I can tell she waved her hand quite snobby because of the way the smoke moved.

????:A commoner.

Huffing I glare at them.

????:Ooo! Scary.

Feeling the fucking smug ooze off of this Person I slowly start Un sheathing my zanpacto. Approaching her my Zanpacto sets on fire with a chaotic white and black flame, I guess Albedo is already giving me more abilities. Smirking I get into my stance before pointing to the woman.

Y/n:I guess your not going to let me use your powers easily, are you?
Laughing again she quickly responds.

????:Of corse not!

Smirking I lower my sword.

Y/n:I wouldn't have it any other way.

Smirking she points her hand causing magic circles appear around that throne, before I knew It I was dodging dark metal chains tipped with haggerd hooks. Using both my swords I block two chains as I run towards the throne, at this point the chains had covered the room in a spider web like pattern.

Dodging another voley of chains I leap landing on one of the chains that were above me, running along it I quickly close the gap on the throne before leaping off unknowingly dodging two chains. Falling directly onto the figure I ready my swords to slash them in an X formation.



She blocked it using some green scale thing she summoned along her arms, pushing off I distance myself before slashing at the air shouting the first thing that came to my mind.


Much to my surprise the flames on my sword congeal at the tip before throwing a large black fireball from the tip as I slash, as it sailed through the air I use the distraction and use the chains to get above her.

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