Chapter 7: Relax Episode

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*Y/n pov*

Waking up in my bed I see it's the day after my big mission with the #1 ninja cat and in all honesty, I'm fucked. Getting up I see that Yoruichi is sleeping in the cat bed I got for my room, she doesn't sleep in it over night she leaves at night and then sneaks back in before I wake up, shaking my head I walk down stairs doing my usual routine.

Waking up at latest 8pm on the weekdays, 20 minutes of stretches before a light workout and a good breakfast with a Whole glass of milk, I grab the paper before texting both Chad and Ichigo to check up on them and then going about my day.

Bringing out my kotatsu I start making a tea as well as some food for Yoruichi, sighing I sip my tea before walking over to my table getting comftable on a small pillow and turning on my TV. At this point Yoruichi has made her way to the table eating the large bowl of ramen, What? You really think she'd eat less when she's a cat, hell naw.

I sat there watching whatever for at least an hour before getting bored, hmm but what could I do?

Thinking over this I come to two conclusions either do the cocain I robbed from that warehouse a while back or go get drunk.

Well I made my decision, getting up I grab my keys as well as my white hoodie (The one Desmond where's from assassin's creed) before heading out the house.

Y/n:Take care of the house kitty.

The cat nodded as I shut the door locking it, before walking down the street. There was a sake shop near the outskirts of town that have the best sake, they even have that monkey beer the doll maker likes from sekiro obviously not with a cup made out of a dying tree but still.

Making my way through town I appreciate the sights and sound of the day, if you guys are wondering schools off for a few weeks due to an attempted murder, yup I'm going to drop that on you guys with no explanation.

*Time skip*

Making my way through a more dangerous parts of town, I'm glad I keep my hidden blades on at all times.
I was a couple blocks from the shop when I passed an alleyway with some commotion coming from it, just ignore it Y/n keep walking, taking a brief look I see a gang surrounding maybe three people at most jesus I have to do somthing.



Your a real hero now kid! Deciding to save someone and you didn't need a mission to do so.

Well we're gonna give you one anyway.



-Random skill book

Ignoring the notifications I run forward stabbing two fugs in the back of the head getting the attention of the other fugs.

Low level fug X2: 400xp

Using my projection I reach into my pocket taking out several throwing knifes holding them inbetween my fingers like Dio, I should refrain from killing more of them so the people don't get freaked out, rushing in front of them not really noticing what the people look like I put myself between them and the last few fugs.


As they aproached I threw the knifes into three of their legs incapacitating them leaving only four fugs left, two of them pulls out knifes while the other two pull out a bat and a metal pipe, as they aproached one tried to strike me with a pipe causing me to deflect it into the man next to him's leg using my hidden blade.

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