Chapter 15: Infiltration

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Y/n pov:

Walking up the steps leading out of my base I sigh feeling the nice summer air brush past my skin, at least the weather's nice.

Albedo:It really is~


Blinking a bit I walk out from the tree I've been using to hide my base, I forgot those two where a thing, shaking those thoughts off I start my run towards soul society putting my mask on just in case I run into a patrol or even a captain out here.

*Small time skip*

Finally breaking from the treeline I enter one of the districts surrounding the souls society, making my way through the surprisingly bussling streets I survey my options.

Y/n:I could make my way to Kukaku's House and try to convince her...

Rubbing my chin I look to the sky.

Y/n:I could simply try and beat the gate guardians...

Growling a little I grimace not liking either of those options, both aren't stealthy and will eventually lead me to being captured or worse... BEING EXPERIMENTED ON BY MAYURI!!

Shaking my head I run my fingers through my hair.

????:I can't wait! I'm gonna get that promotion for sure!

Looking over to the noise I see two soul reapers, one in green overalls covered by his reaper outfit and the other wearing a black trench coat with red clouds on them an orange spiralled mask and sandles?

????:My work for lady Soi fon means I'll definitely get the recognition I deserve!

Chuckling a little I think to myself, like hell she would, it seems the cloaked one doesn't talk much so.

Gaining a sinister smile I crack my knuckles, perfect!

????:C'mon we'll take a shortcut!

Seeing them duck into an alley my smile widens, jesus christ they can't be serious they're making this way too easy. So all I have to do now is take out the cloaked guy then use his friend to get into the seritai.

Following them I quickly rush the cloaked one before silently taking him out hitting the back of his neck fast knocking him out almost instantly, stripping him I throw him in a nearby bin alerting the other reaper.

????:Hey are you-?

As he looks back I walk past him not saying a word to him, this seems to have worked.

????:Oh well guess I was worried for nothing huh.

With him running ahead of me we quickly get to the seritai gates seeing the huge behemoth of a man guarding it, walking up he opens up the gate with a smile gaining a similar one from the reaper next to me.

????:Thanks big guy.

Patting his outrageously large legs we make it through before the gate slams shut behind us....should I knock him out now? Or follow him?

Fuck vote. All those in favour of killing him say I.

Albedo:Yes kill him!

Alright all those in favor of following him.


Well she did say I, like I said so we're following him.

Walking along the many paths of the seritai I take in how absolutely massive this place is, they never really get the scope right in my opinion... It's maybe a bit bigger than London with the middle set of towers reaching up to the sky like a mountain.

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