Apologies In The Making

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Dear, Memory 

     I was permanently alone. I, Aurora Pierce, age 12; finally leaving home. Should I even call it home? No, that wasn't home, it was torture. Children are supposed to feel loved and cherished by a family.

Please give me light, anyone.

My writing is getting so much better due to the books my brother gave me. He told me I sound and write like a grown woman!

I'm sitting alone in the 4 seat compartment. It is all very new. I feel a pair of eyes on me. Curiosity filled me as I finally looked up to spot a boy in green colors on my left. He looked at me without a word. Eyes bore into mine but quickly looked away almost ashamed of what he did. His right eye had been hit. I know the pain. Please give him the light as well.

                                    From, Aurora Pierce


Aurora tapped the piano bluntly leading Severus to be distracted from his work. She finished many hours ago once again as he was the slowest writer in history.

Her sandal heel tore off from being on her feet all day. Aurora dropped them noisily on the ground, echoing the classroom.

Severus gridded his teeth. "Will you stop that!" He watched as her eyes shimmered, mouth smirking. What did she possibly think was so amusing?

A finger pressed against the key of the piano. "Stop what, I'm finished with my job for today. Come on! Live a little."

His eyes squinted standing up to stretch. "I am living Pierce. Get your dog off my table!" He reached for his wand.

"Hey put your wand away. You dare hurt my Molly." She gasped dramatically, holding her heart. Her dog was the last thing he cared about. Well.

Her hands wrapped around her waist. Severus didn't answer her which annoyed her greatly. Molly meanwhile stood happy as she can be receiving great news from Albus allowing her to say.

"Molly comes on, let's go," Aurora commanded nicely. Her hands reached to carry the young hound, having no time to play as the man across from her wasn't in any sort of a playful mood.

Molly turned suddenly nipping her on the wrist.

She gasped covering her wrist, scared that her dog did such. "Molly!"

A pout returned, laying her head down on top of her paws.

The dog had to act like this in front of the one and only Severus Snape. When the two stood alone, Molly always was well behaved. As Aurora's head snapped to his, Severus noticed he observed as well.

Lip quirk. Blink. Gone.

"Did you just smirk Professor Snape?" She questioned wiping her dog's saliva off her hand.

Molly barked, waving her tail.

It was quite amusing seeing at least one other person annoyed at her bossiness. He wasn't particularly fond of pets, yet Molly seemed civil. She didn't bug constantly nor bark disturbingly. Only sitting in improper places seemed to be her forte.

He didn't answer her instead, focused right back on his studies. Molly jumped off the piano and guided her way to the side next to Severus' feet.

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