Understanding Is Only The Begining

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"You didn't sleep well did you?"

Aurora's gaze watched the coffee whirling from her cup as the spoon mixed the creamer in. Under eyes not so healthy looking. Skin still cold. She's always been the cold type. Feet and hands were chilly, even her arms. Her brother Matthew Pierce, had such a warm soma. Some days she'd just snuggle close with him, even when he was annoyed with her. He was the blanket and she was the puppy.

Aurora just wished to see him urgently. If it wasn't for her parents, he'd visit her right now.

To this day her sleeping schedule never aligned. "No, not so much. I was here very late last night." She sighed. It still felt odd being in the kitchen of Severus Snape. His kitchen.

Elisha clicked her tongue nodding. She felt bad as Aurora had to practically carry her brother's heavy body. It wasn't that he was over height. The man is far from that. It was the fact that he was much taller and muscular than Aurora. His broad shoulders leaning onto her, it must've been a challenge. Not to mention his thick robes hanging on for dear life.

"You are such a strong woman," Elisha replied, battering her eyelashes.

Aurora laughed, leaning back. "I try, I try."

It was something about the atmosphere that made her cheeks glow.

The door of Severus's room creaked open, as Elisha could only see her bother's ears eavesdropping. Aurora hadn't noticed yet.

"Did you know Severus exercises two times a day?" Elisha questioned, ignoring her brother's wide eyes. His head shook begging her not to continue.

Aurora's eyebrows rose, having difficulty imagining him working out. "Really. . . for some reason I can't picture him doing such." Her voice still worded out hesitantly.

Severus' sister folded her arms, a yawn breathing out as it was still early in the morning.

"What do you picture him doing? Except obviously playing with his chemistry set. ." It didn't come off as rude, Elisha always told her brother that and he'd usually brush it off, mumbling a spell to zip her mouth temporarily.

Aurora thought for a minute before answering. "Yelling at children for unnecessary things, I would say is the best choice."

Elisha lifted her cup, gesturing for Aurora to do the same. Both women tapped cups, agreeing.


"I'm pleased you two transpire so perfectly together." A voice came from a sleepy Severus, now dressed in his full robes. His arms folded watching both women sit back onto the coffee table chairs. Hair was is blown over his face with slight layers.

Aurora's face creased into a small smile enjoy knowing she helped Severus last night. She'd be upset if he had forgotten about the whole thing. What would be the point?

"Yes well, I'm a very big fan of your sister." It came out of more a sarcastic tone to Severus, not Elisha. She didn't want it to seem like she was using Elisha to get in his dreadful side.

Severus's eyes marginally glanced at his sisters before observing Aurora. His hair was pulled back giving him a better eye view.

"Pity." He muffled walking past the women, serving himself a cup of coffee already hot and fresh. Severus tried desperately to ignore the beating of his pulse or hot liquid running through his veins as Aurora Pierce sat in the same seat he sits every morning. His hands shook lightly feeling somewhat nervous.

He wanted to hide in his room all day for the way he acted yesterday. Not to mention he remembered every little bit.

Elisha excused herself quietly, waking into the bathroom. It seemed the two of them needed to discuss yesterday's events or simply have a one on one adult seminar as normal people do. The funny thing was those two were not so-called normal. Normal by themselves yes but together absolutely not. Anyone could see the nervousness between them.

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