Expert Advice

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"Pleeeease let me braid your hair!" Karen begged her friend.
"Fiiiine," Tricia agreed, sounding rather unenthused.
Tweek let out a quiet chuckle at the sound of the two girls hanging out in Tricia's room as he walked past after freshening up in the bathroom.
Tricia always said she hated 'girly stuff' but she could never say no to her best friend Karen, and Tweek was under the impression she secretly enjoyed it.
"Bye girls!" Tweek called as he headed down the stairs.
"Bye Tweek!" The girls shouted back in unison.
Tweek met Craig at the bottom of the stairs and gave him a peck on the cheek.
"I should get going. My group study session starts soon," he explained.
"Its a pretty late start for a study session," Craig remarked.
"Uh- yeaah. Yeah, I guess it is. We decided to start a bit later so that those who work late can make it," Tweek lied.
Craig nodded with understanding.
"Well, have fun studying, you nerd," Craig quipped.
Tweek scrunched his lips into a mock pout.
Craig smiled at the sight, which then led to Tweek smiling too.
"Love you babe," Craig said warmly, kissing his boyfriend on the forehead.
"I love you too...somehow," Tweek replied, feigning exasperation.
"Have a good night. I'll see you tomorrow," he added.
Craig scoffed.
"Oh yeah, I'm sure I'll have a grand old time babysitting two tweenage girls until my parents get home from their date night," he said sarcastically.
"I'm sure you'll live," Tweek smiled. "Besides, think of it as practice for our future."
Tweek stopped himself too late.
Why did I say that? Why did I SAY that?
That is waaaay too much pressure to put on him.
I don't even know if Craig ever wants kids!
I don't even know if I want kids!
Gah! So stupid!
Craig looked surprised.
He opened his mouth to say something but the red-faced Tweek cut him off before he could utter a single syllable.
"Welp, I gotta go! Love ya. Byyyee!"
At that, the frazzled blond sprinted for the door, swiping his second batch of brownies along the way.
The door slammed shut and Tweek was gone, leaving Craig blushing and blinking after him in a state of confusion.

"Oh, boy. I really hate this house. Maybe I should just move out," Tweek muttered to himself as he faced the front door to his house which loomed over him, casting a great shadow as the sun set behind the mountains.
Tweek then scoffed at his words.
"As if I could afford too. As if my parents would allow me to."
Tweek crinkled his brow in determination, took a deep breath, and braved himself to open the door.
As Tweek reached for the handle, the door opened in front of him.
"Eep!" The boy jumped back, startled.
Then he relaxed upon seeing a familar face.
It was just his father.
"Oh, hello there, son. I was just going out to turn the sprinklers off in the garden. Here, let me get out of your way."
Tweek's Dad moved back into the doorway and shuffled aside to let Tweek pass.
"Thanks Dad," Tweek smiled, walking inside.
He forgot that tonight wasn't a late night at the coffee shop and that his parents would be home.
Tweek pondered for a moment on how he could get them out of the house.
I could fake a family emergency? Get one of my friends to make a 'prank' call urging my parents to drive to Denver for my Aunt?
No. That'd be kinda fucked up.
Besides, they'd probably drag me along with them.
Then it dawned on Tweek.
I've got it!
Tweek left his brownies in the kitchen and raced upstairs to make a phone call.
Bring, bring. Bring, bri-
"Bennigan's Grill and Tavern, South Park. This is Sherl speaking. How can I help you tonight? Would you like to make a reservation?" A cheery voice answered the phone.
"Ah, yes please!" Tweek replied. "
A table for two please. At 7'oclock if possible."
Tweek heard the tapping of fingers on a keyboard.
"Certainly. And what name can I put that reservation under?"
More tapping.
"Got it. Will that be all?"
"Yes, thank you."
"My pleasure. See you at 7."
"Yep, see you then. Thank you. Bye."
"Thank you for choosing Bennigan's. Buh-bye."
Then call ended with a click.
Smiling like a Cheshire cat, Tweek ran back downstairs.
"Hey, Mom, Dad! I have a surprise for you!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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