Coffee Fixes Everything

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Once the house was clean, the boys sat down to watch a comedy/action movie.
By the time the had movie finished, it was noon.
"We're going to swing by my parent's coffee house for some lunch,"  Tweek announced, realising the hunger gnawing at his belly.  Lifting himself from the sofa, the blonde grabbed his things and made his exit. "See you guys."
Craig waved and followed his boyfriend outside as their friends bidded them hasty goodbyes.
As they reached Craig's blue truck, Tweek heard Token's front door swing closed once again.
He turned to see Kenny and Butters leaving the house.
"We're gonna hit the road too. Later you guys," the boy in the orange parka called, waving one hand in the air.

"What a party!" Craig breathed.
The little bell above the doorway chimed as they stepped into Tweak Bros.
The aroma of coffee was as strong and inviting as ever.
"No kidding. Go grab us a table while I order."
Tweek walked over to the counter.
"Hey, Dad. Two of the usual please," he requested.
Mr Tweak nodded. "Coming right up son."

Soon the couple were sipping happily on hot beverages and eating pumpkin scones.
"How are you feeling?" Tweek asked.
Craig shrugged a shoulder.
"Not fantastic but better than I did this morning."
"I told you, you should drink more coffee. Really, it fixes everything," Tweek declared.
Rolling his eyes, Craig looked up from his hot chocolate, a foam mustache caking his lips.
Tweek giggled.
"Urm, Craig. Youve got a little something," the boy gestured with a finger to his upper lip.
The boy in the blue and yellow hat looked down his nose and swiped a rosey tongue across his lips.
Tweek rested his head on his palm in second-hand embarrassment as he watched his boyfriend miss his target completely.
"Oh God," he chuckled.
Craig instead wiped his mouth on his jacket sleeve. "Better?"
Tweek shook his head with a sarcastic scoff.
"Sure, yeah. Much better."
"Oh! I get it," Craig gasped in mock realisation,"You wanted to wipe the foam from my mouth yourself; with your lips. Wow, very subtle. You could have just asked for a kiss, you know?"
The coffee addict furrowed his brow.
"Hey! What? Thats not-"
He was cut of as Craig continued. "You've been watch too many sappy movies, Tweek. Real life doesnt work that way."
Tweek cast Craig a scorching, half-lidded glare.
Cocking an eyebrow, he folded his arms.
"Really Craig?" He challenged, "I'm not the one who balled his eyes out after watching 'Marely and Me,' for the fifth time!"
A bright, rosey blush spread across Craig's face.
"Shut up," he pouted, embarrassed and defeated.
"But," Tweek went on, a coy grin snaking it's way across his pale face, "If you're so eager for kisses, I might be able to arrange that for you."
Craig's face lit up in an instant.
"After work," the blond finished, watching with satisfaction as his boyfriend's face dropped once again.
"You little Imp," Craig scowled playfully.

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