Domestic Love

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Tweek followed Craig inside and they both sat down on the couch.
The TV had been left on the news channel.
Craig reached for the remote and quickly switched channels.
He knew that watching the news set off Tweek's anxiety.
Craig flicked through channels in search of something good.
"Wait!" Tweek shouted suddenly, pointing at the tv and turning to him expectingly. "Go back!"
Furrowing his brow, Craig did as ordered and changed the channel to the previous one.
Recognising the show, Tweek smiled.
"Hey Craig, remember when we always used to sit here on this same couch and watch Red Racer together after school? I can't believe they're still airing it!"
A chuff of air escaped Craig's nostrils and he smiled fondly at his boyfriend.
"Of course I remember. I'm the one who got you into that show. Red Racer was my favourite thing ever at the time."
Craig paused, and looked away, hiding the rose growing in his cheeks.
"And uh, then watching it with you became my favourite thing ever," he added sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.
"It was never the same watching it alone after that."
"Aw." Tweek leaned closer to Craig and snuggled into his chest.
Craig's blush only grew as he looked at the boy he loved.
He then turned his attention back to the television.

Tweek smiled and he too let his gaze travel to the TV.
"I miss those days, when everything was so simple," Tweek admitted in a soft, wistful tone.
Craig furrowed his brows again but his eyes didn't leave the screen.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
Tweek felt his boyfriend tense slightly beneath him.
"Oh, nothing," Tweek assured quickly. "Just, everything was so much easier when we were kids. I wish I had of appreciated being a kid when I was one. All this adulting stuff is way too much pressure and I miss being able to sit with you like this without a care in the world. Now we have to worry about all these responsibilities like jobs, study, paying rent and our futures."
Craig relaxed began nodding slowly.
"Yeah, you're right. Still, you've always had a lot of responsibilities and worries. I feel like you never really got to expirience being a kid. Especially with how young you were started off working at the coffee shop."
Tweek's eyes widened with the revelation.
Was Craig right?
The blond shifted uncomfortably.
"Well...yeah, but..I mean, I was just helping out. It wasn't really so bad," he murmured, not meeting Craig's eyes.
Craig shrugged.
"I'm just saying, you had it tougher than some other kids and you've always been a total stress-head," he chuckled.
Tweek's face brightened a little as he let out a small laugh.
"Hey," Craig continued. "I know you've been pretty stressed lately too and I guess I haven't been as attentive as I should have been. I'm sorry, Tweek. How can I make up for that? Is there anything you'd like to do to get your mind off of all your worries for a while? We could do something fun or just sit and chill some more if you'd like? Whatever you want."
Craig smiled, his eyes warm and earnest.
Tweek looked up at his boyfriend with smiling eyes.
"Thank you, Craig. I'd love that."
He thought for a moment.
"Hmm, how about we bake some brownies?" Tweek suggested.
Craig grinned.
"Sure. That sounds nice."
At that, the two left the sofa and walked into the kitchen, arms wrapped around each other's waist while Red Racer continued to play in the background.


"HEY!" Tweek screeched in protest as a dollop of the brownie mixture hit his cheek. "Quit it! We need that to make the brownies."
A mischievous smirk lit Craig's face and with no more than a flick of his wrist, flung some more batter at Tweek.
He let out a snort of laughter at the look on Tweek's face.
Tweek glared at Craig through a half-lidded gaze and a stony, fed up expression.
"That's it," he muttered, rolling up his sleeves and scooping up some of the batter in his hand. "You asked for it!"
Craig bit his lip and began to back away, hardly trying to hold back his laughter.
He held his hands up in surrender.
"That won't save you," Tweek growled.
At that, a hunk of wet brown mixture splattered across Craig's face.
Tweek finally let out the giggle he'd been holding in and both boys exploded into hearty laughter.
"You're lucky I love you, Craig. Now we're going to be short!" Tweek said exasperated.
He began wiping some of the muck off of his face.
Craig scoffed.
"Who cares. Surely there can't be that many people in your study group."
Tweek shook his head in mock frustration.
"I guess we could just eat this batch," he suggested begrudgingly.
"Here, let me help you with that," Craig offered, seeing Tweek trying to wipe away the brown sludge.
Without waiting for an answer, Craig leaned in close and licked Tweek's face.
"Not bad," he shrugged.
"CRAIG!" Tweek half gasped and half shouted in a mix of shock and disgust.
Craig laughed at his reaction and knowing what was coming next, began running.
"You're so gross! Get back here," the blond yelled after him.
Tweek picked up the wooden spoon and chased Craig around the house until eventually Craig tried to volt over the lounge at the same time Tweek lunged at him.
The couch tipped over and both of them ended up sprawled out on the floor, with Tweek landing on top of Craig.
The two locked eyes, their gazes sparkling and passionate.
Tweek placed a kiss on Craig's lips and Craig closed his eyes and leaned into it.
"I love you, Tweek," Craig mumbled around his boyfriend's lips.
"I love you too, moron," Tweek smiled.
Not a moment after, two pairs of footsteps came racing down the stairs.
The boys looked up to see Tricia and Karen.
"We heard a bang. What happened?" Karen gasped.
They both stopped when they saw the state of the boys.
Tricia simply folded her arms and shook her head.
The worry left Karen's eyes and she began giggling.
"Are- are you guys okay?" She asked.
Tweek couldn't take it anymore and began cackling, his chest heaving and his eyes glossy with unshed tears of laughter.
Craig also began to laugh.
"Yeah, we're good," he grinned.
"Um, get a room." Tricia scolded.
"O-oh! No, we weren't-" Tweek stammered.
"Then what the fuck were you doing?" Tricia questioned in a judgemental tone. "You know what, nevermind. Forget I asked," she added quickly, waving a hand in the air as if swiping away the very notion, but she too couldn't help but crack a smile and laugh.
"Oh! The first batch is ready!" Tweek cheered, leaping up off of the ground and running for the kitchen.

Soon, he Craig and the girls were all eating delicious, homemade brownies.

*Authors Note: Hey all! Sorry it's been so long since I last updated. I got busy and lost passion for a while, but I'm planning on getting back in the swing of it and working on this in my spare time. Hope you're enjoying the story so far.*

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