Safe In Your Arms

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"The fuck?"
Craig flew out of bed and ran downstairs, in his planet themed pajamas.
He reached the front door and heard pitiful crying on the other side.
Heart pounding, he warily flicked the latch open and turned the knob.

Craig saw his boyfriend, curled up on the doorstep, looking small, soaked and utterly miserable.
His heart broke at the sight.
"Tweek, what happened? Are you hurt?" He worried, stretching out a hand for Tweek to take hold of.
The boy looked up at Craig, his eyes round pools of anguish.
He simply sniffed and wiped the messy, sodden blond hair from his eyes, before reaching up and gingerly taking his boyfriend's outstretched arm.
"Come here, Honey," Craig coaxed gently, pulling Tweek up from the cold, dirty ground and into a tight, warm hug.
Tweek sobbed pitifully into Craig's chest.
"Its okay, Babe. I'm here. You're safe," the tall boy soothed, gently stroking Tweek's hair.
Craig felt the boy's labored breathing ease slightly.
What on Earth could be so wrong that Tweek felt he needed to run out into a storm to find me in the early hours of the morning?
"Tell me, what's happened? Why are you crying, Honey? Do I need to beat the shit out of anyone?" The brunette demanded, leading the dripping boy inside and closing the door behind him.
Tweek sucked in a shuddering breath and searched Craig's eyes, his lips forming a brief, quivering a half-smile.
"N-no. There's nobody to beat up," Tweek assured in a whimper.
Craig cupped his boyfriend's damp face in his hands.
"Well then, what is going on?" He pressed gently, using his thumb to wipe away a single tear, which had streaked down Tweek's face.
"I-It happened again but worse than ever. I f-felt it on me. I was paralyzed a-a-and he- it- threatened me!" The blond stammered.
Craig took a step back, his eyes growing dark with rage.
"Hold on. Slow down, Tweek. Who threatened you?"
"Not who, IT! I was attacked in my bed. It growled at me, Craig! It wants me dead!" Tweek's raised, panicked voice faltered when he noticed his boyfriend's skeptical frown.
"It?" Craig echoed in a disbelieving tone.
"You're not going on about that monster, are you? Tell me you aren't seeing things again. Is that what all this is about?"
Tweek didn't speak, and instead lowered his glossy, green gaze.
Craig's stare did not waver as he waited on a response.
After a few moments of uncertainty, the silence was broken.
"I- It was just a bad nightmare," Tweek lied, his tone meek and defeated.
All that over a nightmare?
Craig wasnt quite sure he believed Tweek's excuse but decided not to  question him any further.
The poor boy needed to rest.
Craig led Tweek upstairs to his bedroom.
"Whatever the case, you're safe with me. I'll always protect you," Craig reminded the boy.

"Here. Now that you're dry, you can wear these," Craig handed Tweek plaid, navy blue, Winter pajamas and a pair of alien patterned socks.
"Won't these be a little big?" Tweek frowned, holding the garments up questionably.
"Who cares," Craig shrugged, "they're warm."
Craig crept back downstairs to make a chamomile tea while Tweek slipped into the baggy pajamas.
On his way back up to his room, Craig was met by his younger sister.
Tricia rubbed her eyes sleepily.
"What's going on?" She moaned.
"Quiet," Craig whispered, casting an anxious glance towards their parent's bedroom, "Everything's fine. Go back to bed."
The strawberry blonde haired girl shrugged, too tired to care enough to question her brother any further.
"Whatever. Night, I guess."
Tricia reentered her room and Craig did the same.
He found Tweek perched on his bed, feet fidgeting with anxiety.
"Here, drink this. It should calm your nerves and help you sleep," Craig insisted, handing his boyfriend the hot beverage he had concocted.
"It's not you're usual style but it'll do you good."
Tweek took the tea doubtfully.
"Okay, Craig. W-whatever you say," he complied, voice still wavering slightly.
Craig smiled as Tweek took a sip and wrinkled his nose in distaste.
"What are you trying to do; poison me?" The blond spat, sticking his tongue out in a disgusted manner.
Craig rolled his eyes, bemused. "Just drink it. It's not that bad. Pretend it's that bitter-arse coffee that you normally drink."
The blond huffed at the implication that his precious coffee was anything but perfect.
"Once you've finished," Craig added, "you can cuddle up in bed with me."
The corners of Tweek's mouth began slinking upwards, forming a shy but eager smile.
Tweek, thought the idea sounded splendid.
He felt safe with Craig by his side.
"But wait," he fretted, "you're all wet!"
Craig raised his brows and looked down to inspect his shirt. 
"So I am," he remarked casually.
A sly smirk snaked across his face. 
"I guess you just have that effect on me, Tweek," he added with a nonchallant shrug and a subtly coy wink.
"Craig!" Tweek gasped, a rosy blush appearing on his cheeks. 
Craig could not help but chuckle fondly.
"Relax honey. Drink your tea."

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