The Accident

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"No, Craig. It had eyes! Shadows don't have eyes," Tweek growled hysterically.
Last night had been awful but this morning was no better.
Tweek felt a horrible void growing between he and his boyfriend each time they argued over the shadow creature.
"Once again, ghosts are not real. You scared yourself into believing you saw eyes, when really you didn't because that's impossible," sighed Craig.
"You don't know that!" Tweek spat, throwing his arms in the air.
"Tweek, there is no evidence that ghosts are, or ever have been, real. People make stuff up or exaggerate when they are scared. Ghost stories are just stories," shrugged the boy in blue.
Tweek's eyes glistened.
"Don't you trust me?" He pressed.
Craig tensed. "Of course I do! It's just-"
"You don't trust my judgement," Tweek finished.
Craig frowned and opened his mouth to rebuke but instead he quickly looked away.
His silence spoke volumes to Tweek.
He felt disappointment weigh heavily in his chest.
"Its not like that," Craig finally replied.
With a snort of disbelief, the blond crossed his arms. He swivelled his gaze towards the ceiling, as if looking for answers there.
Of course, no answers came from the old, white ceiling but the boy did notice it needed a fresh coat of paint.
"You need to see someone. You're unwell," Craig deadpaned.
Tweek jerked his vison back towards his boyfriend and tensed his jaw defensively.
Before Tweek had a chance to reply, Craig continued.
"Your anxiety has peaked again. You're not sleeping. You barely eat. You survive primarily on coffee. You're completely paranoid and on top of all of that, you're overworked. With everything going on in your life and in your head, I'm not surprised you're stressed. I tried to just let it go Blbut Tweek, you're killing yourself. You can't live like this and I can't watch you lose your mind because of it."
Tweek gaped. Perhaps there was truth behind Craig's words but it still hurt to hear.
He thinks I'm losing my mind!
Maybe he's right...
"I don't know how to help you but I want to be here for you. In saying that, I'm not going to give into your delusions. Please just see a doctor. I'll come with you. If you won't do it for yourself, then do it for me."
Tweek blinked sadly.
Craig's voice sounded tired and desperate.
"Okay Craig," he sighed, defeat heavy in his meek tone.
Craig flashed a sympathetic half smile.
"Good. Now, let's get to school."

Tweek's first two periods were English and Biology, both of which he had with Craig.
Tweek noticed his boyfriend glancing in his direction rather frequently and it made Tweek feel almost smothered.
What's he doing? Is he waiting for something to happen?
The blond ignored him however, and carried on with his school work.
Finally, the bell rang for recess.
Classes spilled out into the hallway and headed collectively toward the cafeteria.
Tweek turned to the tall boy beside him. "Craig? Why do you keep staring at me?"
His boyfriend flushed with embarrassment.
Clearly, he hadn't realised that Tweek had noticed his odd behaviour. Yet Craig should have known better, for Tweek noticed everything.
"Uh, sorry. Guess I'm just worried," admitted the ebony haired boy.
"Worried I'm going to freak out and embarrass you?" Tweek muttered bitterly.
"No. I'm worried for you. You know I don't care what anyone else thinks. I'm just trying to look out for you," Craig protested, looking rather dejected and indignant.
This caused guilt to gnaw at the blond's stomach.
"Oh. Sorry," Tweek murmured, biting his lip in shame.
What's wrong with me? Every time I open my mouth, I make things worse.

"So then, Bebe was all like..."
Tweek stopped listening to Clyde's incoherent tale.
The chubby boy spoke through a mouthful of taco. This sight disgusted Tweek.
He felt a nudge in his arm and turned to see Craig push a tray of food confront of him.
"This is for you," he explained.
"No thanks. I'm not-" Tweek began to refuse the meal but was silenced by a glare.
"Eat. I paid for it, so you can't refuse," demanded the boy in his signature blue chullo hat.
The blond frowned guiltily. "Craig, you shouldn't have wasted your money on me."
"I didn't waste my money. I'm making sure my boyfriend doesnt die of malnutrition," Craig countered.
Tweek rolled his eyes but let out a chuckle. "Whatever."
The boy set aside his now empty coffee cup and picked up a gravy drenched fry.
Tweek noticed that his boyfriend began to eat his own meal only when he observed Tweek eating.
By the end of recess, the blond was surprised to have eaten everything on the tray.
The food now sat comfortably in his stomach. It had been a while since Tweek had eaten a full meal and the boy had forgotten the satisfying feeling of being full.
"Thanks Craig," he uttered with a smile, standing as the bell sounded.

The day's geography lesson was boring but, to Tweek's relief, seemed to go by relatively quickly.
After that, was Agriculture. Tweek had chosen this elective mostly because it consisted of him working with animals.
However the boy had come to regret his choice as driving tractors, herding sheep and large cattle and fixing fences, no matter the weather, were all things Tweek hadn't counted on being so difficult.
The boy also hated it the when the animals he had worked and bonded with left the farm, as it meant they had been sent to be slaughtered.
Although Tweek ate meat, the thought  sent guilty shudders rippling like electricity down his spine.
The afternoon's lesson however was  relaxing, with the class feeding the animals and tending to the vegetable garden.
Then it was lunch.
Craig offered him an extra sandwhich from his backpack and Tweek ate half.
He spent the break talking with Clyde, Token, Jimmy and of course; Craig.

Tweek's last lesson of the day was Woodwork. Although the twitchy blond mostly enjoyed this class, this afternoon he was feeling tired and ready to go home.
After timidly sawing a few wooden planks to size, the boy began sanding.
Tweek was in the process of making a wooden coffee table from scratch, and so far, the boy was rather proud of his work.
Despite being nervous around all the dangerous equipment and machinery, the boy was surprisingly good at wood crafting and even better at planning projects out.
Last year, Tweek had created a wooden model rocketship and he had burned in the words "I love you to the moon and back."
Naturally, this had been a gift for his boyfriend, who surprisingly didn't mock him for the corny quote.
Craig still had the rocket sitting on his desk to this day.
Pssh! And he tells me he's not sentimental.
Daydreaming about his former creation, Tweek didn't notice the bell ringing until someone tapped on his shoulder.
The boy turned sharply to see Kenny and Stan hovering beside him.
"You plan on staying overnight or what?" Kenny joked with a cocked brow.
"Ah, right. Home time." Feeling flustered, Tweek set aside his tools and gathered his bag before following the others.
"You're table is looking good," Stan commented as the three boys walked out of the school gates.
"Thanks," Tweek grinned, blushing at the compliment. "So is your CD rack."
The blond boy scanned the crowds of people outside the school, in search of his boyfriend.
Where's Craig? He's usually waiting for me outside the gates.
Distracted, Tweek didn't pay attention to where he was walking.
I bet he has detention again. Idiot.
Suddenly, the blond heard someone screech his name.
"Tweek! Look out!"

Before he knew what what was going on, Tweek felt a force slam into his side.
The world spun around him as he was flung to the ground.
A horn blared beside him and he squeezed his eyes shut in terror.
Once he regained his senses, Tweek looked up and was horrified to find he was lying in the middle of the road.
His scuffed palms and knees stung but that didn't concern him.
What was more horrifying was the bloodied body lying motionless beside him.
A frantic woman stood over the body of a boy dressed in bright orange.
Tweek's heart skipped a beat.
His shaking voice came as a hoarse squeak. "Kenny?"

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