The Wicked Don't Rest

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"Can- Can I spend the night?" Tweek asked timidly while twiddling his fingers in the back seat of the car.
"You want to stay over? Even after everything I've done today?" Craig queried.
"I love you Craig. We can put it all in the past. All I want to do is snuggle up next to you."
"Sorry Tweek," Mrs Tucker butt in, "but Craig's not having anybody over tonight, nor is he staying over at anybody else's. We need to have a little talk."
"What?" Craig protested.
"Would you just look at the pair of you? You're all beaten up!"
"Mom, I already told you it was just a stupid scuffle at school and Tweek got hurt trying to break it up," Craig huffed.
"Then tell me the name of the boy who did this, so I can call the principal and give his mother a piece of my mind," Laura demanded.
"It's no big deal. I'm not in preschool anymore, Mom. Just let it go," Craig huffed.
"No. I wont let it go," Laura protested, her tone sharp, "I wont have my boys being bullied. If you're too afraid to tell-"
Craig cut his mother off. "I'm the one who started the fight. I got jealous because I thought Kenny was flirting with Tweek and I overreacted. It's my fault, okay."
Laura gasped.
"Well, in that case, go straight to your room after dinner," she decided.
"That was the plan," Craig muttered.
"No TV, no video games and no phone," Mrs Tucker added.
"Are you serious?" Craig gaped.
Tweek looked out the car window, listening uncomfortably as the argument unfurled.
"You don't want to end up in juvy do you? Starting punch ups, ignoring my calls and then expecting me to take you home late in the middle of a snow storm! And Kenny! I thought you two were friends? He might be a bit of a rat bag but he's a good, genuine boy. What has gotten into you Craig?" His mother scowled.
"Sorry Tweek, honey. I love having you over but just not tonight," she added.
Craig rolled his navy eyes.
"Its fi-" Tweek began but was cut off.
"Its not a snow storm, I was with Tweek and I won't get sent to juvy over a petty scuffle. All the guys get into fights sometimes, especially Kenny. You're overreacting. It was no big deal," Craig argued.
"Tweek you're staying over. Don't worry about her," he insisted.
"Show your mother some respect!" Laura ordered. "You are old enough to know better, Craig. You aren't in middle school anymore. You wouldn't want to be kicked out of school when you're so close to graduating."
Craig sighed.
"Tweek, I'm sorry dear but you are not staying over tonight," his mother insisted.
"That's okay. Really Mrs Tucker, it's fine," Tweek obayed.
"How many times have I told you, Tweek? Call me Laura," the woman smiled kindly.
"Or Mom," she added with a wink.
"You're so fake," Craig muttered under his breath.
"Craig your making it worse just stop," Tweek pleaded through gritted teeth. This whole ordeal was stressing him out.
What a terrible day!
"Listen to your boyfriend Craig. Cut the attitude or I'll ground you for the rest of the week," Laura snapped.
"I wish you wouldn't treat me like a child," spat her son, directing his middle finger towards her.
Laura raised her own middle finger in retaliation. Tweek could see the gesture clearly in the rear view mirror.
"Well then stop acting like one," Laura countered.

"Here we are. Goodnight sweet," Laura waved, pulling up the car. Tweek unbuckled his seatbelt.
"I'm really sorry Tweek," Craig sighed miserably.
"Its okay," Tweek assured his boyfriend with a tight hug.
"Alright, goodnight. Love you. Night Mrs- Laura," Tweek called, the car door thudding closed behind him.
The boy let out a sigh as he watched the car roll away, before turning back to his home.
Unease stirred in his stomach.
Here we go again...

"Tweek! You're home late! Is everything alright? Why didn't you call?" Mrs Tweek battered her son with questions the moment he entered through the doorway.
"I-it's okay Mom. Everything is fine," the blond boy sighed absently.
"No it's not; you're hurt! Sit down and I'll make you some coffee. What happened to you?" Mrs Tweek pestered.
"Really, it's fine. I just fell over in the snow while I was out with Craig," Tweek insisted.
It's not entirely a lie.
"Sorry I didn't call. My phone died. I'm kind of tired. I think I'll just go to my room, if that's okay?" Tweek murmered, bouncing his leg with nervous energy.
His mother frowned skeptically for a moment before shrugging.
"Oh. Alright then, hun. You get some rest. I'll bring you up a cup of hot coffee to help you sleep," his mother smiled.
"Thanks, Mom," the boy replied.
A sense of foreboding wormed in his stomach as Tweek climbed the staircase, heading toward his bedroom.
Please let me have a good night's sleep. Please!

Tweeks phone lit up with a message from Craig just as he reached his bedroom door.
"Sorry Mum's going through menopause. Shes been acting like a crazy bitch lately. So moody and snappy all the time 🙄," read the text.
"Sounds like her attitude must run in the family", Tweek giggled, typing a reply.
"Oh? Seems like my smartarse attitude has rubbed off on you then," Craig's next text read.
"Maybe a little," Tweek sent.
A few moments ticked by before Craig replied and by this time, Tweek had seated himself at his desk.
"Shit. Mom just caught me. I'd better get off my phone. Love u babe. See u tomorrow 💙."
"I love you more 💚."
Tweek set his phone down on the desk, plugged it in and took a towel and some Winter pajamas into the bathroom.
The boy showered, relishing the hot water streaming down his cold, aching body.
Tweek tried to clear his mind with thoughts of puppies, guinea pigs and everything serene.
Once dry and dressed in his pajamas, the teenager brushed his teeth and blow dried his mop of a hairdo.
With his night time routine finished, Tweek dragged his feet back to his bedroom, carrying a glass of water and a small pill in his warm hands.
He swallowed the pill, set the glass down on his table and turned on his night light.
Tweek then flicked off the ceiling light and ran, flopping down exhaustedly onto his bed.
Tweek closed his eyes instantly.
I need to get some sleep tonight, he thought, pulling the covers over himself.

It was 3am when Tweek's alarm screamed its high pitched and irritating beeping, waking Tweek from a rather restless sleep.
"Hng?" Groaned the blond haired boy, opening his eyes into tired slits.
"What the? I didn't set my alarm," he mumbled, confused.
"Stupid clock," Tweek spat, exasperatly punching the alarm into silence.
The boy rolled back over and closed his eyes again.
Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Screamed the alarm.
"What the fuck? Shut up already!" Tweek growled.
He slammed his palm down on the device again, lulling the room into silence once more.
Yet the alarm sounded again.
This time Tweek wrenched the cord out of it's socket.
I really have to buy a new alarm clock. This one has been broken for ages!
Less than 5 minutes later, the wretched machine wailed again.
Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!
Wait! I unplugged it. How is this possible?
Tweek sat up, his heart beginning to race.
He leaned over the bedside table to check that he had indeed pulled the plug all the way out and he had.
"What's going on?" He whispered.
In the corner if his eye, Tweek noticed a black figure looking over him.
Startled, he turned to face the creature.
As he did the alarm stopped sounding and the figure disappeared.
Tweek whimpered and held his blankets over his head.
Not again! I can't take it! I hoped it would just leave me alone.
Trembling he gulped in the hot, stale air under his blanket cocoon.
He dared not close his eyes in fear the shadow creature would take advantage of his vulnerability.
Tweek would just have to wait out the night.
Why won't this thing stop tormenting me?

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