Have it your way

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"I really don't want to go, Craig," Tweek protested, an uncomfortable frown plastered across his face.
"Why don't you just go without me?" he suggested, shuffling his feet on the old carpet.
Craig rolled his deep blue-grey eyes and let out a small sigh of frustration.
"We've been through this, Tweek," the dark haired boy argued. "I want you to come. It's going to be fun and I know you'll just regret it if you don't go."
Tweek opened his mouth to disagree but was silenced by a disapproving look from his boyfriend.
"You're just letting your anxiety get the better of you, babe. I'll look after you and make sure you have a good time. Besides," Craig added, "It's Token's party, which means all of our friends are going to be there and I'm not going without you."

Tweek didn't meet his gaze, instead, his leaf green eyes wandered around the blue-walled bedroom.
Craig smirked at this.
Knowing that he was winning the argument, he pressed on.
"I want to celebrate Halloween with you and our friends. I guess, I want to enjoy doing these stupid things while we still can. By this time text year, we will be up to our necks in assessments and after all that bullshit, everyone will probably go off to different colleges and stuff."
Craig's face dropped as he ended his sentence.
Though he would never tell, the seemingly care-free brunet did have reservations about leaving school.
Not because he enjoyed it so much, but rather because he did not want to lose touch with his friends.
He knew that Token was going to a very expensive college in Nebraska and even Jimmy was going to some special drama school in Utah.
Tweek, on the other hand, didn't plan on going to college at all, or at least not straight away.
Craig was comforted somewhat however, as he recalled the conversation he and Clyde had had about furthering their education together, at Colorado State Collage.
Craig thought he might study astronomy there.
When he was a child, Craig had dreamed of being an astronaut. He no longer thought that was the right path for him, but the boy had never lost his fascination for space.
Though he wasn't sure he was even smart enough, Craig relished the idea of working for NASA.
Tweek had been nothing but supportive of his dreams and Craig was grateful to have him by his side.
Yet, what if Tweek was wrong?
What if he never achieved any of his goals?
At least he had a career path in mind to fall back on.
If Craig wasn't able to study astronomy, he would study mechanical engineering.

Shaking off his worries about the future, Craig quickly brightened up again and focused back on Tweek.
"I know we are going to have a great time tonight. I enjoy any time I get to spend with you. I just want us to have some fun togther with friends, before all the lame adult stuff takes the fun out of everything. But," he paused, "if youd rather spend this fine Friday night here, at my place, watching old horror movies and eating frozen pizza and icecream until the underpants gnomes show up, we can do that instead."
A grin spread across his face like butter as he mentioned the silly gnomes that Tweek had convinced him were real when they were children.
At 17 years of age Craig now knew better to believe in such ridiculous things, but he couldn't help taunting his adorably niave boyfriend with the suggestion.

Tweek crossed his arms with a huff but couldn't refrain the edges of his mouth from tugging upwards in laughter. Craig looked so pleased with himself.
The shorter boy shook his head in defeat. "Fine. Have it your way," he resigned. "I give up. Let's go to the stupid party."

Turning to grab his phone from the cluttered desk beside him, Tweek came to a realisation.
"Wait," he turned back towards Craig, who, leaning lazily against his closet, raised a questioning brow at him.
"What am I going to wear? I-I don't wanna dress up, but I don't wanna look like the odd one out either!" Tweek stammered anxiously.
Craig snorted, still wearing that smug grin.
"Don't worry, I bought us cloaks. Easy to throw on and perfect for the occasion," he stated proudly, waving a hand towards a black clump of cloth that was draped over the desk chair behind the twitching blond.
Tweek rolled his eyes but couldn't argue. "Let's get on with it then, but let me grab a coffee first."
His words were exasperated but he flashed Craig a warm smile.
Tweek couldn't help but love everything about his stubborn, dorky boyfriend.

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