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Having avoided being murdered on the streets, Tweek made his way back to the safety of his home.
After picking at a pasta bake dinner and being interrogated by his parents as to why he had come home late, Tweek now hurtled himself into bed.
The glow from his moon lamp was a welcomed comfort as the boy crawled under the cosy covers.
The soft light kept the dark-dwelling, flesh-eating monsters away.
Or so he hoped.
As if on cue, rain began to fall, lulling Tweek into sleep as it drummed against the shingled roof.
Tweek relished the soothing sound of rain.
Though thunder, on the other hand, he found frightening.
Tweek enjoyed the simpler things in life, like hot coffee, sun showers, birdsong, cupcakes, the smell of old books and of course; puppies.
Tweek liked it when things were simple.
Although in the town of South Park, simplicity was a rare blessing.
Perhaps that explained why he desired it so.
Although, it would go without saying, Tweek also liked Craig, loved him even.
Yet, Craig was far from simple.
In fact, despite longing for life's simplicites himself, Craig was a very complex person.
Being that Craig loathed to show emotion, he could be rather difficult to read.
Tweek however, wore his heart on his sleeve and could not help but to flaunt his rampant emotions.
It's funny how opposites attract and balance each other out like yin and yang.
A small, contented smile lit Tweek's face as he drifted off to sleep.

Scratch. Scratch. Skitter. Scratch.
Such sounds would be made by a very large rat.
However, as Tweek awoke from his slumber, he feared it was not a rat he was hearing but something far more sinister.
He was right.
An insidious creature lurked in the dark corners of his bedroom, hidden from sight.
The blond boy sat up in bed and tapped his phone.
Screwing his eyes against the harsh, white light, he read the time displayed on the screen; 3:00 am.
Not again. Oh, please not again.
Frightened green orbs peered into the darkness.
Scritch. Scratch. Scraaape.
That certainly wasn't nothing! That was definitely something!
Tweek squinted as if in doing so he would miraculously gain night vision.
He did not.
Tweek did not see a thing out of the ordinary.
Warily, the boy slowly lay back down.
Maybe it is a rat this time.
Skitter. Thud.
I hope it isn't diseased. Gross! What if it gives me a disease?
Scratch. Scratch. Scratch.
Stupid rat! Go find somewhere else to live.
I'd like to sleep in peace for once.
Feeling drowsy, the blond closed his eyes and focused on the sound of the still pouring rain.

As he began to drift back into unconsciousness, Tweek thought he caught a whiff of something rancid.
Please tell me a fucking rat did not just piss in my roof.
He opened his eyes to a pitch black room, feeling a mixture of both confusion and disgust.
As he did, he felt a cold touch on his arm.
Startled, the boy tried to sit up.
He failed.
I can't move!
Panic gripped him as he felt a heavy pressure weighing down on his body.
He was paralyzed.
Oh God! Am I being-?
The sickening thought subsided with the realization that he saw only the darkness of his room.
There was noone there.
Tweek's breathing became rapid as he felt a burning sensation in his chest.
What's going on? Am I having a heart attack?
Tears welled in his green eyes and he felt himself trembling.
An eerily low growl erupted from unseen lips and Tweek felt cold breath stir the fine hairs of his ear.
Goosebumps rose on his skin.
The boy desperately wanted to scream for help but it was as if all the air had been sucked from his lungs.
Tears now streamed down his cheeks.
Tweek had never felt so helpless and he was no stranger to the feeling.
As if the situation could not get any worse, a low, raspy voice then met Tweek's ears.
It sent chills down his spine.
"Let me in or die!" The voice growled.
Oh, God! I'm going to die!
Please, no!
Tweek had never known such horror.
Sweet Jesus, someone save me!

As suddenly as it had happened, Tweek felt the pressure lift off of him.
The boy gasped for air
He no longer felt the searing in his chest, nor the freezing grasp on his arm.
The second Tweek broke free from the invisible force, he fled not only the room but the house.
His home was no longer safe.
Tweek's legs gave way as he reached the house he had instinctively run to.
His slender fingers slipped from the handle and he broke down in hysterics.
The blubbering, rain drenched boy huddled miserably on the door step, hyperventilating and trembling uncontrollably.
"Craig?" Tweek wailed desperately.
"Craig, please. It's going to get me!"

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