Dabbling in the Dark

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"A what!? Oh, no, no, no! No way dudes! That is way too much pressure!" Tweek exclaimed.
Craig rested a comforting hand on his shoulder but the shaking boy hardly noticed.
"C'mon, it'll be fun," Clyde encouraged.
Kenny raised a brow. "Sounds interesting. I'm up for it."
Wendy frowned. "I'm out. That is beyond ridiculous and completely made up" she declared, her eyelids drooping in exhaustion.
"In fact," she decided, pulling off her cat ears, "I think it's about time I headed home. C'mon Stan, Bebe. I'll drive you home."
"Naaah. I want to stay," the sickly drunk Stan protested.
After some bickering between the two, Kyle offered to drive both Stan and Bebe home to save Wendy the trouble.
"Thanks Kyle, look after these two for me and thanks for the party, Token," Wendy smiled, leaving the room.
"Don't mention it," both boys replied in unison.
"Drive safe, Wen-Wendsy," Stan called after her.

"Alright, so are we up for a Halloween scare? Or are you all a bunch of chickens?" Clyde asked aloud.
"I'm d-d-down, like a c-clown, Ch-Charlie Brown," stuttered Jimmy.
He paused for a moment before adding; "Though if what they say is true, this c-could be d-d-dangerous."
"Count me in," Cartman uttered, "I'm no chicken."
"I don't know fella's, I'm not feeling so good," Butters moaned.
"Don't be a pussy, Butters. You're not going anywhere," Cartman declared.
Butters sighed in defeat.
"I wanna play!" Bebe beamed.
"A couple more drinks and I won't say no," Craig agreed with a shrug of his shoulders.
"What? Seriously?" Tweek gasped, incredulous.
"It will be fine, Tweek," Craig assured, "Its just a stupid party game.
Token shook his head.
"So Clyde, this is why you wanted us to wear robes," he realised. "This is so stupid and I know I'm going to regret it but whatever. I'm not going to be left out at my own party. "

Tweek groaned as he squeezed Craig's right hand tightly in his trembling left and grasped for Kenny's with his right.
He had been suckered into joining the seance.
Cartman had called him a chicken for wanting to back out, complete with clucking noises.
Craig had defended Tweek, telling Cartman that he didn't have the grounds to be calling anyone chicken after backing down on his dare.
Despite his boyfriend's support, Tweek didn't feel comfortable being singled out.
Therefore, he begrudingly joined the others.
By now it was late, 2:30am, and the party had quietned down.
Most people had left the premises.
The ones who remained were either asleep on couches or had their heads slumped over a toilet bowl.
This was aside from Nelly and Red who were playing table tennis outside.
Tweek and his friends sat around a dining table in the living room, hands joined, the spirit board placed in the centre.
Flickering candles lit the otherwise dark room.
The boys wearing cloaks looked ominous in the gloom.
Tweek looked around the circle.
To his left; Nichole's hands were linked with Token and Bebe's. Bebe's other hand held Clyde's and Clyde also held Craig's.
To his right; Kenny held Butter's hand. Butters was holding Stan's. Stan grasped Cartman's, who, in turn held Kyle's hand. Kyle held Jimmy's and Jimmy clutched Token's.
It seemed like such a large group but what did Tweek know about seances?

"Everyone close your eyes," Nichole began in a calming, steady voice, after she had read the instructions on the inside of the box.
"Thank you all for joining in this seance. Tonight, we are opening a doorway to the spirit world and inviting in any spirits who wish to communicate with us."
Tweek squeezed his eyes shut, trying to block out the disturbing thoughts plaguing his mind.
"Open your eyes everyone. Now, without breaking the circle, let us each put one hand on the pointer," Nichole continued.
The group followed her commands.
"Are there any spirits with us?" She asked aloud.
Cartman snickered. "Weak."
"Quiet!" Bebe snapped in a hushed shout.
Tweek tapped his foot on the floorboards, nervously.
He noticed a few others looking around the room, as if waiting for something to happen.

"Keep going Nic," Bebe coaxed.
Nichole cleared her throat.
"If there are any spirits here with us tonight, we ask you to please make your presence known."
Cartman opened his mouth to say something when Butter's voice cut through the air.
"Look!" The wide-eyed blond directed his sky blue gaze towards a candle, on the table, in front of him.
It's flame flickered wildly, sending shadows dancing across the room.
"Holy shit, dude," Stan muttered quietly.
Tweek noticed the other candles remained relatively still and a pulse of shock sparked through him.
Gripping his companions' hands harder, he whimpered.
"Spirit, did you make that candle flicker?" Nichole pressed.
Cartman scoffed.
Slowly the wooden planchette began to slide across the board.
A gasp escaped Bebe's lips.
"Woah," Butters whispered in awe.
The triangle stopped on the 'yes' side of the board.
"This is some bullcrap," declared Cartman.
"Just shut up, Fatass!" Kyle silenced him.
After a moment's silence, Stan chipped in. "Okay spirit, how- how did you die?"
A few moments went by and, to Tweek's relief, nothing happened.
However, just as Tweek let his guard down, the planchette slid across the board and stopped on 'No.'
"No? What the fuck's that supposed to mean?" Craig queried.
Nichole frowned in confusion. "Maybe it didn't like us asking that question?" She wondered.
"Sorry spirit. Have you come to us with good intentions?" The fuzzy-haired girl asked, deciding that was an appropriate question.
Tweek held his breath, panic seizing his body as the pointer circled the board and slowly stopped on 'No', once again.
Oh Jesus, he thought, stomach dropping. This has to be a trick!
Cartman sighed. "Really guys? Butters is going to piss his pants if you keep this up."
"Nu-uh," Butters protested.
Ignoring them both, Clyde decided to challenge the proposed 'spirit.' "If you really are a ghost or whatever, then do something cool."

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