Back To Work

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Craig led Tweek away to the boys toilets.
When Tweek looked in the mirror he realised his nose was bleeding and his  right eye was red and puffy.
"Can you grab me a tissue please, Craig?" Tweek asked.
"Sure, Honey," Craig replied.
Craig handed Tweek a scrunched up wad of toilet paper and Tweek stuck it up his nose.
"I'm such an idiot'" sighed the blond.
Craig's eyebrows knitted together.
"Why would you say that?" He quizzed.
"Because there's only one rule of dodgeball; dodge. And Tweek messed that up royally in front of the entire class," a familar voice interjected themselves into the conversation.
The two boys turned to see Kenny leaning on the door frame.
Craig grunted, slightly hostile, unsure how to take the remark.
"Well, yeah. You summed it up about right actually," Tweek mumbled.
"I'm just messin'," Kenny waved a hand nonchalantly, his gaze half lidded. "I just wanted to make sure you were alright. You took quite a hit from that bitch, Wendy. Jeez, its swollen already!"
"Tweek's fine," Craig spoke flatly. "I'm looking after him."
Craig wrapped an arm lazily around his boyfriend's shoulder.
Kenny hummed.
"Wendy isn't a bitch. It was an accident. I just wasn't paying attention. Thanks for your concern, Ken, but Craig's right; I'm okay," Tweek reassured.
"Ken?" Craig echoed. "That's new."
"Uh- It is new! Slipped out I guess. Nicknames are funny like that," Tweek shrugged.
"You probably picked it up from Leo- uh- Butters. He calls me Ken too," Kenny smiled.
"Yeah, that's probably it," agreed the bleeding boy.
Craig opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by Kenny.
"Hey, I know a trick that works real well for a bloody nose."
"Oh yeah?" Tweek brightened.
"Tampons," Kenny fingergunned.
"What!?" Tweek screeched.
"You're not serious?" Craig facepalmed.
"I am serious. Shove a tampon up there and it serves its purpose. Fits all snug and soaks up all the blood. No leakage," persuaded the boy in orange.
"Oh my God," Tweek and Craig said in unison.
"Just remember to take it out in a few hours or you might die," Kenny added quickly.
"You're hopeless," Craig sighed.
"Die!?" Tweek squeaked.
Kenny chuckled.
"Toxic shock syndrome. It can be lethal to exceed the use of a tampon for more than 8 hours without changing it over," Kenny explained, seemingly reciting something.
Kenny then chuckled.
"But don't worry, I'm sure you don't have to worry about that," he added.
"This is the boys toilets, not the girls and you sure seem to know a lot about tampons, Kennifer," Craig quipped.
Tweek and Kenny both laughed. Kennifer. That's a good one!
"I read magazines," Kenny shrugged.
"You're parents must be sooo disappointed," Craig remarked with a hint of a smirk.
Kenny laughed again.
"Fuck what my parents think. Seriously, I have a younger sister. I have to know all about this stuff so I can make sure she's armed with all the knowledge and tools she needs to stay safe and healthy."
Craig rolled his eyes.
"Ah, right, the hero big brother. Tricia would murder me if I was all up in her private life."
"Well, it's not like I ask her about it but if Karen needs something; like if she wants me to pick her up some feminine products from the store, I just want her to feel comfortable to talk to me about it," Kenny explained.
Tweek and Craig nodded in understanding.
"Its nice you care so much about your sister," remarked Tweek.
"She's the sweetest, baby sister in the world," Kenny smiled. "Anyway, glad you're okay Tweekers. I'll leave you two love birds with some privacy and get back to the game." The teen winked, exiting the bathroom.
"Weird guy," Craig shrugged, "but well meaning."
Tweek giggled.
Craig looked down at Tweek fondly.
"We should take you to the nurse's office and get some ice for that shiner," he suggested, changing the subject.

Tweek seated himself next to Craig in Biology.
Mr Bowers, who was supposed to be teaching biology, had gone on a tangent about tectonic plates their impact on earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
The topic had been brought up due to a recent major earthquake in Japan.
While Craig seemed enthused with his teachings, all the talk of natural disasters and the devastation they caused sent shivers down Tweek's spine.
He hoped he would never have to expirience an high category earthquake: that would be terrifying.
He did remember that the town of South Park had once been evacuated due to a volcano erupting.
That was terrifying!
Sure, the topic was interesting on a scientific basis but Tweek did not want to hear of any more disasters.
Tweek's life was already one big disaster!
Luckily for Tweek, before he had to listen to any more on the topic, Mr Bowers finished up and instructed the class to fill out their workbooks for the remainder of the lesson.
Craig helped Tweek with some questions he didnt quite understand, while Clyde bragged about how he had received the highest score on the last biology test, which had been on insects.
Token sat quietly, filling in his own workbook, nodding and smirking in relation to Clyde's chatter without ever looking up from his work.
Eventually the bell rang for lunch.
By now, the bag of ice Tweek had been holding against his eye had melted.
"Next lesson we will be touching on Darwin's theory of evolution," explained Mr Bowers excitedly.
Then the class began to file out of the room.
Together, Tweek and his three friends walked to the cafeteria.
Tweek thew his bag of now water into the trash on the way.

Tweek's last class of the day was Art and Photography.
He pecked his boyfriend on the cheek before parting ways as Craig headed off to his IT class.
Tweek waved to Token, Clyde and Jimmy as they headed to their own classes.
During art, Tweek watched in amusement as Kenny sculpted clay penises before soon being scolded by Mrs Haywood.
Tweek himself had been sculpting a dog, although he didn't think it looked much like a dog, at least not yet.
Right now it looked more like his shadow monster.
Tweek ended up yelping and flattening the clay with a rolling pin before starting fresh.
He noticed Kenny raising a single eyebrow at him.
"What?" He demanded flatly.
Kenny scoffed, amused. "Pfft!" You okay there, Tweekers? Did your clay work do something to you?"
"Gyahh," Tweek grumbled. "Yes! I hate it and I'm starting again."
"Fair enough," Kenny nodded.
"Oh, and by the way, I spoke to Clyde about him misleading Craig and he says that he was just fooling around and didn't think Craig would take it that seriously," Tweek mentioned after a few moments of silence.
"Right. Sounds like Clyde. As dense as ever," Kenny nodded.
"Pssh," laughed Tweek.

"Its you're turn to take Stripe next week," Craig reminded Tweek as they drove towards the coffee shop.
"No!" Tweek yelled. "I-I mean, I cant. I'll be too busy with work now. My first shift back starts in less than an hour!"
"C'mon babe, I thought you loved having Stripe? At least when you look after her you aren't complaining about how I'm doing it wrong," Craig pointed out with a roll of his blue eyes.
"She will be fine. Just take care of her for a bit longer for me, okay? A-and don't forget to feed her hay. I just- I don't have the time," Tweek persisted.
"Sure Tweek, whatever you say," Craig sighed.
"I'm sorry," Tweek frowned.
"Don't worry about it. It's not an issue. You know how much I love Stripe and Trish will be thrilled for any extra time she gets to spend with her," his boyfriend half-smiled, keeping his eyes fixed on the road.
"Thanks Craig," Tweek smiled back, feeling relieved.
Good. Stripe cannot be in my house. I won't let her get hurt by that monster, demon, thing. I've seen too many horror movies to know that paranormal entities do not mix well with animals.

"Have fun at work, Honey," Craig called as Tweek stepped out of the truck.
"Yeah, fun," Tweek scoffed, with a roll of his green eyes. "See you, babe."
Tweek shut the door and carried his work bag into Tweak Bros.
He slipped behind the counter and into the store room to get changed into his work uniform.
Once he reemerged from the dingy store room, his father noticed him.
"Ah, Tweek! I was wondering when- Hey, what happened to your eye, Son?" He quizzed.
Tweek opened his mouth to explain but didn't get the chance to utter a word before his father began talking again.
"Oh, nevermind. Its probably not important. Just try not to scare off the customers, okay? And don't forget you're working the late shift tonight."
"How could I possibly forget?" Tweek muttered.
"That's my boy," encouraged Mr Tweak, either not noticing or just ignoring his son's sarcastic, unenthused tone.

"What kind of coffee shop stays open this late?" Tweek grumbled under his breath as he mopped the floors.
His parents had gone home long ago and left Tweek to manage his first shift back at work all by himself.
Luckily, since the afternoon rush, there hadn't been many customers.
The blond boy had begun to hate his job.
It was either completely chaotic or excruciatingly boring.
Tweek looked up as the little bell on the door rang.
A customer this late? I was just going to close up.
Four people wearing all black walked in.
Ah. Of course its the goths. Who else?
"Uh- Hi. Can I help you?"
"Coffee. Black enough to match our souls," Henrietta demanded in her usual deep and gloomy tone.

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