What Are Friends For?

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You're gonna owe Hen one once she solves this ghost problem of yours," Kenny commented as he snuck back into his house, Tweek following closely behind.
"Yeah," Tweek agreed. "I'll give her a lifetime of free coffee at Tweak Bros. Even if it has to come out of my own paycheck."
Kenny chuckled quietly.
Tweeks green eyes darted with uncertainty.
"You think she can get rid of it?" He added. "She seemed to think this thing was pretty serious."
Kenny nodded. "She knows what she's doing."
"You have a lot of faith in her," the jittery boy commented.
"She really knows her stuff. She's helped me out on multiple occasions," Kenny replied.
Tweek pondered for a moment.
"Does she like cupcakes?"
Kenny frowned, slightly surprised by the question.
"Uh. Cupcakes are probably way too mainstream and prissy for her," Kenny answered as he led Tweek to his bedroom.
Tweek hummed, his eyebrows furrowing in thought.
"I think she likes brownies though. I know she enjoys pot brownies," Kenny laughed.
Kenny extended a hand at the door, guesturing Tweek inside his messy room.
"You can sleep on my mattress. I'll take the couch," he offered, picking a quilt off of the floor and throwing it onto his mattress.
Tweek frowned and jerked his head with an involuntary tic.
"I'm not going to kick you out of your own bed," he protested.
Kenny smirked.
"Its no trouble," the sandy blond shrugged. "Its just for the night - or what's left of it anyway."
Tweek nodded, feeling no less guilty.
"O-okay, I guess. I-if you're sure."
Kenny's eyes softened.
"You need a good night's rest," he stated, momentarily resting a hand on Tweek's shoulder.
"As good as you can get on my shabby bed," he added, rubbing the back of his neck with a feeling of insecurity.
"Thanks for everything, Kenny," Tweek smiled, earnest despite his tired eyes.
Kenny smiled back.
"What are friends for?"

Kenny left Tweek and went to pour himself a glass of tap water.
He took the water to the old couch, took sip and placed it on the coffee table before lying down.
He was tired.
He laid his head back and sighed.
Kenny hoped that he could help his friend.
He felt guilty only having an old dirty mattress for him to sleep on, in his messy room which hadn't changed all that much from when he was in the fourth grade.
Even worse, he felt guilty having to sneak him in.
He wished he could be as hospitable as his friends and their families were to him.
Kenny placed his hands under his head and bent a knee.
He could hear a rat scuttling around in the roof but this was not unusual.
Kenny had learned to sleep through such noises and he hoped Tweek would too.
The teenager grabbed his Nokia phone from the coffee table and set an alarm for the morning.

Meanwhile, Tweek tossed and turned for a while before finally falling asleep.

It felt like only a moment had passed when he was awoken by dawn sunlight shining through a bare window.
Tweek groaned grumpily and tossed the quilt over his head.
He was exhausted, groggy and in pain from sleeping on his neck wrong.
Tweek would sleep in for as long as he could.

At 7am, Kenny softly tapped his knuckles on the bedroom door.
Tweek didn't respond, so Kenny took it upon himself to waltz on in.
After all, it was his bedroom.
"Rise and shine Tweekers! You'd better not be a nude sleeper," he called, ripping the quilt off of Tweek.
Tweek reawakened with a squeak of alarm.
"What the fuck Kenny? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" He exclaimed.
"Sheesh, sorr-eey!" Kenny laughed.
"Now, get your lazy ass up already," he added.
Tweek moaned but obliged.
He rose, his wild hair even messier than usual.
Kenny chortled at the sight.
"Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine? Not a morning person, I take it?"
Tweek rolled his eyes.
"Lay off, Kenny."
Kenny simply let out a breath of laughter.
"What will it be, poptarts or oats?" Kenny asked, changing the subject.
"Huh?" Tweek questioned.
"For breakfast. What do you want to eat? You've got two gourmet choices," Kenny replied with a grin.
"O-oh! Uh, I wasn't expecting breakfast. It's fine. I don't want to take your food."
Kenny shook his head.
"Relax. We aren't that poor. Noone else is going to go hungry just 'cause I offered you breakfast."
"T-thats not what I meant!" Tweek stammered.
"Sure it wasn't," Kenny said, rolling his eyes as he began leading Tweek towards the kitchen.
"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I'm not letting you turn it down," he continued.
Tweek narrowed his eyes.
"If that's so, then why have never seen you eat breakfast?"
Kenny paused for a moment, his face blank.
"Well you got me there," he shrugged. "But," he added matter of factly, "I can't die, so I don't count."
"Oh, w-well, b-but- You still need nutrition!" Tweek stammered, caught off guard by the comment.
Kenny scoffed.
"Quit changing the subject and pick a food already. I don't have all day."
Tweek growled with exasperation.
"Oats, I guess," he sighed.
Kenny plucked the box from the kitchen cupboard and opened it up.
It was crawling with weevils.
His face twisted in disgust.
He scrunched the bag closed and threw the whole box in the bin.
"Poptarts it is!" Kenny exclaimed.
"A little on the nose don't ya think?" He added with a cocked brow, sneaking a sly glance at Tweek.
Tweek simply blushed, embarrassed as he recalled his boyfriend's rude remark.
Kenny turned back around and continued making breakfast.

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