Tension In The Air

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Somehow, Clyde had made it back to the cafeteria before Tweek.
"Look who finally decided to join us!" his friend jeered as he arrived to take a seat at their lunch table. "You totally ditched us!"
Craig, who was picking at a few cold and shrivelled fries, looked up and locked eyes with Tweek.
"Tweek smiled, "Sorry I'm late."
"Mega late. Break is just about over!" Clyde remarked.
"I texted you. Where were you?" Craig asked, his expression neutral, his voice calm yet oddly sharp.
Or perhaps I'm just imagining it?
"I-uh- I was...studying. Yeah, in the library," Tweek lied.
Lying to Craig made Tweek feel horribly guilty but it was only a little white lie.
Craig already thinks crazy. He'd lose his shit if he thought I was conspiring with Kenny.
"Studying huh? Youve been in the library this whole time? All by yourself?" Craig pressed.
Whats with Craig? He's looking right through me!
"Yes? I wanted somewhere quite to study. I'm sorry I didn't check me phone," replied the blond, feeling slightly uneasy.
"Right. I see. What were you studying, Tweek? We could have studied together."
Why is he interrogating me?
"M-maths. I didn't bother asking because we are in different math classes and you-"
"And I'm in the dumb class," Craig finished.
Tweek frowned. "What? No. I wasn't going to say that!"
"Look, I just wanted some alone time, okay? I haven't been on top of my homework and I wanted to concentrate. I-I didn't realise it would matter to you if I spent some time alone," Tweek fumbled, beginning to feel hot with anxiety.
I hate lies!
"Oh. You wanted alone time. Right," Craig muttered in the same expressionless tone.
The coffee addicted blond rubbed his temples.
"I'm really sorry I didn't text you," he fretted apologetically.
"Are you sorry, Tweek? Really?" Craig snarled, his eyes chips of ice.
"Wha-? I-Is something the matter C-Craig?"
The boy in blue opened his mouth to speak and then closed it again.
After a heartbeat, which to Tweek, felt like a millennium, Craig spoke, his voice soft but bitter and laced with venom.
"No, Tweek. Its nothing. Everything's great."
"A-are you sure?" Whimpered the blond.
"Okay. I'm going to get to my next class early then," Tweek stated uneasily.
He desperately wanted to leave the room.
It was as if he could feel tension building in the air and it was smothering him.
Something was wrong with Craig, Tweek was sure of it, but he thought it best to leave it be for now. His boyfriend was in a hostile mood.
Tweek turned and began to walk away.
"Hey Tweek, wait!" Clyde called after him.
"How do you fancy pop-tarts?"
Tweek shook his head, perplexed. "Huh? Pop-tarts? What does that have to do with anything?"
"Its just a question," Clyde shrugged.
Why does he care so much about pop-tarts?
"Well, uh, pop-tarts are fine. I like them, I guess? Why are you asking?"
A menacing smirk lit Clyde's face and he couldn't hold back a snort of laughter.
"No reason," the boy shrugged.
Tweek gave Clyde a long, confused look before shaking his head and turning back around.
What is wrong with everybody today?
"Whatever. See you guys later."

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