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"And, what were you doing?" The girl with plantanium hair asked.

"It's none of your bussiness!" Annabeth spat.

That's my girl! Wait, did I just think that? I shook the thought out. We needed a plan to save them. And I have the perfect plan.

"Justin." I whispered. "I have a plan."

"Alright, what's the plan?" He asked.

"You sneak in there. And free the girls." I said. "While I distract them using the fountain. I'm gonna use my powers and stupidity."

"Okay." He said. "Got it."

"Okay." I said. "On my mark. Aaaand, now!"

"HEY!!!!" I yelled, and got out of the hidding spot. I raised my hands while slowly walking towards the fountain. And the kidnappers looked at me, like I was crazy. Well I prabably am, considering the fact that I forgot my sword. Ugh! Stupid Percy!

"GET HIM!!!!!" The white-haired guy yelled. And then they ran after me, while I ran for the fountain.

But, before I got to the fountain, the blonde hiker dude caught me. And I saw Justin from across the room, he was tied up, with hair. 'Great!' I thought. 'Who's gonna rescue us now?'

Then I remembered what Blackjack said. 'Just whistle if you need me, boss!' And I did my loudest whistle. And suddenly, Blackjack came inside, the cave! And the kidnappers were so shocked that the hiker dude, accidentally let go of me.

"What do you need boss?" Blackjack said.

"Not much, really. I just needed a diversion." I asked him, telepathically that is.

"Sure, boss! I'll try." Blackjack said, while nodding. Then he trotted towards us. While I ran to the fountain.

Then, when the kidnappers were done 'admiring' the pegasus. They were too late. 'Cause I already reached the fountain, and I had full power! Yes!

Then the blonde viking girl lunged towards me. But, I used the water for defence and offence. I created two large water hands, that copied my hands.

I scooped the viking and froze the water. So she was stuck. From her elbows and above she was unfrozen. I did the same to the others, and they struggled to break free.

While the kidnappers were frozen, I ran to my friends.

"Jack! Elsa! Can't you thaw this!" The straberry blonde said.

"We can't!" The plantanium blonde said. She must be Elsa.

"We didn't create the ice!" The white haired boy said. He must be Jack.

When I reached the cage, I easily opened it.

"Percy!" Annabeth said, while hugging me. I was a bit shocked at first, but then I hugged back.

"Why do you sound so shocked, Wise Girl?" I asked, using the nickname that I gave her.

"Well, bacause you rescued us." She said. Then she pulled away, and asked, "Why did you rescue me?"

"Because you're my friend, Wise Girl. Anymore wise questions?" I said. (A/N: Sounds familiar, right?)

"Ugh! You are such a Seaweed Brain!" She said, while playfully punching my shoulder.

"Um... Guys..." Justin said. "Sorry to ruin your moment, but what are we going to do with them?" Then he pointed over to the almost half frozen kidnappers.

"We'll handle them." Annabeth said. "You and Bella can wait outside. And bring Blackjack."

Then he nodded, and ran towards Bella. Before I could see what they were going to do, Annabeth took my hand and pulled me to the kidnappers.

I Think I'm in Love With My Enemy (A PERCABETH STORY) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now