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"You know, you are such a seaweed brain." She said.

"And you, Miss Chase, are such a wise girl." I said, with a smile. Then she smiled back. Then I leaned a little bit to her. And she leaned in a little, too. We were about to kiss when I heard something come from the bush.

So I stood up, got ready, to fight, and said "Who are you!? Show yourself!"

Then two figures appeared out of the bush. A girl, that has jet black hair, with a hint of blonde highlight, and grayish sea green eyes, and a boy with blondish brunette hair, with kaleidoscopic blue eyes.

Then the girl slapped the boy's shoulder, and said "See! I told you they would here. Now you ruined there really cute, and romantic moment!" obviously angry at the boy.

"Look, I'm sorry,  okay. I didn't mean to move. Blame our position." the boy said, 'Hmm... What was their position?' I thought.

"WHO ARE YOU!?!" Annabeth and I yelled at the same time.

"Woah! Come down dudes." the girl said.

"Yeah! Wise brain here is just kinda mad at me  for ruining your moment" the boy said.

"Yeah. But please don't call me wise brain, air head."

"I won't call you wise brain if you don't call me air head."


Jeez, these kids are getting in my nerves.

"Okay." I said, clearly interupting their argument. "Just tell us who you two are."

"Okay." They said in unison.

"I'm Bella Summers." The girl said "And this is my best friend-"

"Justin Rodriguez." The boy cut in.

"So what are you two doing here?" I asked.

"Well we're on a secret quest to- OW!" Justin said, who was then cut by Bella, who slapped his head.

"Chaos clearly said not to tell!" Bella yelled at her best friend.

"Well I'm sorry! But did he tell you why the other members of his army shoudn't come?!" Justin yelled back.

"Well, no. But still, I'm the commander, and your just my lieutenant." Gods. They're giving me a headache.

"GUYS!" Annabeth yelled. "Let's not lead this to another arguement. You two are like Percy and I. Always arguing about everything. Now I know what our friends feel." She muttered the last part to herself.

"Yeah, guys." I said "Annabeth is right. You two are giving me a major headache."

"And besides you're not the only one with a secret quest." Annabeth said. "We have one to."

"Really?" Bella asked.

"Yeah." I agreed. "If you want we would tell you about our secret quest. If, you tell us yours."

"Okay, but you tell us yours first." Bella said.

"Okay." I said. "Deal." Then I reached out my hand, and she shook it and said "Deal."


Hey guys! Sorry for the last cliffhanger.

Anyway I just checked on how many reads this book got and I was surprised to see that it has

6.1 K READS!!!! OH MY GODS!!!!!!! Thank you guys a million times thank you.

Now imma give ya'll virtual hugs.

*gives virtual hugs (to all readers)*

Thanks again guys. Until the next chapter.

I Think I'm in Love With My Enemy (A PERCABETH STORY) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now