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tw// mention of abuse, bruises

Dream looks around George's room until he finally finds the first aid kit. There's not much inside of it, and it's almost like George doesn't help himself when he gets hurt. Dream doesn't want to think of that, though.

The blonde takes out a pack of fabric and goes to George's freezer, filling it with some ice cubes. He finds that George doesn't have any actual ice packs, so this makeshift one will have to do. He puts that on George's eye where the bruise is and looks through the first aid kit for something else. He finds a pain relieving cream, and rubs that around George's eye, hoping it won't irritate him as long as it doesn't get inside. He does the same to the other eye, though doesn't put ice on that one.

Dream puts the first aid kit back and looks at George, who is lying down on the bed, still unconscious. He looks peaceful, but the blonde knows this is a deception.

The small ring on George's finger doesn't go unnoticed by Dream.

God, George, you're going to be the death of me.

Dream continues to replace the ice on George's head for the rest of the night, reapplying the cream as well. He does this until he eventually falls asleep halfway on the floor, head leaning on the bed next to George.



A voice startles the blonde from his sleep. Or lack thereof, seeing as he had only gotten around an hour thanks to his absence of medication.

Dream stirs awake and sees George staring down at him, sitting up in the bed. Dream is still on the ground with his head on the bed, and he immediately pulls back, falling off entirely.

"You're awake," Dream says, struggling to find the right words.

"I- yes obviously," George says. "What are you doing here? What happened last night?"

"You blacked out at the party last night and I brought you back here. Didn't realize I fell asleep," Dream says, and upon seeing George's stern expression he doesn't know what to do. "I promise I was going to leave before you woke up, I wasn't trying to do anything I swear."

"I know I know," George says, fingers grazing the ice pack. "What's this?"

"For your eye," Dream says quietly, sitting up and moving to the edge of the bed.

George's eyes widen. He places a hand on it and Dream sees him flinch ever so slightly. "Oh, uh, sorry, thank you."

"Of course," Dream says. He feels awkward and clears his throat. "What happened? Uh- to your eye?"

"Oh this?" George motions to the bruise. He chuckles. "I just fell and hit my head when I was drunk a few days ago, nothing too bad."

Dream doesn't buy it for a second. "Are you sure?"

"Positive," George smiles, though it's not genuine. Dream doesn't know if he should mention it or keep quiet. He keeps quiet.

"Are you sure it wasn't... Aidan?" Dream asks cautiously, and sees an unknown look in George's eyes.

"What? No, of course not," George says, panicking. By that response, Dream thinks that he's hit the nail on the head. "I'm fine, everything is okay. I tripped and fell, that's all."

"I don't—"

"Oh my God, you can't be here," George suddenly says, looking around as if he's hiding from something.

"What?" Dream is utterly confused at the moment. Not angry, just confused, at George's strange behavior.

"My RA is checking rooms today, you have to leave," George says.

Jealousy // dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now