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cw// some nsfw

George skips class on Monday and Tuesday.

Dream doesn't blame him, after finding out his boyfriend cheated on him, anyone would do the same.

After a few concerned texts from Dream, George reveals that he is, in fact, doing alright, and that he just wasn't in the mood to go to class. Dream sucks up his pride and visits him over the week to make sure he really is okay, something that George admires.

On Wednesday, Dream is at lunch with the whole group when Wilbur mentions that George promised he'd be there. The blonde decides to send him a quick text.

Dream: hey where r u? will said you'd be at lunch today

George: sorru im busy won't b therr

Dream: okay... are you alright?

George: yea. feelin tiredd, won't b at classs, sry

Dream: alright, need anything?

George: no

Dream is confused by George's unusual texting but ultimately doesn't say anything. He decides the brunette is definitely sleep deprived—in fact, he hadn't seen George get any sleep at all over the past few days—and is about to get up and see him when a voice startles him from his thoughts.

"Dream!" Fundy says, catching Dream right as he's about to leave.

"Yeah?" Dream says, trying to seem interested in the conversation. His thoughts keep going back to whether or not George is okay.

"You're going to Punz's party Friday right?" Fundy asks, and Dream nods.

"It's not my fucking party!" Punz argues.

"Language!" Bad interjects, everyone sending him a glare.

"Anyways," Fundy trails on, smiling. "We should definitely meet up again. I had fun last week."

"What happened last week?" Sapnap asks from beside Dream as he happened to overhear the conversation.

Right as Dream is about to say 'nothing' Fundy speaks. "We danced together. You know, the normal party stuff."

Dream receives a confused glare from his best friend, and just shrugs. Sapnap seems skeptical in his next words. "You guys danced?"

"Yeah, it was just for a little bit," Dream shrugs, not bothering to look at either of them as he continues to eat. Thoughts of George exit his mind as he decides to just sit through the rest of lunch.

Dream wasn't surprised when George didn't show up to class for the rest of the week. He learned that the Brit gave his teachers some bullshit excuse of being sick—which actually worked pretty well as he's already a teacher's pet.

Luckily, Dream hasn't seen Aidan the rest of the week either.

Of course, though, that must change at some point, it's just a matter of when.

Friday night rolls around fairly quickly, as Dream doesn't have anything to distract himself with. George hadn't showed up to class all week and he'd hardly responded to his messages. It's not that Dream is clingy... No, it's exactly that.

He ends up styling himself this time, wearing a loose, dark blue and white striped shirt with the top buttons undone. He chooses to wear his loose-fitting black jeans, chain necklace and belt, and matching dark blue and white Vans.

Sapnap whistles in a cat-calling manner and calls his roommate hot before the two of them leave. They're late again, but was anyone really expecting them to show up on time? Of course not.

Jealousy // dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now