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While walking home from McDonald's and the party, George is quite obviously still drunk, and maybe even a little high. He laughs at nearly everything, whether it be a tree or another college student—to which Dream has to apologize to the person for.

"Dreammm!" George complains, throwing himself onto Dream's side as they walk.

"What?" Dream asks, losing his patience. Maybe if he were also drunk this would be a better experience.

"Thank you for coming to the party," George says with a smile.

Dream gives him a confused glance, as he had hardly been inside for ten minutes. "Why?"

"I thought you were mad at me," George says, taking a sip of his non-alcoholic drink—the first one of the night for George, probably.

"I was," Dream says, and upon seeing George's furrowed brows, he speaks again. "But I realized that you were right."

"No, I was high, I don't control my words when I smoke," George pleads.

"Well you were right. I don't know you as well as I thought I did," Dream says, a hint of sadness in his voice that he hopes George doesn't pick up on.

"Yes you do," George says, and Dream looks at him with an obviously skeptical expression on his face. "You know my whole schedule, what I do in my free time, my favorite foods, the music I listen to, and the way I feel when I paint. I don't know what I was saying, I was obviously just trying to push you away."

Dream takes George's words with much thought. He's tempted to believe George, until he realizes that there's just something he feels like he doesn't know about the brunette. Like the way he never gets a coherent answer when asking about why George didn't smoke or drink in the past, or the confusion about Aidan and their relationship.

"I guess you're right," Dream says, deciding he'll just take that as an answer. Besides, they're already at George's dorm so it's not like the conversation will last much longer anyway.

The two of them walk up to George's dorm room, and the brunette unlocks it, standing in the doorway for a second. He offers Dream a smile. "Are we good now?"

"Yes, George, we're good," Dream says, and the brighter smile on the Brit's face makes Dream smile just as wide. "I mean, I can't get mad at you for something I'd do too."

George furrows his brows and crosses his arms. "You better not pull any of that shit with me."

"Don't worry, George, I know how to communicate," Dream says, no malicious intent behind his words.

"Listen, I'm bad at dealing with feelings," George says, and upon realizing he just indirectly admitted he has feelings—whatever they might be—for the blonde, he immediately backtracks. "I mean, I'm bad at dealing with people showing concern towards me, especially when I'm high."

"Right," Dream says skeptically, watching as the blush on George's face grows to be more red. "Well, I should probably get going now."

George looks down at his phone and his eyes widen when he notices the time is already 2:30 in the morning. "Shit, it's really late. Sorry for keeping you out."

"Don't apologize, I wouldn't have gotten any sleep anyway," Dream shrugs, trying to play it off.

"Why not?" George asks, concern in his eyes now.

"Don't worry about it, it's not a big deal," Dream says, laughing nervously.

"I don't think it's not a big deal," George says skeptically.

Jealousy // dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now