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George doesn't know why he trusts Dream so much, he just does.

In all honesty, maybe he should've questioned when Dream said he saw Aidan cheating. Maybe Dream was lying. Yet still, he chose to believe his friend as Aidan has been quite distant lately anyway. It would make sense, all the signs are there, it's just a matter of if George wants to see them.

This brings the brunette to Monday morning, on his way to Aidan's dorm room. He knows he'll be there—alone even—as he doesn't have a class at this time. It's 10 in the morning, way earlier than George is typically up at, and the brunette wonders if his boyfriend will even be awake. Who knows, maybe he'll be asleep and George can delay this even more.

He walks with determination until he's at the dorm room, knowing on Aidan's front door.

A very disheveled Aidan answers, and his eyes widen at the sight of George.

"Aidan, we need to talk," George says sternly.

"Right now?" Aidan asks, yawning.

"Yes," George replies. He starts to walk inside but Aidan moves to block the door. George looks up at him with a confused look and Aidan shuts the door most of the way. "Why can't I come in?"

Aidan sighs and looks at his boyfriend. "Jace is in there and he's asleep."

"Doesn't Jace have a class at this time?" George asks; remembering his roommate's schedule.

"He's skipping because he doesn't feel well," Aidan says, and George can tell this is a lie. He tries to look inside by extending his neck and standing on his toes, but can't see anything as Aidan blocks it.

"Let me in," George says sternly, trying to shove past Aidan's arm. To no avail, the blonde keeps him out. "I'm fucking serious Aidan!"

By now he's yelling, and George doesn't care if everyone in the building can hear him. He's pissed and wants to see what Aidan is trying to hide so badly. Eventually, he breaks through Aidan's arm and rushes in the room, stopping as he finally sees.

On Aidan's bed is a girl, topless and asleep. George then looks over to his boyfriend and sees dark hickeys all over his neck and jaw, ones George didn't plant.

"I knew it! You're a fucking cheater!" George yells, enough to wake the girl up who now scrambles to get her clothes and leaves.

"It's not what it looks like," Aidan sighs and walks over to George, taking both of his hands in his own. George immediately drops them and backs up angrily.

"That's bullshit! I saw her with my own eyes. And lemme guess, that's also the girl you were with Friday night at the party! Or was it someone else? Please, enlighten me!" George yells, and if the rest of the hallway wasn't already awake, now they are.

"Yes I had sex with her, so fucking what! That doesn't mean I like you any less," Aidan says, also growing angrier by the second.

"Oh shut up," George spits out angrily. "It's over, Aidan, I want nothing to do with you. You're a filthy fucking cheater and that's what you'll always be."

George runs out the door before Aidan even has the chance to reply, and he cries as soon as he finds himself in his own bedroom. He collapses with his back against the door and cries his feelings out.

His first thought is to call Dream, to tell him everything that happened, but he doesn't want to be a bother to him. George doesn't want to annoy Dream with his problems, so he chooses to lay in bed all day.

George lays in bed all week, skipping class, constantly thinking about what he could've done differently. Thinking about what he did wrong to make Aidan cheat. It's not fair, he thinks. It's not fair that Aidan gets to deceive him and cheat while getting no karma. It's not fair that George has to deal with the heartbreak when Aidan couldn't care less.

Jealousy // dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now