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Driving George to the airport was the most difficult thing Dream has done in his life.

It hurt to say goodbye, and the moment George separated from him was the moment Dream finally broke down, crying until he couldn't see anymore. He even had to end up calling Sapnap to try to level himself. He's sure George was the same, and that only makes his heart ache.

Days without George turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months.

Over these months, Dream hasn't spoken much to him. Apparently at rehab George isn't allowed his phone, so he's only able to contact the blonde when he gets breaks to leave the place. It's frustrating, but Dream has tried to cherish these times on the phone.

After one especially difficult phone call—in which George explains his breakdown earlier—Dream finds himself crying in his room. He finds that he's been doing that a lot since George left. He never knows how the brunette is truly doing, as George seems to want to keep his progress to himself mostly.

"Dream?" Sapnap whispers as he walks into the room.

Dream quickly wipes his tears in an effort to hide the fact that he's been crying like a baby. "Yeah?" His voice comes out cracked and small.

"Everything alright?" His best friend asks, seating himself on the bed next to Dream.

Dream nods, but Sapnap's unamused look causes him to cave. "I miss him."

"I know you do," Sapnap says, opening his arms for a hug. Dream slowly leans himself into his friend's arms, dropping his head onto his shoulder.

"I want to see him so badly," Dream says through a sob as Sapnap rubs his back. "I miss him, I didn't think it would be so hard to be apart from him."

"I understand," Sapnap says quietly, continuing to rub the blonde's back. "He's getting better though, he'll be back soon."

"What if he doesn't come back?" Dream asks sadly. "What if he's moved on? We hardly even talk anymore, how do I know he won't just stay in England? This is all my fault for encouraging him to go."

"You did the right thing. He's getting help now, Dream, and all you can do is trust that he'll be back one day," Sapnap says calmly. "I know how much he loves you, and you know it to, so don't doubt yourself. He'll be back eventually."

"I don't know," Dream says cautiously. He finds that he's preparing for the worst.

"I do," Sapnap says, but the disbelief in his own words shows.

The two sit like that for longer, Sapnap comforting his best friend. Dream cries into his shoulder, finding that he just needs a friend right now. He doesn't know how he'll hold up as long as George is gone.

He doesn't know if he'll ever move on.


Lunch with the group has been fairly consistent. Every day besides Wednesday there's Dream, Sapnap, Alex, Skeppy, Bad, and now Fundy and his boyfriend Austin. It's a calm atmosphere, though nobody can deny the lack of two specific people that had always managed to lighten it up.

Now, nearly three months after George left for rehab, Dream sits content at the table listening to his friends talk and argue. It feels like everyone is going back to normal now, trying to make the most out of the rest of their year.

Everyone at the table is confused when they see Karl make his way over.

"Karl?" Alex speaks up first, clearly in disbelief at what he's seeing.

The brunette in question smiles slightly and approaches the table. "Hey everyone, it's been a while."

"Yeah, what the hell man? It's been months! What are you doing here?" Alex asks, not seeming angry, only curious.

Jealousy // dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now