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tw// bruises & (very) slight blood

It's been too long since Dream has last seen George.

He's not complaining, really, because he gets to avoid the heartbreak that comes with just being near the brunette. He convinces himself that seeing George is the last thing he wants to do.

Well, until he actually does see him.

He's alone, painting at his usual spot after class. He hadn't seen him in class. Maybe Dream just wasn't paying attention, but something tells him he would've noticed George.

He notices a few things. First, he's alone. Aidan isn't there and there's not a large group around him. It's a quiet Thursday, to which Dream is grateful for. Second thing he notices is the pair of clout goggles he's wearing over his eyes.

He looks like an idiot, to put it lightly.

A cute idiot.

Dream doesn't know what's gotten into him when he walks up to George and sits on the bench beside him. Perhaps he's trying to make friendly conversation, but a part of him still wants to yell at George and get all of his feelings out. He settles for a middle ground.

"You look stupid," Dream says, though there's not much of a rude tone in his voice. It's obvious he just wanted an excuse to talk to George.

"Excuse me?" George turns to face Dream, and from here the blonde sees head on just how the clout goggles look on him. He remembers them on his Minecraft character.

"Sorry, I was just wondering why you're wearing sunglasses on a Thursday afternoon," Dream chuckles lightly. "Are you cosplaying your Minecraft character or something?"

"Something like that," George looks away. The blonde can't see his eyes, but he wonders what emotion they hold. He wonders what he's thinking right now.

"Can I see them?" Dream asks, holding a hand out. He wants to know what he looks like with them on.

"No," George answers quickly, and the blonde raises an eyebrow in confusion.

"Okay, sorry," Dream laughs and puts his hands up in a fake surrender.

George shrugs, continuing to paint. The two sit in silence for a moment and Dream simply watches him. He watches the way his hands gently paint the canvas, shaking ever so slightly. "How have you been?"

"Sorry?" Dream asks, having zoned out staring at the Brit to catch what he said.

"I asked, how have you been?" George repeats himself, still not looking directly at Dream.

"How does it look like I've been doing?" Dream laughs. It's quite obvious he hasn't been taking great care of himself. He ignores the way that George looks the same.

"I'm sorry," George says quietly, almost as if he doesn't want anyone but Dream to hear it. After all, the words are meant for him.

"Save it," Dream sighs. "It's over, it happened, forget about it."

"I don't want to forget about it," George says.

"Why?" Dream scoffs.

"Because I truly did feel amazing when I was with you, and I'm sorry for hurting you," George says, regret evident in his voice. He only wishes he could see George's eyes to see if they match the tone.

"Sorry doesn't change the fact that you broke my heart and got with your ex," Dream says harshly.

"I know," George nods. It seems like he wants to say something else, but he closes his mouth. Dream sighs.

Jealousy // dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now