Leo is in Trouble!

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For some weird reason, Zeus, Hephaestus and Hecate who had sealed Ogygia off from the world, were getting splitting headaches. At the throne room, everybody except Hermes and Apollo had gathered to discuss the cause of this headache. They were checking Hephaestus TV to find out what had happened when Hermes arrived and said, "Father, I got a prayer from my son that Percy attempted suicide and the best healer of Apollo cabin is unable to heal him. They want to borrow Apollo, can they?" Before Zeus could answer, Poseidon said, "Take Apollo to heal my son immediately and come back once you escort him to Camp Half Blood. They can borrow Apollo for now can't they Zeus?" The facial expression of Poseidon told Zeus that it would be best if they let Apollo go, so he agreed.

We were checking all the locations when a sudden beep notification went off on the channel. It shifted to Ogygia and showed that Calypso and the Hephaestus spawn were escaping on a metal dragon. Then we realised the cause of the headache. We three were the ones who set up the barrier to keep Ogygia hidden and set conditions that no man can find it twice and when that rule was being broken, we were getting those damned headaches.

I spoke to Hermes in my mind, "Bring the boy trying to escape from Ogygia with Calypso here right now."


I was more than overjoyed to take off with Calypso to leave Ogygia. We were about cross the magical borders when suddenly Hermes appeared and asked us to come along with him. We were truly frightened as we thought that the Olympians were gonna wreck havoc on us, lovers, once more and by the gods, we weren't wrong.

The Lord of Theives took us to Mount Olympus and we were led to the Throne Room. We bowed to the Gods and noticed that Apollo was absent from the Council. Zeus was clearly angry and was about to say something when Hera started speaking, "Hermes, it will be better if you bring all the demigods both Roman and Greek along with the rest of the seven and Apollo here before we start the meeting. " Zeus didn't dare to say anything to contradict his dear wife. We waited our hearts thumping with great excitement.

I took Calypso's hand in mine but was surprised when she yanked mine off.


As soon as I stepped out of Ogygia, I realized how much I hate men. They were the ones who broke my heart again and again all due to a stupid curse. I silently vowed to join the Hunt of Artemis if I got the chance. Lady Artemis seemed to understand my eagerness to join the Hunt as she asked, "Will you join my Hunt, Calypso?" I bowed and replied, "I would be honored to, my Lady." Leo was shocked to say the least. The Goddess of the Hunt chanted in the ancient verse, "Εγώ, η Άρτεμις, η θεά του κυνηγιού, ορίζω την Καλυψώ, την κόρη του Τιτάνα Άτλαντα ως ένα από τα μέλη του Κυνηγιού μου. Της προσδίδω μερική αθανασία και είναι αναγκασμένη να αποφύγει την παρέα των ανδρών και να μην εμπλακεί σε ρομαντικές σχέσεις με άνδρες." A silver light shot from her hand and hit me in the chest. I felt more powerful. She handed me my weapons, bow and arrows, hunting knives and a silver tiara. "For now, you shall stay with my hunters." she snapped her fingers and I was transported to the camp of Hunters.


Calypso, the only girl who loved me, became a member of the Hunt that shunned men. I was more than heartbroken. It felt like a gaping hole in my chest was crying to be filled but alas, there was nothing to fill it with. My eyes stung with tears but I blinked them back while I awaited my punishment for saving Ca- her from Ogygia.

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