First Fight in a Foreign Land!

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An army appeared in the distance. They were huge, much like the giants and were led by one of the biggest ones who was riding a chariot drawn by fiery horses. The demigods took their fighting stances, food forgotten as their fight and flight impulses took control over their bodies. The main giant roared, "Give us the child related to the sea and we will let you have a merciful death." Now, this was confusing. They had had to explain everything to the gods they had come across till now but their opponents knew of their identity. Percy smirked, "I would like you to try if it's that easy and simple."

The other giants growled as their boss was mocked and the said boss commanded his army to attack. Everything happened in a flash, faster than the foreigners could comprehend. One moment the giants were so far away and the next in front of them. Nonetheless, the demigods fought in tandem, watching each others back. Apollo shot at the monsters who were away but anyone that dared to get closer was sliced off with a perfect finesse of his adamantine sword. The fight went on well enough and the eight were just gaining the upper hand when the boss of the giants engaged in a duel with the Sun god.

Apollo had underestimated his opponent as he suffered blow after blow. He used the body of one of the dead enemy soldiers as a shield to cover himself but the dead turned into ashes from just a mere touch of his boss on the head. Now it dawned upon the god of knowledge that they were fighting against one of the most powerful asuras (monsters) of Hindu mythology. It was Bhasmasur. A touch on the head from this asura was enough to render even the gods to ashes. Meanwhile, the others had finished the army and joined Apollo in his task. But it seemed extremely difficult to defeat him. They needed a plan immediately.

But alas, a few minutes later, almost all of them had several third degree burns with the exception of Leo, Apollo and Percy whose ones were a little less severe due to their immunity against fire. Percy and Apollo charged at the giant, giving the others a much needed break of a few moments but that was enough for them to plan. They needed to monster to touch himself on the head but the obstruction was he was wearing a crown that was serving as a head guard as well. They would have to get rid of it first.

According to the fragile, dangerous and impromptu plan, Nico and Malcolm joined Percy and Apollo who were starting to tire out as well. Their plan was simple, a bamboo copter – courtesy of Leo - was to be fit on the giant's crown and it would fly away, shocking the wearer into touching his head out of impulse. Leo would be controlling the copter with a remote and Travis, Will and Connor would find some way to fix it on the giant's crown. As planned, the three tried to sneak up on him from his unguarded blind spot but at the very moment Connor would have used Will and Travis as support to get the machine on the 12 feet high giant's crown, the giant threw Malcolm into them and caught sight of the little ones who were trying to sneak up on him.

Bhasmasur began fighting with renewed rage as he managed to land cuts on everyone and advanced towards a weaponless Percy whose Riptide had been thrown off. Travis landed closer to the son of Poseidon after he was thrown off. He had gashes on his arms and torso that were bleeding profusely but instead, he focused on trying to save the son of Poseidon. He jumped and caught a branch of the tree he had landed next to and rotated his momentum to change his direction of motion and projected himself towards the giant. But his speed wasn't enough to take him all the away and he threw the bamboo copter hoping it would attach on the crown.

Time seemed to slow down as everyone's eyes, except Percy who was unconscious, as it thankfully landed on the crown, just as he was about to close his hand around Percy's throat. Leo, who was as attentive as a watchdog, wasted no second in letting his creation work. Bhasmasur felt something lodge on his crown with a tinkle. Instinctively he reached out to remove it but unfortunately instead of touching the cold hard metal, his hand landed on his black curly tufts of hair. Shocked, he glanced up just in time to see his crown flying high up in the sky before he very anticlimactically turned into a pile of ashes, which prompted a relieved sigh from everyone, Percy having woken up just in time to be covered in a mountain of ashes.


Sorry that I took such a long time to type it down. Actually in Hindu mythology it is very difficult to find villains as the Hindus teach that nothing is completely black and white. Everyone has both good and bad qualities in them but it depends on us which quality we nurture. I did a huge research in LGBTQ+ Gods in Hindu mythology and found some. Maybe they make an appearance here soon, perhaps the next chapter itself. Believe me it's gonna be great from now. And that's it for today. 

If you wanna know more about Bhasmasur, you can comment and I will send you share some trust worthy link which tells the truth. Otherwise there do exist a lot of website bad-mouthing Hinduism. 

Please read, vote, share and comment. 

Until next time. Hope to upload soon. 

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