Entangled in a DRUG DEAL!!!!!!!!

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Days passed and Friday appeared in a jiffy after the awkward evening as I am sure Percy heard about the gang bang. But that wasn't my real concern anymore. I was worried to death as to why the three jocks had asked me to meet them today at Central Park and my gut told me that something would happen and most likely it wouldn't be pleasant at the very least.

Things have been a bit too awkward between me and Perce and I don't even dare to make eye-contact with him anymore. I am avoiding him but that is not good for my health at all as I barely had a meal – if you can consider eating a bagel or a granola bar one – in the past four days. But I have seen worse conditions.

After completing my shift at the hotel, I went to the Central Park and waited. At 8.57 p.m., my mobile screen lit up with a notification 'Come to the fountain at the park.'

After reaching the given spot, I saw a package lying on the bench near the fountain with a note on it "Head to the southern most part of the park with this package and hand this over to the man waiting there in the black Audi. He'll be giving you another package. Take that package and put it in the exact same spot from where you are picking this one up. Don't you dare to mess up this simple task or even don't think about telling this to anyone or your video......"

The threat was left hanging but I knew the consequences too well. With shaking hands, I picked up the package and went to the southern most part. I spotted the silhouette of a man and approached him.

But as I got a closer look, my legs went jelly. He looked as if he was in his late twenties and a murdering aura floated around him as he waited lazily while polishing his gun.

I gulped and awkwardly cleared my throat. He looked up at me and gave me a look of disgust – probably my lack of a toned body disgusted him. I held out the package for him to take, obviously after removing the note, he snatched it away from me. He then took out another package from his back pocket and threw it to me. I caught it by a hair breadth and in the blink of an eye, the man sped off in his Audi.

I stood there like a fool. My trance was broken by the sounds of police sirens. I was hurrying towards the bench near the fountain when suddenly I was surrounded by three big, burly policemen. They had their guns aimed on me. "What is the package in your hand?", the one officer who seemed to be the one leading them asked me. "N-n-n-nothing," I stuttered. I mentally cursed myself for stuttering as my lie wasn't convincing at all.

The leader looked at one of his subordinates who snatched the packet from my hand. The policeman smelled it while I gulped audibly.

"Search him," the leader ordered. After a minute, the other subordinate finished searching me and my bag pack and to my great disappointment, confiscated my mobile. Another look from the leader, a police van ride and fifteen minutes later, I was sitting on a bench in the police station when one of the two officers who went to the petrol station to save us from the kidnapper entered.

"What is this boy doing here, Officer Mark?", he asked the leader. He got the answer, "Caught while smuggling drugs, John. But how do you know this wimp? He doesn't seem to have any past criminal records." "Have you asked him what he was doing there?", asked John. The officer who searched me answered, "Bro, have you ever heard of boys working in drug deals telling the truth." John countered with a glint of anger lacing his tone, "When I last saw this pitiful creature, he was sporting a broken nose after a man had tried to kidnap his brother and he had saved him. He doesn't look like a boy who does drug deals. Hell, do you even have a reason to keep this boy here?" Officer Mark shrugged and ordered his other subordinate, "Peter, just interrogate this boy. If you find any answer suspicious, we will keep him locked unless someone comes to bail him out." The officer named Peter approached me and gave he a cold glare that sent a shiver down my spine.


"Apollo Benedict, sir."


"Twenty, sir."

"Stop adding the extra sir after each answer. Ok, next question, father's name?"

"Gabe Ugliano."

"Why do you and your father have different surnames?"

"He is my stepfather."

"What about your mother?"

"She died ten years ago."

"Sorry for your loss. But care to elaborate how?"

I took a deep breath, "She died in a car accident."

"Hmmm, do you go to college?"

"Pablo Picasso Arts College."


"I major in music and minor in painting."

"Do you have any other part time jobs except the one at the petrol station?"

"I do evening shifts at 'Love Lace Hotel and Restaurant' during the weekdays and at weekends I give painting tuitions at 'New Talents Painting School' in the mornings and afternoons."

"Why were you at the Central Park today and why did you have a packet of cocaine in your hands when we caught you?"

"Three students at my college blackmailed me," I knew it was futile to lie to the police but kept half of the truth a secret.

"Very well," Peter said. He led to a cell and locked me up. Thankfully I was all alone in it.

He said to Officer Mark, "Sir, the last answer seems suspicious. He must have done something wrong and that was the reason for blackmailing. I guess we should keep him locked up here unless someone from his home comes to bail him out."

I sat down on the rough hard floor. I was glad that the cell wasn't in a rundown condition and seemed good enough. I took out my water bottle and a half-eaten granola bar that I had saved from my lunch. After finishing my dinner, I lied down on the floor using my bag pack as a makeshift pillow. It wasn't comfortable as the bed at home but what else could I do? Four days' worth of hunger and exhaustion made my eyes heavy with sleep. The police officers went on with their conversation but that became a background noise as I entered the realm of Morpheus.


My dear readers, I need to clear some things before proceeding further. The four pillars of Destruction still hate homosexuals but they asked Apollo to a gangbang in front of his brothers only to break the bond between them. It was a plan to turn the brothers (lovers only from Apollo's view as his love is one-sided) against each other. But don't worry, our heroes will thrive at the end. I was busy watching BL dramas on YouTube and with my studies, tuition and all the stuff. This chapter was written spontaneously. So, please ignore the poor language. The idea for this chapter suddenly erupted on my mind. Sorry for the long wait and thanks for being patient enough to wait.

Special thanks to @tolitsa and @rickistrolllll for adding 'The Fate of Apollo' to their reading lists. 

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Until next time. Hope to upload soon. 

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