Being Turned to a MORTAL!!!

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My eyes closed and everything became dark till I opened them once more to find Hermes hovering over my face as if I was a ghost. I sat up and looked. I was still in the infirmary of Camp Half Blood. Hermes said, "What's this Apollo? I took you here to save Percy and you yourself are fainted and lying in a bed while your patient is wide awake." I looked over to Percy's bed only to find in empty. I got tensed and asked, "Where's---" I was interrupted by Poseidon flashing inside the infirmary. The Lord of the Seas said, "Hermes, hurry to be amphitheater. Zeus is asking for you." Hermes flashed away. I looked up at my uncle and said, "What did I miss?"

Poseidon shrugged and started hi narration, "You fainted. Then, Percy started murmuring Annabitch's name more loudly and started thrashing around in bed. After much efforts, we managed to wake him up. As soon as he woke up, he broke down. He cried but refused to tell us his side of the story. Just then, Zeus mind linked me to take you and Percy to Olympus. I refused point blank as you were unconscious and Percy was in no condition to go to there. So, it was decided to have a meeting in the amphitheater of Camp Half Blood. The meeting has been called. I informed Chiron of Zeus' words and he asked the campers to arrange the amphitheater for the meeting. It has just been set up and the Gods are starting to arrive. Unexpectedly, Drama Queen aka Zeus was the first to reach with Hera in tow. Then came Hephaestus with Leo and the others followed. Hermes came to see you instead of going to the meeting first. So, I came to check up of you. That's it." I asked him, "Where is Percy now?" "Oh! I forgot to mention that after he got the news of Leo's arrival, he rushed to meet his friend with Will and Nico. Now you better come to the amphitheater with us as Zeus isn't in a good mood and I don't want you to fall prey to his anger. After all you are in love with my favorite demigod son and maybe you have a chance to fix him up after that Athena's spawn broke his heart to a million pieces," Said Uncle P with a smirk. I felt my cheeks heat up and tried to hurriedly get off the bed but as soon as I set foot on the floor, I realised that I had no strength to stand straight by myself. I would have fallen face first, had it not been for uncle Don. He wrapped his hand around my shoulders to support me and flashed us to the amphitheater.

The first thing that caught my eyes after reaching the amphitheater was Percy. He was smiling while talking to Leo, Will and Nico. I couldn't help the smile which made way to my face. I knew if I can see him happy every day, I wouldn't mind living in Tartarus forever. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Poseidon yelled 'Apollo!' through our mind link. I looked over to see Zeus glaring at me. I uncomfortably shifted on my feet when Hera ordered Hermes, "Bring the members of Camp Jupiter here now." Hermes flashed out and everyone waited in an uncomfortable silence. The Gods were sitting in a U just like that on the Olympian Council except I and Poseidon who were standing near the demigods, who were in front of the Gods. Hermes flashed in with the members of New Rome, everyone from legacies, demigods, fauns, auras and everyone else. They bowed to the Gods and Zeus said, "Greeks and Romans, today we are here to investigate the case of Perseus Jackson's suicide attempt, Leo and Calypso's escape from Ogygia and last but not the least, the role of Apollo in this war with Gaea and the punishment he is to be bestowed with." He spared me a glare before continuing, "So let's begin. Perseus, mind telling u why you attempted suicide?" Percy shifted uncomfortably ad stared at the ground. He was unwilling to tell his reasons. But Zeus being as adamant as he is said to Hera, "Wife dearest please show us his memories." Poseidon glared at Zeus which the latter ignored. Hera smirked before snapping her fingers. A screen appeared while Percy drifted off to a slumber. He would have fallen if Nico hadn't caught him in time. The screen showed Percy leaving the dining hall after Annabeth broke up with him. He straight went to his cabin. He closed the door and slid down supporting his back with the door sobbing, "Annie, how could you do that to me? Did you not know that it was necessary at that moment? The whole camp would have been in danger if I didn't break my promise but it wasn't like I swore on the Styx. But still! Why Wise Girl, why?" He drifted off to sleep sitting that fetal position. My heart wrenched seeing my soul mate in so much pain. I would never let that Annabitch off the hook for doing this to MY PERCY!!!! The screen disappeared and Hera said, "So, the suicide was due to his break up with Athena's daughter but what was the reason for it?" None of the campers spoke anything. Again, with his little amount of patience, my father got frustrated and called Iris to show him what happened.

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