An Awkward Evening!

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I had a gut feeling that something would go wrong since lunch. I ignored it and continued with my classes.

As soon as my classes ended, I slung my bag pack over my shoulder and walked out. I reached the 'Love Lace Hotel and Restaurant' just five minutes before the time my shift actually starts. I changed immediately and got to work.

I was serving my fourth customer of the day when my phone started to ring. I excused myself to the staff toilet and took it out. A glance at the mobile screen told me that Smelly Gabe was calling me. I knew, I knew, damn it, I knew that something would go wrong. I knew it. Tears pricked at my eyes, but I blinked them back. I received the call. As soon as I held it to my ear, Smelly Gabe’s voice thundered, “Faggot, you better reach home within half an hour with beer for us. Or else…”, he left the threat hanging but there was a sound of someone being slapped followed by a yelp. I recognized the voice to be Nico's. I begged, “I’ll reach home just now. Please don’t hurt my brothers. Please don’t. please. I will do whatever you want. Please don’t hurt my brothers.” 

The call disconnected with a beep. I ran my hand through my hair. I looked at the mirror and composed my demeanour. I couldn't let the pillars of Destruction hurt my brothers. I needed to go home but my shift wasn’t over yet.

I decided to call my boss. The phone rang for five times when his secretary took the call. "Sir, may I get an early leave today? I have some emergency at home.", I asked. The reply floated through the speakers, " You may leave but you'll get a pay cut" and the call disconnected.

I changed my clothes once more and walked out. I went to the liquor shop and got 4 beers after showing my ID. The man at the counter seemed amused but didn't ask anything. I was walking home when I passed by the small grocery shop. After a mental conversation, I went in and bought some bagels and granola bars for my brothers. We always run low on food supplies. I am a poor college student who can't provide enough for his family.

I stuffed the food in my bag and walked home.

It took at lot of my effort to open the door. I didn't know how my brothers were doing. All I knew was that they were in a bad condition. The door opened to show me Nico and Leo huddled in a corner. Percy was in front of them. Gabe was standing with a leather belt in his hand. He raised the belt to land another hit on Percy but stopped when I shouted, "Stop it. Take your liquor. Leave my brothers alone." I threw the beer bottles at Blake who caught them and ran to Percy. He had a bruise forming on his left jaw and blood was seeping from a wound on his arm.

I helped the three up and sent Nico and Leo to our room, as soon as possible. Percy was about to enter when someone tugged at my collar and strangled me from behind. I heard a thud and the hold loosened.

I turned behind to see Percy tackling Jonathan to the ground. Stephen kicked him off his friend. I did what I could, I laid on top of him. Then, what do you think happened? Of course, they kicked and kicked and kicked us till their legs pained. I shielded Perce as much as I could. My back was already sore from all that sex and beatings and now I think I won't be able to stand straight tomorrow.

Suddenly I heard a door opening. Blake and Gabe dragged Nico and Leo out of the room while Jonathan pulled me away from Percy. They were shivering in fear.

Stephen smirked, "You want to save your brothers? OK. Let's give you a chance. Fag, do what you do the best." "What do you want me to do?", I asked in a shaky voice.

"Please us tonight. Up for a gang bang?," Stephen said with a smirk, leaning dangerously close. I froze, I opened my mouth to reply back but closed it again as no sound came out. Before I could reply, Gabe swung the belt and it hit Leo square in the face. He fell to the ground and Nico kneeled behind him.

I looked at Percy in the eyes and gave him a directing look. He got my signal and helped Leo up into the room. I and Nico followed them inside. I told Nico, "Clean their wounds. There are some bagels and granola bars in my bag. Eat them after showering and sleep tight." I whispered to Percy, "I am so sorry. Just let me satisfy them tonight. Then, I'll do whatever it takes to make it up to you." He gave me a look that only radiated sorrow.

I knew thing would never be the same between me and Percy from now on. But I can bear anything g if it meant my brothers were safe and sound. "Come out fast, fag," the shout of Blake interrupted my thinking.

I sighed and stepped out of the room only to be tortured again.

( Please imagine a gang bang scene of your own. I am uninterested to write them. They are just so gross and I don't want my story to get a very matured rating. )


Ok, this was a dumbass chapter. Sorry. I'm very very and very sorry. If you want me to change it, please inform. Sorry for the late update.

EDIT: I changed it as it was too awkward. This one is better than the previous one.

Please read, vote, share and comment.

Until next time. Hope to upload soon.

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