A Hell Hound is a Dog!!!

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The journey to the Central Park was rather silent as Malcolm fell asleep with his head resting on Travis' shoulder. Connor asked, "Bro, you sure did some progress with your beauty with brains." The whole camp except the Athena cabin, of course, knew that Travis was crushing on Malcolm Pace. His twin brother replied, "Maybe he worked late last night too. Since Annabeth has disappeared, he is overexerting himself with all those duties as the cabin counsellor." "Sure, whatever", the other brother replied. The rest of the journey was rather peaceful as the Hermes twins were surprisingly quiet and did not try to prank anyone.

We met Grover at the Central Park and started our search for dad, Percy, Leo and Nico. It's been a long time since I last saw Nico and my not-so-subtle crush on him is making me more impatient by the second.

Even after searching the whole of Manhattan, we couldn't find them. Grover's sense as a Lord of the Wild seemed to fail him. We reached the Battery Park at 10 p.m. and decided to take a break as we were tired as hell. After a short break of half an hour, we continued on our search. We had almost given up, when we heard a shriek. Grover stammered, "I sense monsters." Just then a group of hellhounds appeared. Our demigod instincts rushed in. I was basically of no help, being just a healer and an archer and the hell hounds were too close for shooting, as I hid behind a car with Grover and watched in awe as Connor, Travis and Malcolm sent the monster back to Tartarus with ease. Another hell hound appeared out of the blue and pounced on Connor but before it could do anything, the son of Hermes swung his sword in a circular motion and the vicious monster turned into dust. I checked them for any injuries and thankfully there were none.

Malcolm opened his mouth to say something but we heard footsteps approaching. It was Percy and Dad was close behind him. I was astonished to why the strongest demigod of the century was running for his life when I noticed a hell hound chasing them. With a swift swing of Travis' sword, the dog dissipated. I approached the god of music and asked, "Hi Dad, how have you been?"

The god of prophecy looked baffled at my question. He stammered, "D-d-dad? I don't have any son! I am sorry but you have got the wrong person..." Percy interrupted him and asked, "Who are you? We have never seen you before. What do you want from us? Why did that dog disappear into golden dust as that boy kicked him?"

Connor started laughing hysterically. "Did you really think that the hell hound was a dog? Your brain has been messed up a lot!!!", he said in between his laughs. Malcolm immediately took charge of the situation, "You need to follow us to the Empire State building and may we ask where are Nico and Leo?" "what do you want from Nico and Leo?", they asked in unison, their voice laced with concern. "We don't have enough time. We need to take you four as the Gods can explain the things to you.", Grover chided. Percy and dad looked at each other and they seemed to have a silent conversation. Finally dad nodded and we followed them to an apartment. "Wait here for me", said dad as he entered the house. Soon enough Nico and Leo were out. They both had swollen red lips as if they had been kissing. My suspicions were mouthed by Connor, who is known for his big mouth. "Hey Valdez, are you and Nico a thing now?", he asked. Both the accusers blushed and looked at the ground. My dad seemed a bit shocked but a smile tugged at his lips as he said, "I knew that something was going on between the two of you. I am happy for you. We need to follow these boys to the Empire State Building as for now. They have said that they will explain and I think that it is related to the odd dreams that I have been getting for a while now."

I was shocked and a tad bit hurt to know that my crush was with someone else but I was happy for him nonetheless. Leo could cheer up anyone and I believed that Nico was in good hands. We all went to the Empire State building. Grover asked the receptionist for the special card to the 600th floor and to my astonishment, he got it without having to quarrel. As if he heard my thoughts, he shrugged, "The perk of being a Lord of the Wild I guess." A ride through an irritating taste of elevator music later, we stepped into the magnificent home of the Gods, Mount Olympus.


Sorry for the short filler chapter. But please be patient, a good and dramatic explanatory chapter is on its way to you.

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Until next time. Hope to upload soon. 

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