Who am I?

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To say I was baffled would be the understatement of the century. When did the Empire State Building start having a freaking 600th floor! The mysterious boys guided us through the most lavish city that I had ever see – and no less that city seemed to float in the sky and was even not visible from below. Everything was screaming richness. We passed a palace, a fucking palace made out of gold, another of silver, another decorated with pearls starting from the size of a mustard seed to the size of my head, another one was made of all the gemstones man has even seen, full of rubies, sapphires, emeralds, etc.

It was wonders after wonders. We finally reached a room that was even bigger than the White House. If that one was screaming rich, the other had to be mediocre.

The doors opened and we entered.

The room was pretty much like a court. In the room, there were twelve thrones at the center, each decorated and styled differently. Near the edges of the room there were places for the public which was filled with mysterious creatures – some had the upper body of a man and the lower body of a goat, some had the torso of man and were horses beneath their waist, some very beautiful women – had I not been gay, I would have fallen for them. There was even a pool and a strange creature with the upper body of a cow and had tails was swimming in it.

On the thrones sat eleven men and women, each dressed up differently and had auras radiating from them. One of the thrones was empty. The man who sat on the throne at the center, cleared his throat. He was about to speak when a flying Pegasus entered and changed into a human form. It was just becoming too much for me to bear. I closed my eyes shut as I felt a headache approaching. There were flashes of different memories. In most of them, I was with women until it stopped at one.

I was at an island walking with a boy. The island was divine but the beauty of the boy made it seem fade. He had raven black hair that were at shoulder length. The wind fondled them. We came at the beach and sat down, hand in hand. He turned towards me. Tan skin that seemed smooth like butter, sea green eyes that were full of love and that was when I noticed the most shocking thing. He was just like Percy. He brought his hand and cupped my cheek. He moved his thumb over my jawline and said, "Sunshine, promise that you will love me always." I replied, "I will, Hyacinthus. My heart will always be yours." Then he leant in and captured my lips in a loving kiss.

The memory faded away and then another came. I was playing with a frisbee. Hyacinthus was playing with me. He was laughing, enjoying the game. The sound of his laugh was like music, so soft, so pure, so peaceful. It was heavenly. I threw the frisbee but a gust of wind came and it hit the boy, who was just another copy of Percy, in the head. I ran to him and took his bleeding head in my lap. I put my hand on the wound and started chanting some words. I couldn't understand what they were - it seemed like I was trying to heal him. But I failed and the boy died in my hands. I was crying my heart out and shouted like a maniac. The boy I loved, was killed by me. Days passed and I sat at the spot with the body of my dead lover in my hands. After a week, another boy came, I remembered him – he was sitting on a throne in the room just now. He said, "Apollo, let him go. You still have two chances to be with him before he enters the Isles of Blest. Brother, be sure not to waste them." I let him go and the other boy took his soul away. From the blood of my dead lover, I created the hyacinth flower.

My daze broke and I looked around the room for Percy frantically. He was kneeling beside me with Nico and Leo. He whispered, "Are you okay?" I nodded. I did not trust my voice as I was still puzzled. A little girl, who was sitting at the hearth, looked at me and gave me a look portraying, 'It'll be fine'.

Gathering my courage, I asked Percy, "Hey, what is happening?" he answered calmly, "Lord Apollo, you will remember everything and regain your powers in a short while. We have gotten our powers and memories back for there supposedly has ben another great prophecy." I stared at him like a fool. He looked the same as the boy I had seen in the daze. And now he was talking about powers, memories and all. Absent-mindedly I brought my hand to my neck and clutched the pendant that I always wore. It had an imprint of hyacinth on it. What the hell was happening? Why did I see Percy in my daze? Several questions swarmed my mind but the biggest question was 'Who am I?'

Suddenly all the men and women who were sittingon the thrones started chanting and a golden aura surrounded me. A sphere oflight appeared before me and seeped inside me when they had finished chanting thoseawkward sounding verses.

I fell to the ground and screamed in agony. The pain was unbearable. It was like I was burning inside out. All my organs felt like they were on fire. I was writing in pain when the boy I had seen in my daze approached me and pulled out a mobile from his pocket. He crouched beside me and said, "Apollo, get some sleep. You need it." The phone morphed into a staff with two snakes intertwined on it. One of the snakes said, 'Lord Apollo, do you have any rats?' The other snake chastised him, 'George let's put him to sleep. Don't ask for rats so randomly. People don't carry rats in their pockets all the time.' The previous snake grumbled and the boy touched my forehead with his staff. Before I could even scream at him to keep the snakes away from me, I was out cold, away from all the pain.


This update is dedicated to @ArielFreya8. Thanks for the motivation. The idea came randomly and I just typed away. Hope you like the chapter. I'll be back after 10th October. 

Please read, vote, share and comment.

Until next time. Hope to upload soon.  

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