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⚠dirty talk


I was listening what teacher teach at in front but i feel uncomfortable . Why ? Because Kim Namjoon , My classmate . He keep staring at me ! I don't know why . He always stare at me . He think I didn't notice . But when I look at him , he will pretend like he was focus to teacher . He a famous student because he have a handsome face and his brain . He so smart . Yea . I admit . He was my ex crush . He was so hot ! But I can't . I have boyfriend !

"Okay class . You can go back now ." Mr.Chow said . It's time to go back home ! My boyfriend is waiting in front class as usual .

"Hey baby !" I said .

"Hey beautiful ." He replied . My boyfriend is also a famous student but he not so smart . Min Yoongi . But everyone calling him Suga .

I can see Namjoon still stare at me .

"Why he look you like that ? Want me to punch him ?" Suga asked .

"Hey . It's okay ." I smiled . We walked together to home . Suga's house just in front of my house . We neighbors .


Namjoon POV

"Shit ! She have boyfriend ? Why I just know ?!" I mad at myself . Yes I like Y/N . Lee Y/N . I always horny when I saw her body .

I follow her and Suga . They was going back home . Her breasts is so big ! I can't control !

"It's okay . Relax Namjoon . You will eat her one day ." I said and try to make my friend calm down . I mean my dick .

I follow her and she arrived . Her room at downstairs . So I always look a little . I already seeing her naked .

"Aish . I need to shower !" She grumbled . She naked . Shit .

End Namjoon POV

Skip time


I just lay down at my bed after shower . Suddenly I hear someone open the main door . It's my mom .

"Hey mom ." I said .

"Hey honey ." She put some stuff that she buy at table .

"Honey . I need to outstation tomorrow . Go pack your clothes and you will sleep at my friend's house ." Mom said.

"Why ? I don't want ! You never go to outstation before . Why suddenly ?!" I pout .

"I don't know . Please honey . Just do what I said . My friend have a sons. You can play with him ." Mom look at me .

"Fine !" I grumbled .

"Since tomorrow was a school holiday , I will send you tonight ." My mom said make me stop walking to my room .

"Whatever ." I said and start packing my clothes .

After few minutes , I done .

"Done ! Mom , I'm done !" I shout .

"Okay ! Come on !" She shout back and I take my bag with me . Don't forget my phone !

I go to car and sit next to my mom .

"Where your friend's house ?" I asked .

"Not too far . In 10 minutes , we can arrived ." She replied and I nod .


Namjoon POV

I hear her mom said her mom will take her to her mom friend's house . Aish . I can't look her naked again ! I will so horny ! I just go back to my house and start thinking .

"Just . Just forget it Namjoon ." I said to myself and I didn't care . I'm so lazy to thinking !

I go to shower and wear this .

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