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Namjoon POV

"Fix it . No . I mean . Talked with her slowly . Don't ruin your relationship as husband and wife . Miso need you . Y/N need you . We noticed you really love her , Namjoon ." Mr.Kim hold my back .

"Okay . Thanks . I will try talked with her tonight ." I replied and wiped my tears . I feel lucky and embarrassed . I try to run from my own problems ! What's wrong with you , Kim Namjoon ? But they ? They here for me . Give me an advice .

Skip ~

I saw Y/N was accompany Miso eating . The others busy watching television . I go to Y/N and sit next to Miso . Miso is between me and Y/N .

"Why you eat like this ?" I wiped her mouth that really dirty eating chocolate cake .

She chuckled and Y/N smiled look at me . I smiled look at Y/N back .

"Miso . Do you want anything that you didn't tell us ?" I asked her again .

"My all friends have a siblings . Can I have it too ?" She pout .

"Damn Namjoon !" Jungkook suddenly shout .

"Yah . Can you just watching television ?" I mad make them laughed .

"You will got one day . Okay ?" I pinch her nose .

"Do you want dad ?" She asked .

I nod and she feed me a cake .

"Mom you want ?" She asked and Y/N also nod . She feed Y/N too .

"Okay come on ! It's finish ! Come wash your mouth and hand . It's so dirty !" I tickle her stomach make her laugh .

I carried her with 1 arm . Another hand was holding her plate . She wash her hand and she pulls Y/N to upstairs . Y/N just follow . I wash her plate and go upstairs too .

"Miso ? Y/N ?" I finding them .

I go to Miso's room and saw Y/N was trying to calm Miso down .

"Why ?" I asked .

"I want sleep at my friend's house !" She mad .

"No . Can't ! You want something happened again ?" I mad .

She hit me and shouting at me .

"Yah ! Don't so rude ! I'm your dad !" I hit her back . She crying .

She run to Y/N .

"What is going on ?" Suddenly I saw Suga at my back . Not just him . They all here .

I quiet .

"What happened princess ?" Jin asked Miso .

"Dad hit me !" She cry again .

"Yah why you hit her ?" Jung kook hit my back .

"She keep shouting and hit me ! If I let her do like that , once she grow up she will let it like a habits ! I'm her dad . I need to make her discipline ." I said as they nod .

"Mom ! I want sleep at my friend's house ." She asked Y/N .

"Can't . I already said it ." Y/N said .

"Uncle . Can i ?" She asked Jin that sit next to her .

"No . You can't . Don't cry again . Okay . Come . Uncle buy you ice cream ." Jin carried her and leave .

"We go buy ice cream yea ? I will try persuade her ." Jin said as I nod with a smiled .

"I'll follow !" They shout and they follow . They leave me and Y/N .

Y/N didn't look at me .

"Y/N ." I called her make her look at me .

"Come . I want to talk with you ." I said and she smiled . She followed me to our room .

"What is it ?" She asked .

"Can you explain what happened that time ?" I asked .

"When ?" She confused .

"You with Jhope ." I said make her look down .

"No . Just tell me . I will not mad ." I said and hold her hand .

"I . I was sleep . Then when I wake up . I didn't saw you . My body naked and I remembered that I have a sex with you . Then I saw Jhope come . He want to closed the door because he saw our door is open . But . He stared at me . I quickly covered my naked body . But then he come . He asked me . do you want coffee or anything ? I said I don't want anything . But then suddenly he come closer than he kiss me . I don't know why but it's really feel like you . So I kiss it back . He pulls me to his room . And that's happened . I'm sorry Namjoon ." She explained and hug me .

"It's okay . Is he fucked you ? I'm sorry because I'm asking like that . It's because I'm your husband . I need to know !" I stare at her .

She nods .

"Aish . He didn't cum ?" I asked again .

"He use condom ." She said make me asking . Where he got condoms ?

"It's okay . Thank you because you explain it to me . I love you okay ? I'm sorry because I'm to emotional ." I hug her so tight . Don't want to brake it .

"I love you too baby . So it's mean you didn't divorce me ?" She asked .

"No . Remember what I said . No matter how big your mistake , I will not leave you . Because I love you so much ." I kiss her forehead and we hugging for a long time .

"I'm sorry babe . I have a sex with other guy ." She crying at my shoulder.

"I forgive you okay ? But please . If that happens again , please . I beg you please don't continue . When I hear your moans . I feel really sad and mad . I feel like I just want to punch him . But I can't . He my best friend ." I hold her face .

"Don't leave me okay ?" She asked and I nod .

"Namjoon . Don't hit Miso like that again . When I see you hit her , it's makes me remember how my dad hit me when I child ." She said .

"What ? You never tell me . Why ?" I stare again at her .

"When I was child , my dad always beat me using his belt . When I fail a test , he will beat me . In easy way to wait , almost every week he beaten me ." She explained make me feel bad .

"Oh . I'm sorry baby . It's okay . I will not do that . To you and Miso . I just . I don't want she become like me okay ? I don't want she become someone that always rude like me when we was teen . You know baby ? You changed my life . You make me love one girl that always think herself is ugly , not confident . You make me in love with someone that called as Shin Y/N but it's changed . It's already changed to Kim Y/N . My beautiful wife ever . I love you ." I kiss her hand .

She chuckled .

"Why ?" I asked .

"You look cute when you talked like that ." She chuckled again makes me smile .

"You want give her siblings ?" I asked .

"You want ? I want of course ." She replied .

"Of course I want . But when ? I don't care ." I said and pinch her nose .

"I don't know ." She said as she stands up but i quickly grabbed her hand .

"Want it now baby girl ?" I smirked .

End Namjoon POV

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