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Namjoon POV

It's already 2.00 pm . I need to sleep ! I was accompany Y/N . She already sleep . I hold her hand and slept .

Suddenly she hit my back hardly . I shocked . I look at her .

"N-Namjoon !" She shout .

"Y-Y/N ?!" I call the nurse . The baby want to out now . The nurse take her to operating room .

I worried ! I call Mr.Kim .


Namjoon : Dad !
Mr.Kim : Namjoon . Why ?
Namjoon : Come here ! I need you guys ! She at operating room !
Mr.Kim : I'm on my way !

End Conversation

Suddenly the doc called me .

"Mr.Kim ?" He called .

"Yes ?" I asked .

"You want to accompany her ? She want you ." The doc said and I nod . I go in and hold her hand tightly .

"Y/N . Hold it okay ?" I worried . She in pain . I can see her face . But she so hard to do it .

"Mr.Kim . I think you just wait at outside . We need to use another trick ." Doc said and I nod . I leave her but she shout my name . I can't !

I go out and I saw they all there .

"Namjoon ! How was she ?" They stand up and go to me .

"I don't know ! Doc want me to leave ! Aish !" I worried .

"It's okay . She will fine ." Jin said and hold my shoulders .

It's already 15 minutes . I can't sit down ! I walked from right to left , from left to right non stop .

They all also worried .

Suddenly we hear a cry baby . I stop walking and I look at operating room .

Doc come out with a baby at his arms .

"Congratulations Mr.Kim . Baby girl for you ." He give a baby to me . I shocked . I can't believe . I take a baby .

They all go to me and stare at the baby .

"How's my wife ?" I asked .

"She fine . Don't worried . We will put her to her room back ." Doc said and smiled . He leaves .

I cry . I can't believe it . I was almost 19 and already have a baby ! My child !

"She so cute . Like you ." Suga said .

I just stare at my baby .

"Why you cry ?" Jungkook noticed I'm crying .

"Nothing . Just can't believe ." I said and they smiled looking at me . Jung kook hug me .

"Aishh . Smiled . You have child now . We will be uncles !" Tae shout and we laughed .

"What her name ?" Mr.Jung asked .

"Miso ." I said and stare at her .

"What ?" They asked .

"Miso . Kim Miso ." I look at them . They pull me to sit down .

"Beautiful name ." Mr.Kim said .

"Yea ." I smiled .

Suddenly the baby cry .

"Shhhh shhh shhh ." I try make her stop crying .

"Yah . You really good with a baby ." Jimin said .

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